Discouraging scales =(

Hi there =)

Well I'm feeling a LOT down today about my weight ... my scales have pretty much hit a dead end for over 2 months ...I eat healthy (I think) and I actually work out (surprised myself too) but they refuse to budge :cry: ... I've been measuring myself and watching the inches melt away is so much fun and that sore feeling you get after a real workout is a buzz and every sore step the next day just reminds me to keep going. But that darn scale makes me want to cry...I thought I'd wait it out before getting all emotional and discouraged but it's actually heartbreaking now ... I don't know what to do and yeah actually I think I'm getting pretty emotional :sad: any plateau advice ? I'm not ready to give up...I can't give up


  • SkinnyJoEllen
    SkinnyJoEllen Posts: 4 Member
    Plateaus happen to everyone! Part of it is that your body re-adjusts to the lifestyle you've been teaching it. But, usually when I plateau, at least part of it is that I've strayed from my plan. I'm in a small plateau right now, actually. I busted through a long plateau like yours in late October.
    Taking the time to track your diet and exercise accurately can really help you bust through these plateaus by giving you an objective look at what you're doing and not doing.
    Without knowing more about what you're already doing, it's hard to give advice as to what the next step is. Everyone seems to have a different idea about what eating healthy is, and what constitutes a real workout.
    I busted through my plateau by joining a weight loss challenge sponsored by an Advocare salesperson. I lost 10 or 12 pounds, and I won some cash. The challenge provided the motivation I needed to stick to a serious plan, and reset me for continued weight loss.