When to get rid of "big" clothes...



  • LMT2012
    LMT2012 Posts: 697 Member
    Do not worry about going back to "big" clothes. Consider it part of the weight loss to "lose" the wrong sized clothing. You will feel lighter! Collect fewer clothes in new size, but better quality. Congratulations!
  • krash999
    krash999 Posts: 476 Member
    it is just me, but i enjoy wearing some of my larger clothes just to feel great about not being that big anymore. people tell me i need to get rid of them, but i like them, and i am too cheep to buy more, especially while i can still wear the old ones. they may not look good on my, but i have never cared what people thought about how i looked.... that is one reason i got to being over 500 pounds in the first place....
  • AddieOverhaul
    AddieOverhaul Posts: 734 Member
    I have been getting rid of clothes by donating or giving to my friends as I go. As soon as they get so big that they look sloppy or fall down. I've kept a few really nice things that can be easily altered and once I'm done losing weight I will get them taken in. That's only for a couple key items though.

    I don't want to keep them because if my pants get tight and I have no bigger option to put on then it will force me to smarten up and notice that I'm gaining.

    However, I do with I had kept one pair of pants at my largest size just so i could take pictures of myself holding them out to show how much smaller I am!
  • OnyxPenguin
    OnyxPenguin Posts: 5 Member
    I've kept one pair of jeans that's one size bigger than I currently am and have donated/trashed everything larger. I consider these my "red alert jeans." If I hit a point where I need to get them out again, then I need to re-evaluate any slips in my lifestyle.
  • BakerRunnerBadass
    BakerRunnerBadass Posts: 1,359 Member
    Once I replace them with clothes that fit I have been getting rid of them. It keeps me motivated to keep going :drinker:
  • Laurayinz
    Laurayinz Posts: 922 Member
    As soon as I get around to it. I generally don't wear them once they're too big anyway, so I need to make room in the closet for new smaller things. I agree with the extra motivation thing. It's fun buying smaller things. If you keep the too-big stuff, then there's your safety new/excuse to be able to wear them again. It's hard, but you have to change your mindset to never go there again.
  • Yaya1976
    Yaya1976 Posts: 357 Member
    Get rid of them. Accept that they no longer fit. Give them to Goodwill :)
  • LaceyMorley
    If you REALLY think you will need them later, or might, then perhaps bag some of the best pieces up and ask a family member or friend to hold on to them for you. The humiliation of not only asking them to hold them, but then asking for them back when you "need" them would be enough motivation for me to never need them again.
  • starjewel16
    starjewel16 Posts: 18 Member
    I get rid of them as soon as I get new smaller clothes. But then again most of my "fat clothes" are ones that were 4 sizes too big that someone gave me and I wore because at the time I couldn't afford any clothes. Just today I am getting rid of some of them. makes me feel almost sick to see clothes that big hanging in my closet and I don't want to have any excuses.
  • NCchar130
    NCchar130 Posts: 955 Member
    I've got the bag in the car to drop by Goodwill this week. I've been replacing clothes slowly at thrift stores. I was in a tight 16 and so was able to wear some of my regular clothes for quite awhile. But I'm now basically out of all my old clothes and have found enough nice stuff at thrift stores that I needed the room in my closet! :bigsmile: I'm now in a loose 14 and have several items in a 12 that I can button but are still just a little too tight.

    I've pretty much decided now to keep things until they look so baggy as to be sloppy.

    One great thing about thrift store shopping is the huge selection in smaller sizes. The smaller I get, the easier it is to find stuff.
  • Greg3705
    Greg3705 Posts: 122 Member
    Thanks for this post. Goodwill here I come. I am NEVER going to need these big clothes again. No point of a saftey net.
  • LPCoder
    LPCoder Posts: 404 Member
    I got rid of mine right away. I am never going back! As I got out of one, I gave to a women's shelter or goodwill.
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    I still struggle with this. I did put some away recently though. I need to believe this is permanant, though I am terrified it is not.
  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    I've been donating to good will about every other size of new clothes I've bought.
  • sarahg148
    sarahg148 Posts: 701 Member
    I usually give them away or throw them out (if too tattered to give away). However, THIS time, I am going to wait to buy ANYthing until I hit goal...minus underwear. :) Then once I hit 155, I will then go through EVERY piece of clothing I own and get rid of ANYthing that doesn't fit properly. I can't WAIT until that day. It's gonna be a good day! I'm aiming towards May for that cleanout the closets day.
  • Jessicarctica
    Jessicarctica Posts: 24 Member
    if you gained weight again, your style would prob change and there would be better clothes out there. I'd keep a few clothes as REMINDERS of your hard work and success and to remind you of what you don't want to look like. but don't keep it all s a JUST IN CASE because that's bad luck and bad thinking and you'll be heading in the wrong direction if you keep thinking that way. KNOW that you won't be that big again and make sure of it. :) Dump'em!
  • Insanity2bSane
    Insanity2bSane Posts: 204 Member
    My husband suggested I keep them in case I gain weight again so that I have something to wear. I said "absolutely not, this is permanent". I'm determined not to gain weight again. I
  • venturaroo
    venturaroo Posts: 84 Member
    I usually get rid of them as soon as I can get into the smaller size. I would find it too easy to put on my "fat pants" when I was feeling bloated or been off track. Since I don't have them I don't have that excuse!
  • kathrynlouiseellis
    I just threw everything out , have it all to charity. I had so many clothes in so many sizes, I hadn't even worn some of them. I looked at my big jeans for a while because I was a hit inclined to keep them, but in the end I tossed it all and it was great!!!! Highly recommend, out with the old, you don't need them anymore!!
  • paperhawk
    paperhawk Posts: 26 Member
    I have been giving them (in a kind spirit) to fat friends and relatives as I move down the scale. I've tried keeping clothes before but since I really am sold (day 240 and 48 pounds down) I am not keeping "fat clothes" this time. I lost 31 pounds then joined MFP and Fitbit (both great sites). Also folks may want to check out healthywage.com

    In fact I have since I started had a stack of jeans (I started at 40) in sizes, 38, 36, 34, 32 (present size) and will pick up some 30's (goal soon). Gone from L to M on shirts, suits are more expensive so I am not buying them yet.

    I'd say donate as you go, unless you don;t believe in yourself...
