Wedding Bells!!!

triformer10 Posts: 4
Hi I am 5'4" and weigh 190 pounds and im getting married May 17. The only problem is im having trouble losing the weight. I refuse to order a weddimng dress till february. Yea I know three months before hand is not the best idea. But i know i can go to davids bridal and buy whichever i want instantly. Im just having no luck in sticking with my diet plan. My excercise is fine. Anyone got any good tips?


  • spade117
    spade117 Posts: 2,466 Member
    Im just having no luck in sticking with my diet plan.

    It's not about luck.
  • schmittie01
    schmittie01 Posts: 30 Member
    Congrats!! i'm getting married May 18th!!!
  • TanyaRochelle
    TanyaRochelle Posts: 52 Member
    Nothing Changes until YOU Decide
  • _crafty_
    _crafty_ Posts: 1,682 Member
    Don't do it!

    oh, wait. You want tips on dieting . . .

    1. don't refer to it as a diet . . . diets don't work long term
    2. you either want to lose the weight or you don't. if you really want it then you'll get your eating in line with your exercise.
  • bathsheba_c
    bathsheba_c Posts: 1,873 Member
    What's your diet plan? Losing weight doesn't require you to go hungry and survive on rabbit food.
  • sunnyside1213
    sunnyside1213 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Im just having no luck in sticking with my diet plan.

    It's not about luck.

    This is not a diet. It is a life style change. Forever. Eat clean. Give up soda. No processed foods. Track your sodium. Drink lots of water and try to add green tea. Keep moving.
  • Im quite well informed on that fact thanks.
  • I need liitle ideas like chewing gum in between meals or the best snacks not commom sense information.
  • prokomds
    prokomds Posts: 318 Member
    It's hard to give advice without knowing how many calories you're eating / what those calories are comprised of / what your exercise routine is. If you nail your routine, you likely won't need little ideas like gum-chewing

    And no offense, but getting snide with your replies isn't going to get you much help here. You have to give out good information if you want to get good info in return
  • grey_lady007
    grey_lady007 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi! I am in the same boat as my wedding is May 4th. The best thing I have found is to keep at the diet and exercise as the weight didn't come on overnight and won't leave overnight. Find something you love and it will be a lot easier to get in your workouts. Congrats and good luck!
  • WestslopeCutty
    WestslopeCutty Posts: 30 Member
    Ah yes... the eating like a man trap. I've now fallen into that one twice. :-(

    -chew gum while you're cooking
    -he gets up to have ice cream, either have 1 spoon (not a scoop) of his or have a small piece of fruit/ water/ milk
    -seconds? try to resist. I have found if I dish myself a small portion and eat slower, I can usually make it. I also got some plates that are 2 inches smaller so you can get the visual impact of a full plate
    -we go through a lot of milk in our house, so I'm having to cut back and make myself drink water.
    -don't put the food on the table (leave it in the kitchen on the counter/stove)
    -I need to work on this one - have a salad with dinner, preferably with a vinaigrette dressing and lots of veggies (or just cook extra veggies and make them 1/2 of your plate)

    Good luck and best wishes!
  • happysherri
    happysherri Posts: 1,360 Member
    Eat clean
    Push hard
    Challenge your body

    You'll be surprised what you see in the mirror.
  • mamma_nee
    mamma_nee Posts: 809 Member
    1st off - CONGRATS !!!

    You can start by cleaning out your cubbard and fridge and making sure you have plenty of fresh fruits/veggies and meat -- ditch the sodas and replace everything with water.
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