Does studying burn calories?!



  • nataliak7
    I'm assuming the 1200 you consume you got from your BMR or REE. These are the amounts you should be eating when you are comatose and tubefed. As soon as you are self sufficient and get moving you need more calories- studying counts. Your brain in an organ that can only function by using glucose (simple sugars) for energy, If you're not meeting the demands of your brain- other pathways will get neglected to feed the brain. So yes. Studying=hunger.
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
  • ynotcycle
    ynotcycle Posts: 121 Member
    Dunno about the Brain burning more calories while under load. A thought came to mind though about burn patients, I wonder if they are burning more while sedentary simply because their bodies are trying to heal damage. That must take energy to replicate all those cells etc.

    /shrugs. Curious about the Brains though.
  • AnnaVee84
    AnnaVee84 Posts: 345 Member
    I've been studying for my board exam, hours and hours sitting in the library, ugghgh. I wish it burned more cals, haha!
    And I pack snacks for the day as if I'm hiking in the woods, it's crazy. Yogurt, cheese stick, carrots and hummus, banana, applesauce, Lil sandwich, iced tea.....Eating for brain fuel and partially out of boredom, I guess. It will all be over soon, hopefully!!
  • stargazer66
    Oh I wish it did.........I would be a rail!
  • VelvetAcidVixen
    Judging by my junior year weight gain, I would have to say no. Haha.
  • alexroet
    alexroet Posts: 65 Member

    Wow, thanks! so I actually was right- it's just a pretty negligible amount.
  • Retiredmom72
    Retiredmom72 Posts: 538 Member
    I looked it up. Sitting, light office work (answering phone, stapling etc) burns

    Weight--calories burned per hour

    130 lbs.--89
    155 lbs.--106
    180 lbs.--123
    205 lbs.--140
  • onyxgirl17
    onyxgirl17 Posts: 1,721 Member
    When I study I get up on a white board and write everything I know and practice questions. I know this burns more calories than my usual routine of sitting on my butt all day. So for me I know it probably burns a couple hundred calories but I dot count it just in case I underestimate calories taken in lol...
  • onyxgirl17
    onyxgirl17 Posts: 1,721 Member
    I don't snack when I study either I don't feel the need to snack, I don't know why.
  • BurtHuttz
    BurtHuttz Posts: 3,653 Member
    I had this same question several months ago in a difficult math class - I was studying twenty or thirty hours a week for it and it felt like marathoning. My research also indicated that there's no measurable caloric difference. I like the earlier posters comments regarding feeling very tired and bored.
  • BrookeBQ
    BrookeBQ Posts: 163 Member
    I am starving when I study too! I want to know why.
  • kaypat09
    kaypat09 Posts: 130 Member
    I spent 12h today with my butt planted firmly in a chair, studying. I ate my usual 1200 cal throughout the day, but my exercise level was the same as watching tv ALL day. In fact I moved LESS than I would at a normal day at work.

    But at the end of the day I was STARVING. And yes I'd been snacking/eating small meals all along. Usually 1200cal satisfies me unless I've been exercising a lot.

    Does just using my brain more than usual actually burn significant calories?!

    I feel like that's a ridiculous question, except that it sort of makes sense to me...

    We were also put in the "hot seat" a lot, and nerves kicked in, HR went through the roof... Is that "cardio" even though no muscles were involved?!

    I didn't read through all of the responses, but I just wanted to let you know that I was talking about this with one of my friends the other day! Even though it probably doesn't "burn calories," every time I study or write a paper, I'm always more hungry. It's not even the fact that I want to eat to distract myself, it's actual hunger. Just thought you should know you weren't the only one :)
  • inside_lap
    inside_lap Posts: 738 Member
    I suspect that your hunger is due to a mixture of bordom and a desire for self-comfort. Stress has a tendency to affect our appetite but doesn't necessarily affect our calorie burn/weight. Well, actually it does but not usually to the extent that people THINK it does. For example, a person that is stressed and overeats will gain weight just like someone who is stressed and responds by not eating (losing their appitite) will lose weight.
  • inside_lap
    inside_lap Posts: 738 Member
    Oh, but yes, it burns calories. The same way that living and breathing burns calories... lol.
  • kennielod
    kennielod Posts: 9 Member
    ive heard that you do
    as your brain is a muscle and youre working it more than usual
    hence why my teacher always used to tell me to eat like carbs before an exam so then your brain would work better :D
  • jennifer_a00
    jennifer_a00 Posts: 186 Member
    I don't think it burns extra calories or anything but I know I get super hungry after studying, or on the days that I have back to back classes at school. I think you can get hungry from mental exhaustion. I know it always helps me if I eat an apple really quick between classes.
  • rosana003
    rosana003 Posts: 4 Member

    This explains why you are hungry and that in fact you do burn calories during studying sessions
  • teaddicted
    your brain uses 20% of the total daily energy. so yes