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Hey everybody! My name is Sydney, and I am really looking for someone to motivate and inspire me- and I would love to do the same! I'm quite knowledgeable about nutrition, I see a nutritionist regularly, have read books, etc.
My big goals are:
1. To feel confident in a bikini by June 2013 (lose 23lbs- 1500 or less calories per day, 6 exercises a week)
2. To lose 8lbs by January

Whoever has similar goals- feel free to friend me!


  • angelkissingdevil
    angelkissingdevil Posts: 30 Member
    Hey Hun, you are more than welcome to add me, I'm happy to motivate and support, I also plan my meals on a weekly basis and plonk them on my blog so you can take a look to see if anything on the inspires you x