Introducing myself here.. My Story.



  • WaylonGuitar
    WaylonGuitar Posts: 10 Member
    Thanks guys!.. Still wouldn't mind a few more friends.. So if you can relate to me, feel free to send a request!
  • fishgutzy
    fishgutzy Posts: 2,807 Member
    Been there. Lots of fluctuation over my adult life. 190 in June of 1979. Down to 178 after basic training that summer. 230 in 1982. Dropped 75 pounds in 7 months on the "Karen Carpenter Diet" (minus the ipecac) . Over the next few decades of up, down, up some more, down, up even more, I doubled my 1983 weight up to 310.
    Down 62 so far. 30 since finding MFD. That is the most I have ever lost while eating well and without puking.
    You are in good company here.