Drink more water!

edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
This is an important part of weight loss and this article hits all the reasons why! What it says about decreasing appetite is true, the first day I decided to keep refilling my water bottle at my desk and sipping it all day, I wasn't hungry for lunch until 3pm! which is probably how I would feel every day if i had a giant bagel with a slathering of cream cheese on it for breakfast, like i was doing every day for a long time. Sometimes your stomach feels empty and you think you're hungry, but your body is really craving water. Read this article and join me in drinking more water!



  • manders2
    manders2 Posts: 22
    I am the worst at drinking water. I am going to try harder this week. Thanks!!!
  • 5326jan
    5326jan Posts: 5
    Thanks for the link. It was a great article and explained the rationale clearly. I notice that whenever I up my water intake (I prefer flavored water), I lose more quickly. 20 pounds in the last 8 weeks. I'm sure that I could have lost faster, but I think losing sensibly and developing better habits is the key to maintaining. Only time will tell! Another 20 to go and I'll be in the middle of my ideal weight range!!! YAY!!!
  • April0815
    April0815 Posts: 780 Member
    Very good article, Thank You!!!!!!
  • lilchino4af
    lilchino4af Posts: 1,292 Member
    Great article that sums things up in an easy to understand way. Saving this in My Topics :happy:
  • Great~! You can do it! I like throwing lemon, lime, orange or cucumber slices in my water to change it up some, makes it go down a little easier!
  • cln714
    cln714 Posts: 174 Member
    I started drinking more water this week and I've noticed that everyday I've had a dull headache. I rarely ever get headaches and I'm kinda thinking it's from the extra water.

    Has this happened to anyone else?
  • Jamiebee24
    Jamiebee24 Posts: 296 Member
    i used to not drink a lot of water, once i started the days that i dont eget my 8 glasses in just make me feel so blah!
  • pattern
    pattern Posts: 1 Member
    Hi I don't like plain water either but I put a dash of Lime or lemon in it and find I can drink it on and off all day
  • jpark38
    jpark38 Posts: 7 Member
    Great Article. Thanks for Sharing!
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