Learning to box

Recently, I have had a real urge to learn how to box. I've been watching videos online about learning some technique, bought a heavy bag, and have been looking around for gyms with boxing classes/lessons. Anyone in here box regularly? Any advice/tips? I'm thinking I may want to get into a bit of actual fights eventually, not just use it for a workout. Anyone here fight?


  • nexangelus
    nexangelus Posts: 2,080 Member
    No I just box with my trainer in the gym, but have been told I have a hefty set of fists for a gal...sparring with a partner or using a punchbag is a great workout in itself...
  • FitBeto
    FitBeto Posts: 2,121 Member
  • stewartcarden
    dont neglect your core. ( planks , situps , pressups , crunches , squats , you name it , get it done ;) )

    skip a lot.

    master technique before power and speed.

    wrap your hands before punching loads.

    skip some more.

    Drill Drill Drill Drill Drill Drill all the moves.

    Get a decent coach.

    i wouldnt try " get fit" before i joined classes either , martial arts of any sort require a special kind of fitness that you only really get by doing it. get to a class and have fun (:

    ( i do thai boxing , slightly different but similar aspects of fitness, general class would be skipping , burpees , squats , shadow boxing pressups and situps to warm up. then onto drills 1v1 , one guy with pads one with gloves then swap)
  • dorothytd
    dorothytd Posts: 1,138 Member

    LOL. Sorry. I am easily amused.

    I only box with a bag. But I love it!
  • jhall585
    I belonged to a boxing gym for a little bit. Buy a jump rope, find a good gym that focuses on the technique and science, and do some athletic drills. It's so much fun!
  • BoxingAli
    BoxingAli Posts: 117 Member
    Yes. I go to Title Boxing Club 5 times a week. we mainly punch and kick heavy bags but you can also do personal training in the ring w/a trainer. it's the best workout i have ever done and am addicted to it. it's a full body workout plus you are learning the standard techniques. i feel it is more than just exercise. it is a talent. i see you are in OH....i know there are Title Boxing in OH, you check the website and see if any are near you.
  • Gregg_SRQ
    Gregg_SRQ Posts: 2 Member
    I started attending boxing group classes a couple of years ago. There would be 30-50 people rotating around a circuit of stations. Half involved hitting various bags and the other were exercises. You would be at a station for 1-2 minutes and the bell would ring and on to the next one. Best work out you can get in my view. That led to personal training sessions with instructor to learn how to hit mitts and then led into some occasional sparring. I love it and am addicted too. I have a whole new respect for professional boxers. They are in incredible shape and work that *kitten* off. Start with group classes and go from there.
  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member
    I box at a local boxing club. I would recommend finding a club that is suited to boxing as opposed to taking a "boxing class" at a local gym. Go somewhere they have experience in actual boxing. You can youtube how to wrap your hands (takes a bit of getting used to). I wouldn't worry about getting in shape before hand either - when you get there you will realize that you will get in shape if you stick it!

    Push as hard as you can. Work on form. How hard you hit is not as important as HOW you hit. The force comes later once you have good technique.

    The club I go to has trainers that go around the class from person to person, looking at technique and posture, hand position, etc. Try to find one like that, as opposed to a trainer that stands in the middle of the room calling out drills.

    as for the exercises...

    pushups, skipping, squats, planks, crunches, stairs - these are all fundamental to the sport and you can do all those at home (or work). Work on those as well as smacking the bag around.

    I would very much recommend going to a few classes first before working on your bag at home too much, if you have poor technique, you will set that in place if you practice at home without someone guiding you and watching you.

    Practice makes permanent. :)

    Good luck... I LOVE MY BOXING!!!
  • hockeydad725
    hockeydad725 Posts: 86 Member
    If you have any local fights, try to attend and pay attention to where the fighters are training out of. If it's a small, local show, the fighters are usually pretty accessible after the event, talk to them, see if they recommend any particular gyms. You don't want a teacher, you want a trainer.

    Wrap those hands good. You can never underestimate the protection that a good handwrap will give you. Gloves are not sufficient when working on a heavy bag.

    And as a previous poster said, don't neglect your core. A good punch comes through the entire body, it's not just arms and chest.
  • OH_matt
    OH_matt Posts: 228 Member
    Yes. I go to Title Boxing Club 5 times a week. we mainly punch and kick heavy bags but you can also do personal training in the ring w/a trainer. it's the best workout i have ever done and am addicted to it. it's a full body workout plus you are learning the standard techniques. i feel it is more than just exercise. it is a talent. i see you are in OH....i know there are Title Boxing in OH, you check the website and see if any are near you.

    Thanks for the tip. I looked online, and a Title Boxing just opened up like 10 minutes away. I stopped by there last night to check out the facility and it looks pretty sweet. Gonna take the free first class this week. Looking forward to it.
  • nashbear
    nashbear Posts: 131 Member

    Thanks for the tip. I looked online, and a Title Boxing just opened up like 10 minutes away. I stopped by there last night to check out the facility and it looks pretty sweet. Gonna take the free first class this week. Looking forward to it.

    I love my Title Boxing gym. I like that you can do boxing and kickboxing. I also have a torn miniscus and the trainers all help me modify so that I can do the exercises. I leave there every workout soaked in sweat. Have fun with it.