feel so far from goal... like over 100lbs far...

so im in around weeks 4 of my lifesyle change.. and lost around 8lbs.. good i know .. however i having a low minute where i think how far away i am from getting to my goal.. anyone else feel like this? x


  • tabithajoyy
    tabithajoyy Posts: 680 Member
    I used to be like this! & i know its only 8 lbs, well not ONLY 8 lbs but i mean you still have come THAT far. The thing that will keep you going is thinking of all the accomlishments NOW and how far you've come thus far. Dont think of the long run. Time will pass regardless so you might as well be making yourself healthier and leaner NOW. Just keep doin what you are doing, itll come! :)
  • samncam
    thankyou:) x how much have you lost and how long?
  • amytag
    amytag Posts: 206 Member
    I felt this way too, so I broke my overall goal into smaller goals (10 pounds at a time). Now I'm over halfway there, and looking back it hasn't taken long at all. Getting over that overwhelming feeling is really important in order to stay motivated.
  • jr1985
    jr1985 Posts: 1,033 Member
    I know what you mean! Don't think about the big picture... at least not yet... keep your head down and plow ahead... like working out outside... I can't look ahead to the 3 miles I need to go... I just focus on 1 block at a time then it's not as bad.

    Think of it like an alcoholic... just do what you can 1 day at a time and see how far you've come. Just concentrate on the next mini goal instead of the ultimate goal for now, because the ultimate goal seems sooooo far off... but the next 10lbs... that's not so hard or long to get to. Remember is you keep up a steady, healthy 2 lbs a week weightloss... thats 104lbs in a year! You can do it!
  • alpine1994
    alpine1994 Posts: 1,915 Member
    I used to be like this! & i know its only 8 lbs, well not ONLY 8 lbs but i mean you still have come THAT far. The thing that will keep you going is thinking of all the accomlishments NOW and how far you've come thus far. Dont think of the long run. Time will pass regardless so you might as well be making yourself healthier and leaner NOW. Just keep doin what you are doing, itll come! :)

    I don't have that much to lose, but just wanted to point out that this is the best advice that I've received. Time will pass regardless. What you choose to do during that time is up to you.
  • sandobr1
    sandobr1 Posts: 319 Member
    Agreed focus on smaller goals, my first mini goal was 30 pounds by vacation, the day I left I was down exactly 30 pounds, that was about a month ago, and still going. My newest goal is 42 by the end of the year, not sure if I will get there but it will be better if I had done nothing.

    Also they can be goals like exercise, like walking more, or what you enjoy. Drinking more water, eating less fast food, etc. There are lots of ways you can acheive your overall goal in short attainable milestones.
  • Kelley528
    Kelley528 Posts: 319 Member
    Dont think about how much you have to lose when you just started.

    I woke up one day and said I cant do this anymore...I need to lose weight. I just got my Kindle Fire, looked up free weight loss apps, found MFP, and started the next day. I did exactly what it told me to do without even thinking about the end result. That made it very easy to do. Now I only have 4 lbs until I reach my goal and I never thought about how long it was going to take. You will continue to feel better as the weight falls off. Dont even look at it at a weekly basis in the beginning, just look at it monthly.
    I only had 35lbs to lose but I think no matter what your starting weight, it is scary to admit you let yourself get to that point and the unknown can be just as scary. So just dont think about how far, think about how much you have lost each week or month.
  • samncam
    thanks everyone:) xx another thing im really worries about is leaving behind a load of loose skin...
  • Brandywithrow
    I have been where you are, I have lost weight in the past but only max 20 lbs but needs to lose over 100 so I would think to myself no one can notice either way and go back to old ways. January 18th I took the first step out of my comfort zone and joined a group where you had to weigh in once a week and that keep me accountable. there was NO WAY I was going to screw up and go in there having them tell me I gained weight :S Every little change you make is a step in the right I drection. I am now down 80 lbs and 120 lbs from highest weight ever. I went to my xmas party the other night in a size 12 dress ( last year I wore a sizee 22 pant and a 3x shirt) time is going to pass by either way so if your thinking it will take too long really it will only take you as long as you want it too! I really do believe ANYONE can do it if I can :) I do not deprive myself of food at all BUT I do workout hard to make up for it ( but in the begining I workout too what was hard for me then) YOU CAN DO THIS I BELIEVE IN YOU :) Good Luck!!!!
  • wwmorrow
    wwmorrow Posts: 118 Member
    I am a long way from my goal as well. And, my goal isn't where I should be...but, I thought I might make it that far and then see what happens from there. Anyway, I started in October. I have lost 17 pounds so far. I was doing great until Thanksgiving and I fell off that wagon...hard.:sad: But, even though I haven't been thrilled the last few weeks, I would NOT want those 17 pounds back. I agree with some of the others...set some mini goals. My first one was to lose 10 pounds...then 15...and now my next mini goal is that I want to lose a total of 30 by my birthday which is January 15th. I am not one of the people who drop big numbers each week, but I do see the numbers adding up!! Stay strong and you will do it.
  • georgie304
    Realistic is 2 lbs a week... So... 100 lbs in a year. That's amazing! Stay the course and do not be discouraged. It did not go on over night and it will not come off over night. I am 125 down... Yes it took time... But... It is hard to lose weight... It is hard to be fat.
    Which will you chose?
    You can do this! Don't get discouraged!
  • kr1stadee
    kr1stadee Posts: 1,774 Member
    100 pounds is hard to lose, right?
    20 pounds is pretty easy to lose. Do that 5 times. Not so bad right??

