help Im fat!

Hey all I am looking for any motivation what so ever! I have to do the whole today is a new me thing! I am a stay at home mom to 3 kiddos with a husband that works out of town during the week so I'm looking for a support team! ppl to keep me motivated & on track! so please join me! Lift me up and tell me all your successful secrets!


  • jec710
    jec710 Posts: 5
    Welcome! Right now I am a stay at home mom who feels fat too! This site is awesome, it really helps you see where you've been going wrong as far as eating. I joined last month and have averaged about 2 pounds a week. Just know that with this site, the weight will come off slow and healthily if you do what you are supposed to be doing! Feel free to send me a message if you ever want to talk!
  • Ellie113
    Ellie113 Posts: 49
    Welcome....I am a stay at home mum of three aswell, feel free to add me, we can encourage each other along the way.
  • Debbak710
    Debbak710 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi Elska, My name is Debbie and I just joined here a couple days ago and already I've met a couple of fantastic people who are in the same boat as me. I've been on the weight loss train for a long time and one of these times (hopefully this time!) it's going to stick in my bee-bee brain that I can't just eat anything I want and not have any consequences! I should lose about 40-50 lbs, but right now I'm shooting for 10, small steps! I'd be happy to add you on my friend list and we can keep each other motivated. Yesterday I did really well until late and got a major craving that overpowered me. I have to accept that, and move on to a better day today. I had more successes yesterday than failures, so it's good. Good luck and you'll do great!
  • jwurtz
    jwurtz Posts: 12 Member
    Let me give you a different perspective and I hope that it helps. I'm a go into the office husband with a stay at home wife with 3 kids. My wife and I started a Biggest Loser competition at the gym at the middle of January and she wasn't that enthused to get started doing it. We both had our weight to lose but I did it more to support her . Well she surprised the hell out of me. She lost 17 lbs in 8 weeks and now loves to either hit the gym, walk at home or whatever. Hell one day she started to run on the treadmill next to me at the gym and I almost teared up...... Its like I have a new driven wife.

    Now your asking where I'm going with this. Well, I truly feel that if she can do it, you can do it. You just need to find small chunks of time throughout the day, be it 10 minutes, 30 minutes or whatever and just start doing something. We've had a treadmill in our basement for years and until recently it wasn't being used much. Buy a some small weights, an exercise ball or some elastic bands, or the Jillian Michael's DVD (yes she is a ***** but she is hot as hell and works your butt off) which was $10 at Walmart. Just start every day with a goal in mind and try your hardest to stay with it. One person mentioned setting small goals and I totally. Start small so you can get that satisfaction of achieving something and then continue to set bigger and bigger goals.

    Next your diet. Now I'm not a bigger person on picking any diet because i feel diets come and go as does the weight when your not exercising at the same time. I would recommend finding out what your daily allowed calories are and do your best to stay under them, but remember staying to far under them is not healthy. Eat your calories so that you have the energy to stay up with the kids and the energy to want to work out. We found that by changing the way we eat has not only helped us, but it has helped our kids to eat better and to have more energy throughout their day.

    Lastly, there are a lot of good people on this site giving great advise. I love reading about what to do to be healthy and when you find what works, stick with it.

    If my wife made the change, I'm positive that you can...

    Also remember, if you wake every morning with a smile on your face your day will go much better.......
  • 11kimberly11
    11kimberly11 Posts: 65 Member
    You are not fat. Maybe voluptuous and curvy, but not fat. You are beautiful! Maybe unhealthy and unfit maybe because you are always focused on that wonderful family of yours! But you are a strong and you can do this. Slowly making one habit change at a time and just believing in your self! Taking time for you to exercise so that you can be the best you is your right and your worth it!
  • aleefula
    aleefula Posts: 34
    hi, i am also a stay at home mum of one and a law student at night! joined a few months ago and never looked back, ive lost 20 pounds by recording what i eat and looking into peoples posts for tips on healthy eating and exercise, also found the success stories so motivating, and it is great to know that u can still indulge once in a while in moderation, feel free to add me as a friend and message me if you need advice or support :smile:
  • amy1612
    amy1612 Posts: 1,356 Member
    Good for you for taking a step towards getting fit and healthy :D. Im sure there will be plenty of support here if you need it.x
  • bjandlm
    bjandlm Posts: 75
    Hi there! I just joined this February, and this site is awesome. So far I have had much success,
    and I like the way this site makes you accountable for everything that you eat. At first, logging
    in everything is a little time consuming, but then later you can choose things that are already
    in your food list, and it goes much faster. Also this site motivates me to stay active, I love the
    treadmill and the recumbent bike, which are two things that you can have, being a stay at home
    mom. I am sure that your kids keep you pretty active already. Take things slow, and try not
    to get discouraged if you do not begin to see the results you want to achieve right away.
    But if you stay with it, I believe that this site will benefit you greatly...... have fun with it! :flowerforyou: