Looking for friends

This is my first time posting on anything ever in life, so at this time I'm feeling pretty serious about losing this weight. With so many things NOT right with my life, I think it's time for me to take steps toward positive change. I know I say that now ( on day 3 of this life change) and in a couple of days or weeks my motivation lags so I am looking to find some friends on here so that we can encourage each other toward success. Anyone interested, let me know. ( did that sound too desperate? Lol):


  • sewedo1
    sewedo1 Posts: 200 Member
    You can do this....feel free to friend me.
  • kathheen
    kathheen Posts: 108 Member
    And me! I need new friends too :)
  • kdub67
    kdub67 Posts: 181 Member
    Add me! We can do it together!!
  • ChasingAmyLiz
    ChasingAmyLiz Posts: 145 Member
    Go ahead and add me, too!
    Support from friends is SO helpful!!
    It's a great feeling to know you aren't doing it alone.

  • legalporter
    legalporter Posts: 20 Member
    Strength in numbers! Feel free to friend me too!! Good luck and just have patience! You'll do great.
  • HypersonicFitNess
    HypersonicFitNess Posts: 1,219 Member
    You can DO it!!
  • We all need that motivation in life when I start to lag I look towards my students. Now is the time to lose. We can be each others motivation I am on day 10 and I lagged on saturday and sunday but you cnat dwell on that just have to keep pushing.
  • Cyndi1
    Cyndi1 Posts: 484 Member
    you can add me...
  • jimmy713
    jimmy713 Posts: 13 Member
    You can add me and you don't sound desperate..
  • ernestbecker
    ernestbecker Posts: 232 Member
    Hi, I’m trying to build a community of people that want to comment on healthy living. This would include to some degree accountability and conversations around eating better and exercising. If this is what you’re looking for, please accept my friend invite. Thank you. Ernie.

    I created a group calle healthy living in frisco, texas.
  • 89curves89
    89curves89 Posts: 26 Member
    I am also quite new to MFP but I'm already finding the support from my new MFP friends and reading the forums and succes stories really motivating and inspirational!! You can do this, we can all do it together.

    Good luck on your journey :smile:
  • rmh1262
    rmh1262 Posts: 10 Member
    I started last week. I am having bariatric surgery on the 19th of December, and I have a weigh goal to meet before surgery, and most certainly after. I am looking to connect with others who are in loosing weight and/or getting fit for any reason! Best to you all:smile:
  • NateBW
    NateBW Posts: 2 Member
    Me too! All of it. I'm loving MFP, but want some more friends and interaction to increase the motivation and accountability.

    Friend me: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/natebw
  • I can use as many friends as possible as I continue to battle hypertension. I am going to get this done. Accepting as many friends as possible.
  • Minerva624
    Minerva624 Posts: 577 Member
    Feel free to add me! I love motivating others as well as giving tips. :)