Bikini Bod by summer 2013

I want to lose 60 pounds by June 1st 2013. Do you think it is a realistic goal? I think I can do it!!

My goal bikini....


  • ihateroses
    ihateroses Posts: 893 Member
    What is your starting weight.

    From your profile pic it looks like losing 60lbs would put you at about 90lbs lol.
  • ashbashsweets
    ashbashsweets Posts: 61 Member
    I am 220 actually... lol
    I don't carry my weight so much in my face but my hips and thighs. I am pear shaped
  • derbyind
    derbyind Posts: 2 Member
    Absolutely! You can do it!! Add strength training to your exercise and you will be very happy! Good luck!
  • JraeL91
    That's about 27-30 weeks two lbs per week. You would have to be on a really strict diet but it's possible. :D You can dooo it!
  • sarah1334
    sarah1334 Posts: 77 Member
    that bikini is SO CUTE! mind if i use it for my motivation too?! :) i would loooove to rock that in summer 2013....
  • ashbashsweets
    ashbashsweets Posts: 61 Member
    Not at all!
  • ihateroses
    ihateroses Posts: 893 Member
    Def can do it!

    I recommend a program like Insanity or p90x to help you along.
  • piggydog
    piggydog Posts: 322
    You can definately loose the weight if you really committ and make the life style changes it requires
  • kplitvin
    kplitvin Posts: 22 Member
    Hey! We are at about the same weight right now and I have about 80 to lose! Feel free to friend me for some extra support! I could always use it as well!
  • sydneymatz
    Can I join you with that? Maybe we can add each other for support?
    I want so badly to be in a bikini in 2013! It has been to many summers that I've worn a mom-suit! I want to have the best summer I can and I know that starts with exercising, toning, and detoxing my body. We can do it!
    Thank you so much for creating this post- I'm so glad in not the only one with this dream, it makes it so much easier, not feeling alone :) get back to me on that

    CW: 143
    GW: 120
  • goingcrazy73
    goingcrazy73 Posts: 22 Member
    I am about that weight also! I would love to get support and encouragement to do this as well!
  • skvenus
    I have the same goal as well-To be in shape for bikini season 2013. I would love to join anybody in their journey to get there.
  • Emalyn
    Emalyn Posts: 60
    I want to lose 35 pounds by some point in 2013, preferably before August. :) I'm not one to wear a bikini but maybe that's because I would feel extremely self concious in one now!!

    The only problem is I don't know how far my body will let me go. I'm built really curvy, so 135 might be pushing it for me. But I'm hopeful!! I felt best at 148, so 13 pounds below that would be even better, right?

    CW: 170
    GW: 135

    Good luck to all of you, you can do it. :)
  • jolayne13
    I think a goal of a bikini body by Summer 2013 would be an awesome goal. I definitely need some support because I have fallen off of the band wagon so many times.

    CW: 152
    GW: 138
    Height: 5'10
  • jakidb
    jakidb Posts: 1,010 Member
    Very much so :)
  • ambitiousaries
    You can do it!! i am about the same weight also! i am determined to loose the weight by April.
  • GinaBeana1121
    GinaBeana1121 Posts: 49 Member
    Anyone who wants to join a support group for his: I'm part of a group of ladies called "bikini queens of 2013"

    Come join our spreadsheet!
  • worldgirl28
    I am 245 and definitely feeling like I could get my body bikini ready by 4th of July (giving myself a little extra time!)
  • jamiem1102
    jamiem1102 Posts: 1,196 Member
    I am definitely in!!! Although... my plans always get jacked up around exams or what not... BUT I am definitely on the same train. IDEALLY I would like to lose around 25 - 30 pounds by summer... realistically, I think I can manage 20. :)

    CW: 175
    GW: 145 -150

    I'm going to be friending a lot of you for extra support! Please feel free to add me as well.
  • claireables88
    claireables88 Posts: 20 Member
    That's the same as me my weight Is in my middle luckily my uniform hides it but then for going out with friends I cover myself in layers which I really shouldn't have to do but I'm so paranoid people are looking, I wanna lose around 26lbs by summer so I can go abroad and not have to cover :)