The most frustrating plateau yet!!



  • skyblu263
    skyblu263 Posts: 91 Member
    Weightlifting is your friend!!!
    Lift heavy. Forget those 2lb weights. Lift as heavy as you can while keeping good form. If 5lbs is heavy for you, start there. But, if if know you can start with 10-15lbs while keeping good form, please do it. Don't cheat yourself. By the last rep, lifting that weight should be exhausting. If it's easy all the way through, you're not lifting heavy enough :)

    Buy a kettlebell and/or a single set of dumbells and start there!

    Awesome websites to check out! All home based! And FREE!
    Kettlebell workouts:
    Crossfit dumbbell workouts:
    Bodyweight workouts:
  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member
    You are very snappy - not sure if this is your nature or just because you are 'stressed', however people on here are trying to help you. No need to be short with them.

    There are plenty of people that have busy lives, I've read about worse than yours on here. If you want to do the exercise, stop making excuses and do it. Sounds harsh, but it's the only answer. Get up half an hour earlier, go to bed half an hour later, fit in half an hour in your lunch break at work, etc etc. If you want it badly enough, you will make the effort. As for your diet, you've answered that yourself and you know what you are doing wrong.
  • Linli_Anne
    Linli_Anne Posts: 1,360 Member
    Just wanted to say hang there - everyone gets into a bit of a fog, and yes, life can be very busy. What I wouldn't give to being able to go back to being kid....ahhhhhh.

    I am not going to offer you advice, or give you a list of things that I did/do...because frankly I get frustrated more often than not with myself too and really just want someone to listen to me without saying a word.

    Hope your rant helped lift a bit of stress for you!
  • cmcollins001
    cmcollins001 Posts: 3,472 Member
    Sounds to me like you just wanted to rant. People have given suggestions and you've given excuses as to why those suggestions won't work. If you don't have 30 minutes to run or lift, then you don't have 30 minutes for P90X. Also, you won't build muscle on top of fat, you'll build muscle..which will burn fat.

    Stop eating crappy. Start exercising or at least continue to stay busy...that helps too. But stop eating crappy.

    Actually you are correct - that was the first sentence of my post. I just wanted to rant. And you're also right - I don't really have time for P90X, at least not right now. And yes, I need to stop eating crappy. I just have such crazy munchies at night - it's driving me nuts.

    For what it's worth, I was very active yesterday, AND undercut my calories by 400, and I STILL gained half-a-pound yesterday. So the "experts" who say it's all about "calorie deficit" can kiss my grits!

    Kill your grits huh? LOL!!

    Well, listen up Flo...if you weigh yourself everyday, you can expect some "gains". It's not going to be true weight gain, but if it makes you feel better, then for the sake of your're right. Eating at deficit and being active doesn't work. Quit now. No seriously, quit now, no one will blame you.

    Just let us know when you're done PMSing and ready to get back to it. A lot of us will still be here.
  • waldo56
    waldo56 Posts: 1,861 Member
    Throws the yellow flag.....

    Enough with this building muscle nonsense. If he's in a calorie deficit and trying to lose weight, there will be nothing more than trivial muscle building. It will help maintain existing muscle tissue, which would otherwise be lost dieting alone.

    Muscle is built in a calorie surplus.

    And the fat burning effects of more muscle are miniscule for the most part. Yes the effect will be fairly drastic if you put on 30-40 lbs of muscle. There will be virtually no effects from building 5-10 lbs of muscle or less. Think 3-5 cal/lb/day.

    This isn't to say he shouldn't strength train, it is absolutely necessary to preserve existing muscle mass when dieting. But that is the reason to do it, not building more muscles to burn more fat.