HELP! Why am I so hungry all the time?

I'm trying to lose 10kg of post baby/post hypothyroidism fat.
I am sticking to 1400 cal per day & eating regularly, drinking more than 2L of water per day but I am just so so hungry; its driving me insane!
I really cant stand hunger pain at the best of times... my husband can go all day without eating & wont mention that he's even hungry but if it's 3 hours past breakfast & I havent eaten I can't concentrate, I'm irritable & pretty much crazy till I eat. Why? Am I hungrier than the average Joe or does hunger just bother me more?

I've even started using Duromine this week but it hasn't had much effect on my hunger...
I could never be a contestant on Survivor... I'd probably eat my own arm!

Advice welcome. :)


  • Sul3i
    Sul3i Posts: 553 Member
    Make sure u r getting enough protein also fiber both help keep hunger at bay. Maybe an apple til its lunch time. I make sure I eat protein with every meal. Also if u r active you may just need to increase calorie intake a little. Seems like I read somewhere hunger pains actually mean ur metabolism is working. Good luck :wink:
  • carly_am
    carly_am Posts: 145 Member
    Yes totally agree, make sure you're eating the 'right' foods that keep you fuller for longer? Have a look into low GI foods and things like that and stay away from quick fix snacks that are often high in carbs and sugar- they make you feel instantly full but it doesn't last. If all else fails find some low cal snacks and factor them into your allowance. Weight loss is no walk in the park but it certainly doesn't have to be hell on earth :)
  • moran1917
    moran1917 Posts: 1,133 Member
    if you do not open your diary it is not really possible to say. there are things that typically help.

    eat more protien
    eat more fibre
    drink more water
    eat 4-5 times a day
    hold on to your self-control- commit
    don't beat yourself up after a bad day, move on
  • keelz2010
    I can't see your diary but maybe try eating little and often. If your only eating 3 meals a day try having 6 smaller meals a day diary is open so you can see how I've laid mine out different to the original MFP style. I'm never hungry really on 1200 cals but I'm always munching and never have to wait long til I eat again. Also you could have a good filling breakfast like oatmeal to keep you satisfied for longer.
  • dancerom
    dancerom Posts: 174 Member
    How much did you eat before? For how long are you now on the 1400? Maybe it's too little. So you can either go back to what you ate before and cut down slowly (100-200cal/week) or up to somewhere in-between and eat there for a week or two. If you feel comfortable and losing weight, there you go, if you're not losing, cut down another 100-200 calls. So your body get's used to it.

    Or for me it sometimes help just to eat on those days. Not all the chocolate and chips and stuff. But enough of the healthy things, and a day later the hunger is gone and I can stick to my 1450 (+ usually 500-1000 exercise/teaching cals).

    Be kind to you and your body and don't starve yourself. Better slowly and happy!
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    Eat more. Put your weight loss goal at half a pound if you have to, this is not a sprint
    Eat your exercise calories.
    Protein will help with hunger while carbs will make you hungry.
    If you are starving all the time you won't stick with it
  • rousehouse
    rousehouse Posts: 133 Member
    I found that drinking diet soda made me hungrier. When I stopped drinking it, the change in my appetite was very surprising and encouraging. That might not be for you, but something to think about in any case.
  • penzan
    I'm on Duromine as well and you have to drink alot more than 2ltrs of water. If you're still hungry maybe you need a stronger dose. Maybe eat more and smaller portions and have a glass of water before you eat. It's definetly a slow process.
  • SeaJenni
    SeaJenni Posts: 211 Member
    If you don't get your nutritional needs met, your brain won't register that you're full. So then you eat more. There are a lot of fancy articles about this. I'm super simplifying.

    That's why obesity and malnutrition go hand in hand. Your body will always tell you are hungry when you have a nutritional deficiency, in an effort to get your nutritional needs met through eating more. Also, you can develop allergies by eating too much of any one thing. It's your body's way of forcing you to diversify your diet.

    Eating all day is not the problem. That's fine, as long as you're within your calorie range and eating a balanced diet. Try taking some vitamins or eating something you hate when you feel hungry. That thing you hate probably has some nutrient in it that your body is looking for. It sounds weird, but whenever I force myself to eat something I hate, when I can't seem to get satisfied no matter what, all my cravings subside. Also, use the nutrition reports on here to see what your diet is lacking. They are great tools. Stop when you are satisfied, not when you are full. Full is too much. I am undoing this bad habit and it is really hard to undo. I trained myself to overeat when I married an overeater and wanted to go along with whatever he was doing. Big mistake.

