Got H20!?

I drink a gallon+ of water a day, I literally carry an actual gallon of water around with my on a daily basis and a lot of people make comments that I'm crazy! Or they tell me how its impossible for them to drink that much water a day.

Now I don't get how they can say its IMPOSSIBLE because it's really not lol, I can get how it might be difficult.

When I first started trying to up my water intake and reach a gallon on a daily basis it was very hard. I *felt like a fish drowning in too much water thats how new it was for my body that had been so used to sugary kool-aid and pop. But the more I kept at it and the more I keep reminding myself that it was doing my body good the easier it got. questions are......

How many of you drink a gallon or a gallon+ of water a day and do/did you find it hard??


  • thesatch88
    thesatch88 Posts: 27 Member
    I drink at least 6 liters a day not counting my protein shakes or anything else i mix with water, dont find it hard at all. I never really have liked soda though, or any other sugary drink, so water has always been my go-to. my friends that dont stay fit do think i'm a little nuts though.
  • BigRich822
    I find it pretty easy, I have been doing it for a while, I am just like you, I dont think there is anywhere I go without my gallon of water with me!
  • Amanda82691
    Amanda82691 Posts: 298 Member
    I find it pretty easy, I have been doing it for a while, I am just like you, I dont think there is anywhere I go without my gallon of water with me!

    I agree, now that I have been at it for so long its easy as pie. And now I'm even used to peeing every ten mins. lol
  • BigRich822
    Thats the worst part I pee soo much, I hate it!
  • AnneC77
    AnneC77 Posts: 284
    I don't think it is fair for you to say that you do not understand how people say it is impossible just because you find it so easy. I find it really hard, just because I feel sick after about 3 litres, I cannot help that so I try to vary my water intake from water, to water with a touch of sugar free Vimto, or sugar free lemon squash, but I find it impossible to drink straight all day and the very most I manage is around 4 litres and that is hard for me. I guess what I am trying to say that everyone is different. Well done on your gallon though.
  • Lauren8239
    Lauren8239 Posts: 1,039 Member
    I get about 2-3 litres down per day. I find it gives me a very acidic stomach.
  • Amanda82691
    Amanda82691 Posts: 298 Member
    I don't think it is fair for you to say that you do not understand how people say it is impossible just because you find it so easy. I find it really hard, just because I feel sick after about 3 litres, I cannot help that so I try to vary my water intake from water, to water with a touch of sugar free Vimto, or sugar free lemon squash, but I find it impossible to drink straight all day and the very most I manage is around 4 litres and that is hard for me. I guess what I am trying to say that everyone is different. Well done on your gallon though.

    Well if you read what I said I did say it was hard for me at first and nothing is really impossible even too could drink a gallon a day it would just make too feel sick so it isn't impossible for too just difficult. And no disrespect but what's so different about flavored water that makes it easier for you or doesn't make u feel sick? Its still water? I'm fully aware everyone is different. My statement was that it isn't impossible but it can be difficult for some for many reasons.
  • AnneC77
    AnneC77 Posts: 284
    The taste is what is different. If i have too much of something that is tasteless like water, then I feel sick. That is why I change up the flavours. I think I read your post correctly, you did come across a little rude in my opinion, but that is just that my opinion, no disrespect intended.