Anybody drink alot and lose weight



  • A few people suggested tonic as mixture. A 12 oz bottle of tonic has around 120 calories. A 12 oz bottle of club soad has zero. Club soda is water that is carbonated. Tonic is carbonated but has a slightly bitter taste. Drink whateve you want but know that tonic is not a calori free mixer.
  • stephdeeable
    stephdeeable Posts: 1,407 Member
    Have some calorie-free recreational drugs instead.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • victoriavoodoo
    victoriavoodoo Posts: 343 Member
    pregame! I do shots at home first if i want to get crunk(after some time following mfp calorie limits it only takes me 2-3 shots haha) that way I know what I'm drinking exactly and it saves money.

    We usually all go to someone's house and pregame first and take the night bus to the bars, or whoever's driving measures theirs out and shoots it in the parking lot when we get there. The logic behind this practice is that we're all poor, and happens to fit in nicely with my calorie counting without anyone knowing I'm even counting
  • obsidianwings
    obsidianwings Posts: 1,237 Member
    I drink from fri-sun with no problems. Would probably be a bit simpler if I didn't, but still doing fine. I work my calories on a weekly basis, generally from mon-thurs I aim for around 200 under my goal, fri I break around even and saturday and sunday I go over to add up to my weekly goal.
  • TheeGeeMarie
    TheeGeeMarie Posts: 59 Member
    Train hard so you can eat enough nutritious calories and still have all kinds of wiggle room for those delightful empty calories.

    Drink vodka or tequila with water or soda water (plus lemon, lime, whatever melts your butter). Avoid beer.

    Slam an ice water every one or two drinks

    Make munchies ahead of time so you're not tempted to eat crap when you're hammered. My favorite is baked sweet potato chips. It's important not to attempt to make healthy munchies when you're already drunk, though. That's how thumbs get sliced open.

    Finish the night off with a coconut water - keeps you hydrated, prevents hangover.
  • Izzwoz
    Izzwoz Posts: 348 Member
    In my going out and drinking days, I was skinnier than I am now with less alcohol. I figured that as we always went to nightclubs and spent hours on the dance floor, the calories burnt dancing made up for the ones consumed with the alcohol ... So as long as you keep active and/or can fit the calories into your overall target, you will be fine ... Just be careful not to just drink your daily allowance, that would get you into all sorts of problems.
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 18,032 Member
    Tonic has around the same calories as any other non-diet mixer - beware! the bitterness doesn't mean it is less sweet.

    Spirits with diet mixer, or with soda and fresh lime are the best bang for your buck.
  • MeeshyBW
    MeeshyBW Posts: 382 Member
    I drink a lot- my social life is super active and I'm not a are my tricks.

    ALWAY ask for or use sugar-free or diet mixers- bring your own to parties. Be prepared
    Never Jager
    Vodka and Tequila are the least caloric for shots- do them chilled with muddled lime.
    Take your vitamins.
    If you're a beer drinker, save it for special occasions and stick to good beer, make those calories worth it.
    Stay on your feet, burn extra calories walking or dancing while drinking
    Don't drink wine
    Don't drink Mike's Hard, even the "lite" kind is crap
    Don't drink Joose, Four Loko, etc. Not worth it.
    Don't drive drunk.
    Tip your bartenders well

    Dang, this girl knows what she is talking about!

    Muddied lime is your friend. :)

    IMO you can't go wrong rocking a G&T with lime. If you must have beer, go for a Coors lite or something similar. Only about 100cals.

    WINE IS EVIL (when you are having a session!)