Calling All Moms!!!!!!!!!!!!


I have had this App on my Iphone forever! But i just decided to get serious with it. My name is Ana and I am a new mom to the most amazing 3 mth old baby girl. I was under the impression that a week after giving birth i was going to be able to fit my pre-pregnancy size 3 jeans...i was living in a cruel fantasy! At First, the weight started to just "fall off" (well atleast 15lbs of it )and then i was stuck with 40 extra lbs on my own. I had been breastfeeding, lowering my calories, walking more but it just wasn't coming off like before. I began to get extremely discouraged because everyone i spoke to said "breastfeeding makes you lose crazy amounts of weight" but obviously i was the only exception. I started to watch EVERYTHING i ate, ensuring i got the 1800 recommended calories for breast feeding mothers, went to the gym 5 days a week ( i know CRAZZZY with a newborn) and this has helped with another 20lbs. So now i have the last 20lbs to go... I wanted to see if there were other Moms out there that needed encouragement or support because gotta love our men but they just don't understand like our fellow woman.

So lets become friends. Or please feel free to reply with tips on how you lost your baby weight.

Good Luck Everyone!


  • srobinson84
    srobinson84 Posts: 39 Member
    It's so hard and congrats on getting it off so quickly. I'm a mom of 2 (7 year old daughter and 16 month old son). I'm down to my last 10-15 lbs and it's really hard to get off. Lately I seem to be losing inches but not weight, so I'm guessing I"m just getting more muscular. Feel free to add me :)
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member

    I have had this App on my Iphone forever! But i just decided to get serious with it. My name is Ana and I am a new mom to the most amazing 3 mth old baby girl. I was under the impression that a week after giving birth i was going to be able to fit my pre-pregnancy size 3 jeans...i was living in a cruel fantasy! At First, the weight started to just "fall off" (well atleast 15lbs of it )and then i was stuck with 40 extra lbs on my own. I had been breastfeeding, lowering my calories, walking more but it just wasn't coming off like before. I began to get extremely discouraged because everyone i spoke to said "breastfeeding makes you lose crazy amounts of weight" but obviously i was the only exception. I started to watch EVERYTHING i ate, ensuring i got the 1800 recommended calories for breast feeding mothers, went to the gym 5 days a week ( i know CRAZZZY with a newborn) and this has helped with another 20lbs. So now i have the last 20lbs to go... I wanted to see if there were other Moms out there that needed encouragement or support because gotta love our men but they just don't understand like our fellow woman.

    So lets become friends. Or please feel free to reply with tips on how you lost your baby weight.

    Good Luck Everyone!

    Hi, congrats on your baby! Kids are the best :smile:

    I've got a 3 year old and an 18 month old. I'd just lost weight for my wedding when I got pregnant with my first (conceived first try after my honeymoon :wink: ) and I was so determined to not put on too much weight and I continued with the gym, healthy eating etc, but I still put on weight, and he was 10 days overdue! Grrr. Went back to the gym when he was 7 weeks old, lost most of the weight by his 1st birthday, then got pregnant again with my 2nd! I was more tired this time, had more nausea and some early bleeding, so exercise kind of got put off, and I put on loads of weight, then she was 12 days overdue. I struggled to breastfeed (having a 22 month old too didn;t help) and I took domperidone which is supposed to increase supply and put on even more weight.

    Anyway, I was back at the gym when she was 7 weeks old, having personal training sessions twice a week and really going for it. Since then (16 months ago) I have lost 51lbs and several dress sizes. I've just done a combination of PT, gym, and more recently i've started doing spinning, aerobics and zumba. Plus I go for lots of walks with my kids and they're so active that I can't sit still for 2 minutes!

    So, feel free to add me! I'm sure you'll be back to your slim self in no time.
  • Thank you! It hasn't been without hard work! When i was pregnant i was hoping and praying i was going to be "one of the lucky ones" but that all went down the drain when i was overdue. You have had an incredible weight loss!! What did you do? Were you breastfeeding?
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    Thank you! It hasn't been without hard work! When i was pregnant i was hoping and praying i was going to be "one of the lucky ones" but that all went down the drain when i was overdue. You have had an incredible weight loss!! What did you do? Were you breastfeeding?

    I had to mix feed my daughter, and stopped when she was 11 weeks old. She fed non-stop in the beginning, no break at all, and then she had colic, and I had my son to think about, and my husband does shift work, so I couldn't breastfeed non-stop and look after a very active nearly 2 year old, so I gave formula as well, and pumped. It was bloody hard work! My son was a pain to breastfeed too - he lost around 30% of his birthweight so he had to be mix fed too. At 3.5 he still isn't that interested in eating! I wish i could say the same for myself....

    I just exercise a lot, go for lots of walks, and eat healthily.
  • Congrats to you on your daughter as well!! :)

    I know how ya feel! I'm a new mom to my 6 week old daughter and i gained 35 pounds in my pregnancy and i seem to not be able to shake these last 15 pounds off. I'm nursing as well and just a couple days ago tried my favorite size 3 levi jeans on and couldn't even get them pasted my rear-end..very discourging feeling. I was so ready to be back to pre-pregnancy size when i started nursing within this first month but now i feel stuck! I just starting weight lifting and working out with my boyfriend (fitbeto is his name on here) on monday. He gives lots of great comments on how i look and how my working out is going but looking down at this baby pouch i still have, makes me feel like im never gonna see that "v cut" i used to have! Guess i need encouraging words myself!

    Hope your work outs are going well and loved to be friends! :)
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    I love the extra features the app has!
    My boys are about grown now.. 16, 17, 19.
    I am here losing "fibroid tumor/California " weight.
    Feel free to add me if you want.
  • x4mygirlsx
    x4mygirlsx Posts: 129 Member
    Hey i also gave birth 3 months ago. and have lost 37lbs of the 47lbs i gained during pregnancy, i also have a thyroid problem. would love to give support and get support as i have about 40lbs more to lose after baby weight. oh i also have a 20 month old and a 3 and a half year old. (pretty much spent the last 4 yrs being pregnant) lol add meif you want x