Good all day...Snack at night. Do you too?

talygal Posts: 17 Member
edited September 20 in Motivation and Support
I go all day eating healthy and then after dinner, I am still snacking on baked fishies, dark chocolate, 100 calorie snacks and the like. I work out lots but still find myself craving these foods and eating more than once serving. Anybody else having these "attacks"?


  • jbk014
    jbk014 Posts: 4
    Definitly! Just started this program and already having the hardest time, constantly hungry!! It's sad when I have to eat less at dinner because I had 2 girl scout cookies after lunch and having to plan my day around having a frozen margarita in the evenings!
  • rkascak
    rkascak Posts: 224 Member
    YES! i want to go eat some junk right now! but i think I will just have a cup of tea....
  • runner915
    runner915 Posts: 106
    Yes! And I try everything to avoid it, but all I can think about is the candy dish my roommate has sitting out. I think I need to ask her to put it away because when food is in front of me I eat it. Even though I try to stock my fridge with healthy snacks, I still end up overeating everything. Some days I just can't help it and it drives me crazy. I get so mad at myself
  • sassydot
    sassydot Posts: 141
    try eating more during the day.
    it may make your day "look" worse until you hit snacktime, but over all you will find you eat less calories, as your body won't be all ZOMG NEED MORE!

    i learned this the hard way...!!!!! I used to do the same, but I recnt;ly upped my calores, now that I'm not trying to get through the day on next to nothing to be "good" I don't crash at the end of the day and go on a sugar fest just to get some fuel.

    Also I noticed you say you are on 1250 and don't eat your exercise calories - your body is trying to tell you something, listen to it!

    Eating a litle bit more during the day, eating your exercise, and balancing your calories out, will probably show a better loss despite it being "more" calories than what you are currently doing.
  • talygal
    talygal Posts: 17 Member
    Sassydot, I'm not hungry. I eat plenty through out the day plus my Doc put me on a 1250 cal/day diet. My true problem is kicking the habit of eating more junk than is necessary. By the way, where are you from??? I didn't recognize your location! :glasses:
  • sassydot
    sassydot Posts: 141
    New Zealand - Ithat made me look at my profile and I wonder why MFP doesn't put the country in? BP stands for Bay of Plenty which is my region, but even I'D be hard pressed to click to that. random.

    If you're craving stuff though, you are probably still missing out on something your body wants.

    Maybe then try splitting your dinner in half? Eat half at dinnertime, put the rest away then eat the rest later in the evening when you're wanting to snack.

    Honestly, try eating your exercise calories, especially if you're exercising regularly as netting under 1200 most days if so won't be helping.
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