Vitamins ?

Can any one tell me if i can take two vitamins that have the same vitamin and it goes over the daly recomended value .. will it harm me ? I take a one a day womans and i want to start taking a hair and nail vitamin . Both vitamins have vitamin C,E, and copper so i would be exceeding my daly recomended dose.. Does any one have any imput in this ? If you do i would apreciate it greatly.


  • cafeydos
    cafeydos Posts: 4 Member
    The only one I don't know about is copper, but the other two shouldn't hurt. They do offer multivitamins for women that include biotin, though, so I don't think you really need to double up.
  • now_or_never12
    now_or_never12 Posts: 849 Member
    Extra Vit C won't hurt you as long as you aren't going crazy overboard. A lot of vitamins are lost through sweat and urine throughout the day.

    Look into various vitamins. You don't really need a separate one. Also, if you have a proper diet you don't need a multi.

    Most people who have a decent diet and take a multi vitamin go over the daily recommended intake anyways.
  • yeesabelly
    yeesabelly Posts: 19 Member
    I need multi vitamin because i am normally anemic so my doctor recomended it . I want to take the extra vitamins because my hair is looking dull lately and a girlfriend of mine recomended it .so i wanted to find out about the affects of it . Thanks for your imput guys .
  • kestrel359
    kestrel359 Posts: 342 Member
    it depends on how much over your daily allowance you're going, specifically with the copper. I would look for topical solutions to your hair and nail problems before overdoing it with the vitamins
  • Amberry123
    Amberry123 Posts: 18 Member
    You really should be able to get all of your vitamins and minerals from your food. Seriously if you eat healthy you really don't need a vitamin supplement let alone two.
    If you have been told by your doctor to supplement something get whatever you need specifically. It really does take a lot to get into a toxic level but your body doesn't really store vitamins in large quantities as it does with let say your macronutrients. So whatever your body doesn't need will be excreted, but you have to keep in mind that your kidney's filter everything and you are just giving them more work to do filtering vitamins you didn't really need to take in the first place. Also sometimes having too much of one vitamin can actually decrease the absorption of other vitamins. Having excess protein (I know it's not a vitamin) for example can make your body excrete stored calcium.
    Things like bananas, bean, lentils, salmon, nuts and dairy are excellent sources of vitamin H (biotin), omega 3, protein and zinc, which is what you are looking for for healthy nails and hair. You will also find them in greater quantity then you will probably find in a supplement and they are low calorie and good for you over all.
  • jesswait
    jesswait Posts: 218 Member
    You can go over the limit of water soluble vitamins in a day (to a certain extent) but I would not try if it they are fat soluble vitamins. *edit* found a list.

    If you are not already eating flax I would suggest that for your hair instead.