    Best of luck!
  • melaniepearce
    melaniepearce Posts: 4 Member
    Thank you all for being so encouraging. I have gained some useful tips & will apply them & see how I go :)
  • Lyra89
    Lyra89 Posts: 674 Member
    I hear ya hun! I lost nearly 60lbs but now that I'm maintenance I find that I feel hungry a lot of the time & its harder to ignore seeing as I don't count calories anymore, struggling to maintain my goal weight and keep going up and down a few lbs! This morning I ate a huge bowl of oatmeal cooked with soy milk with cinnamon (meant to control blood sugar) cranberries, macadamia nuts AND mince-pie filling added in which has raisins etc...two hours later and I'm already thinking about lunch! After a protein packed dinner with lots of veg last night, I ate a TON of chocolate. Its really hard.
  • MissSusieQ
    MissSusieQ Posts: 533 Member
    because you're thinking about how hungry you are! i know it sucks, but the more you think about how hungry you are, the hungrier you'll be.

    i used to be a 'it's 7pm, it's dinnertime, i'm staaaaarving' girl, but i found that when i went through a bit of a knitting phase i was regularly noticing that 10pm would have come around and dinner wouldn't have entered my mind, because i was too busy thinking about my knitting to think 'oh, it's 7pm, i must be hungry'!
  • blossomnu
    blossomnu Posts: 65 Member
    I'm similar, but I try to eat little and often. 3 hours is the very maximum I would go without eating. I think it's related to blood sugar.

    Also, I find that the more I think about food and dieting, the hungrier I get/the more I eat. So I try to stick with concrete numbers rather than thoughts of feeling hungry or whatever.
  • gjulie
    gjulie Posts: 391
    I eat every 3 hours I would starve if I didnt!
  • SeaJenni
    SeaJenni Posts: 211 Member
    because you're thinking about how hungry you are! i know it sucks, but the more you think about how hungry you are, the hungrier you'll be.

    i used to be a 'it's 7pm, it's dinnertime, i'm staaaaarving' girl, but i found that when i went through a bit of a knitting phase i was regularly noticing that 10pm would have come around and dinner wouldn't have entered my mind, because i was too busy thinking about my knitting to think 'oh, it's 7pm, i must be hungry'!

    So very true. I used to eat a full meal on my break at work. This is the busy season, so now I am lucky to get a cup of tea; and I'm not hungry at all. I'm too busy to be hungry.
  • jesz124
    jesz124 Posts: 1,004 Member
    No your not alone with the hunger thing. I get hungry very very often. I eat usually between 120-150 g protein daily, eat pretty clean but still feel like i'm literally starving if I don't eat every 3 hours of so!! It's just a case of spreading your cals across the day so you don't have to do too long without eating.

    Water also helps. Also as said above, switch to losing 0.5 lbs a week. Slow and steady means more cals daily, then it will feel less like an exercise in torture lol.

    Good luck x
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    Would help if we could see your diary but:

    Eat more vegetables! More protein! (Seriously, a 30-40g-worth of protein serving of chicken breast is HUGE in a plate. Fill the rest with veggies, you may not even feel like finishing your plate, and that's okay. Put the rest aside, and pick at it if you get hungry later on :)).

    I don't know how tall or heavy you are, but I find 1600 cals for me to be a bare minimum and I'm 5'6", 200lbs. It's still a 1lbs loss per week all things considered in my case. With exercise, I tend to eat even more. It's no use to starve yourself. If you're hungry, eat! Just make sure you pick the right thing to gnaw on. Heck, if you're worried about your self control, put aside "healthy snacks" for yourself the day before. Prepare them while on a full stomach. They'll be easy to reach for when you need them!
  • melaniepearce
    melaniepearce Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks for being so helpful, everyone! I have just made my diary public so you can see what I've eaten :)
  • cajohn
    when you get the hunger pain go and wash your theeth .You won't want to eat after a freshly washed mouth.
  • melaniepearce
    melaniepearce Posts: 4 Member
    PS I'm 74kg (163lbs) & 172cm (5f 8in)