    Break down the big numbers into smaller ones and it won't look so scary!

    Me? I had 80lbs to lose. I can't lose 80 pounds!! BUT I can lose 20 pounds 4 times! I've done it once already, and I'm doing it again - I'm half way there!! After that, I only need to lose 20 pounds 2 more times!!
  • Tannedtiffers
    Tannedtiffers Posts: 558 Member
    Just take it one day/one meal at a time and 5 lb increments ... NOT 100 lbs to lose....that is what helped me out!
  • deb3129
    deb3129 Posts: 1,294 Member
    I think it is normal to feel that way when you have a lot to lose. It just seems like it is so much that you can't do it. But you CAN do it. And those 2 or 3 pounds at a time add up faster than you think! When I started, I was well over 300 pounds. But I have lost 112 pounds, and though I still have a ways to go, I know that I will get there! Just set small goals to start with, like 10 or 20 pounds at a time and focus on that. If you just look at the big picture it is easy to get discouraged.
  • MinisterTom
    MinisterTom Posts: 108 Member
    I say it is good to think about the long term. After all, it took years for me to put the weight on, so it will take a while to take off. My starting goal was to lose 150 pounds. I celebrate in increments of ten. Now I have 108 pounds to lose still, and that excites me. Pretty soon, I will be able to say, Only 98 pounds to go. I will be happy to remove the 1 from in front of my goal.
  • Rum_Runner
    Rum_Runner Posts: 617 Member
    I think that is perfectly normal. But stop for a moment and look back. To the mere 4wks you've been at this new you - you decided to make a change and boom....4 weeks gone as well as 8lbs. Really - be super proud - that is awesome.

    Now....think back even further - beginning of the summer, last Christmas...etc - time has gone by. 100lbs or a year from now may seem like a long time - but really...what is one year out of the rest of your life. Imagine what you'll have accomplished and look like next holiday sesaon!! you'll really have something to celebrate!!

    You've done so well thus far - don't get down!! You are worth the time and the hardwork. Keep pressing forward. :happy:
  • DefyGravity1977
    DefyGravity1977 Posts: 300 Member
    It took me 5 years to get to the point I am at now (80 pounds). You are doing a fantastic job. Just remember this did not happen overnight and it will be a journey for the weight to come off. One day one step at a time.
  • samncam
    thanks so much every really helped me: x ive done great today stuck below my caloirs and done a workout:) xx thankyou all x
  • rmn1972
    Hang in there! It will become more of a habit the longer you stick to it.
    My younger son got me started on MFP in late June. I think I listed my starting weight as 300lbs,(but I LIED, it was actually 309! Just could not bring myself to admit that!)
    As of last week, had lost a total of 41 lbs, down to 268. Still leaves me a long way to go, at least in my mind. But now I rarely get on the scales any more, maybe once a month. I still keep track of everything I eat and I still get at least an hour of exercise a day so I feel confident I will continue to lose.
    Just keep working at it and it will become a true lifestyle change instead of a diet!
  • jamilla123
    U can add me on facebook jamilla mansoor . I am a new beachbodycoach and also using myself to help and motivate others. We can work together and start a challenge group to stick to our work outs. I am also in a challenge group myself at the moment working with real people. It's awesome and fun.