Binge Eating

shaynercs Posts: 1
Hi! I struggle a lot with binge eating and I was wondering if anyone has tips or advice from personal experience as to how to overcome such a challenging disorder? I call it a disorder because, indeed, I was diagnosed with BED (binge eating disorder). I have struggled for 4 years and am looking forward to hearing from others who have been in a similar situation. Thank you, any help is welcome! xo


  • CassieReannan
    CassieReannan Posts: 1,479 Member
    I have had a lot of binge problems lately, especially late at night after dinners been done.
    Heres huge tip... Dont buy the stuff you binge on! If you only have healthy things in the house the worst you will do is binge on healthy things. I also drink a lot of water and take my mind off the food... eg Go for a walk, play a game, clean, study, be distracted.
  • ObtainingBalance
    ObtainingBalance Posts: 1,446 Member
    I don't consider myself to have a disorder.

    I practice disordered eating habits, I don't own the disorder.

    Anyhow, there is a binge eating support group on here. I like the December challenge. The community helps, you should join.

    As for binge eating...sometimes it takes a shift in mindset. There is usually a lot of twisted/negative thoughts tied into it.

    Find out triggers, avoid them. Find alternatives to binges.

    Best of luck~
  • nerak50
    nerak50 Posts: 17 Member
    I actually made a sign to hang in my car: You cannot eat it-if you do not buy it!--[-Just a reminder for shopping
  • I don't have any expert adivce, but knowing from experience I just think about how bad it makes me feel when I am done binging. I feel disgusted with myself and I also feel dissappointed because I now know that my goal weight will never me reached.

    Also you could try to stay away from the house or kitchen at the time you are usually prone to binging. Or maybe you could try drinking a ton of water so your stomach feels full. Workout instead of eating, that is always a great distraction. Another way you could possibly stop is if you live alone you could buy small amounts of food and no junk food at all then there won't be anything for you to binge on...try eliminating all the factors of the problem so then the problem itself can not occur.

    P.S. Don't quit cold won't get anywhere. Plan one cheat day per week or one per two peeks (whatever is more comfortable for you) it is so important to have a cheat day because if you don't this is what normally cause binging for people

    Know this was long but I hope I helped a little bit :)
  • The first step is to find the cause of it. Do you eat when you are bored, stressed, upset, etc? Do you make up for your binges by restricting or adding in an extra workout? The key is to believe in yourself. You CAN overcome it, it is definitely possible. If you binge, remember to forgive yourself, you are only human and we're not perfect. Do NOT make up for it, it can lead into a vicious cycle. If you eat when you are stressed, try finding other methods of relieving stress. Going for a nice walk, exercising, listening to music, doing your favourite hobbies, etc helps. If you eat when you are bored, prevent that from happening by occupying yourself however you wish. Remember that food does not make things better, and it usually makes you feel worse afterwards. Also, dieting doesn't mean you don't enjoy yourself. Don't deprive yourself of foods you like, that can also lead to binging. Good luck!
  • Hey I know how it feels when your dieting and you see that food commercial or your out and see a fast food joint and you just loose your mind and instantly feel you have to have it. It's all mental. I think all overweight people have that problem but you have to fight that little voice in your head with willpower. Will eating that food really benefit you in the long run and bring you closer to your fitness goals? or set you back? Are you going to benefit your health and look good in your clothes for that piece of cake or fried chicken? NO! Hell yes it taste good but honestly your gonna feel like **** afterwards! Guilty and ashamed of yourself. But if its that bad for you I would recommend taking a once a week cheat day to rid yourself of all that craziness and satisfy your need. As long as whatever you eat fits your daily calories go for it! Be strong. Idk why your trying to lose weight but find something to motivate you when you feel the urge to binge. I usually look at fitness videos on Youtube. Hard work and dedication will get you that physique that your working for. Not that one day of eating 10000 calories because you just could'nt help yourself. Hope this helped ya! Be strong!
  • Rocbola
    Rocbola Posts: 1,998 Member
    Binge eating is caused by being really hungry. The best way to avoid it is to eat a lot of high quality food before you get so hungry that you will eat anything in front of you. Try adding an extra piece of fresh fruit to each meal.
  • Odiliawine
    Odiliawine Posts: 116 Member
    Binge eating is caused by being really hungry.

    ...No, it's caused by a need to comfort yourself. In fact, most of the time it has NOTHING to do with hunger. Just find you trigger. If you can't lose the trigger (say your job or your mom) then try some grounding techniques to bring you back down. If that doesn't work, try distracting yourself. If none of those work, then do what you need to do to feel comfortable and safe. Just remember, one day at a time. This isn't a diet, it's a lifestyle change and you can't change a lifestyle over night.
  • minime2b
    minime2b Posts: 168
    Sugar free cinnamon gum with a bottle of water :drinker:
  • muchmoretolove
    muchmoretolove Posts: 244 Member
    wow some brilliant advice on here! from my personal experience, what helps me with binge eating issues is telling myself that no food is out of bounds. that way there's no issue of wanting something you can't have because you know you can have it, but it's YOUR CHOICE. you can say no. you feel in much more control.

    so, for example, when i craving hits, first i'll ask myself, is it just because i'm hungry or thirsty? if that isn't the answer, I ask myself whether I am truly craving this, if yes, then I'll have it, but only if it constitutes no more than a serving and it falls under my daily calorie intake. there is a bit of thinking involved but it gives you time to question whether you really want this.

    if you don't end up having it, you feel good, because you made an informed choice where you could have had it but you declined. if you do end having it, you feel good too because your craving has been satisfied and you don't feel deprived.

    the key is moderation, positive thinking and listening to your body. once you can get this right, your cravings also fall under control. you're human, so you will have them but you will be better-placed to decide when and how much. whatever you're eating, enjoy it!

    it helps to see food as fuel. eat often and when you're satiated, stop. if you're eating healthy, wholesome foods for the most part, there should be no guilt attached to treating yourself. you deserve those rewards and indulgences but you also deserve good health, so strive to seek a balance. if you would like any help or advice regarding this, do feel free to get in touch : )
  • Rocbola
    Rocbola Posts: 1,998 Member
    Binge eating is caused by being really hungry.

    ...No, it's caused by a need to comfort yourself.
    So you feel the need to binge eat when you are fully satiated from a healthy meal? Hunger has no role in binge eating? Ha.
  • Binge eating is caused by being really hungry.

    ...No, it's caused by a need to comfort yourself.
    So you feel the need to binge eat when you are fully satiated from a healthy meal? Hunger has no role in binge eating? Ha.

    Hunger can have a role. But not always. I have been known to eat my healthy meals all day, with plenty of calories and then to comfort my emotional side binge on anything and everything. Had nothing to do with being hungry, had to do with emotions. And that is why you eat until you're sick....and then keep on eating anyway.
  • Odiliawine
    Odiliawine Posts: 116 Member
    Binge eating is caused by being really hungry.

    ...No, it's caused by a need to comfort yourself.
    So you feel the need to binge eat when you are fully satiated from a healthy meal? Hunger has no role in binge eating? Ha.

    ...Yeah. That's difference between going crazy because your calorie deficit is too low and have a BINGE EATING DISORDER. Try reading the OP next time and don't argue with the psychologist about it. Thanks.
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