So I have decided...

logiesmom Posts: 142
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
that the worst time of the day for me and food cravings is after 6:00pm. I know that after this time it is the worst possibly time to eat and this is usually when I binge. I will eat a sensible dinner and I have found that about an hour or so afterwards I want to eat again. And...I usually do. This is my downfall. I will eat well all through the day breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack and then dinner. After that all bets are off. So...I need some advice. What is my deal? Why is it just this time of day? Uggghhhh....the frustration. :sad:


  • girlruns
    girlruns Posts: 344
    Can you make your diary public? That way we can see if there is anything because of the food you are eating. Also, I have never believed that eating at a certain time made a difference. A calorie is a calorie if it is noon or nine pm. Good job on your loss so far!
  • girliegirl1822
    girliegirl1822 Posts: 164 Member
    I agree I'm the same way as soon as I get home after work at 5:30 I want to eat unless I keep myslef busy.
  • cgreen24
    cgreen24 Posts: 6
    I say....when you find yourself wanting to binge get on here. :) I have never been able to stick to a diet and really thought I would struggle this time, granted I have only been on it for 4 days now, but I'm proud of myself for sticking with it this long. I noticed you've already lost 6 lbs! Whaoot! Congrats! Another thing I do is when I feel myself wanting something bad for my diet is to think of the reason I am on the diet in the first place, that usually does it for me. I'm assuming by your name that you're a mom...think of your little one, and what they would want for you. It is hard, but we will be here to help support you when you need it! :)
  • tinabosquez
    tinabosquez Posts: 107
    I used to do the same thing, at night, I could eat a whole pan of brownies by myself. TRUST ME. lol

    I have been buying more healthy snacks, for myself and my kids. One thing I found that I love, is the Atkins protein bars. There is one called chocolate carmel crunch, very good. Also, I found triple chocolate protein shake, and when I am craving, I will throw a banana in it. It's really satisfying. Also, I drink sooooooooooooooooooo much water, to make myself full, so I don't want anything to eat. Try and buy more fruits, yogurts, nuts and things like that, so when you think you want something, you can much on those. I have found out, my binging is more of a mental thing, than me actually being hungry.

    Hope this gives a little insight. :happy:
  • mmrose00
    mmrose00 Posts: 253 Member
    I understand ...that use to happen to me as well! I found that eating a heavier breakfast left me without night cravings. I typically eat about 40% of my daily cals for breakfast. It's worth a try ! :flowerforyou:
  • logiesmom
    logiesmom Posts: 142
    My binging is def a mental thing. I seen pictures of myself this evening and I got so bummed I went straight to the kitchen. That is my biggest problem. I don't know how to control it or really what the source of the binging is. Happy or sad, I end up doing it. The heavier breakfast sounds like a good idea. I will def give that a try. I really do appreciate all the advice and support everyone gives here. I know I can't do this alone.
  • lisawest
    lisawest Posts: 798 Member
    This is also one of my problems. I try to always save about 100 calories or so. That way I can have some yogurt, pudding, veggies (ALWAYS good to snack on!), Laughing Cow cheese and crisps, or a half serving of some kind of chocolate. What I eat depends on what I "want." As you can see from my "late night go-to" list, I have just about everything covered. The only other snack I frequently have that isn't listed is a rice cake with flavored peanut butter (dark chocolate dreams or white chocolate wonderful are my two favorites!). If it gets to be early evening and I don't have the cals for my treat, I bust out my Wii Fit and do 20 or 30 minutes of the step aerobics on there. Then I can have my snack with no guilt.*

    *In all actuality, going over your cals by 100 or less a couple times a week will NOT hinder your weightloss! All it means is that you may only lose .9 pounds rather than a WHOLE pound.
  • LongMom
    LongMom Posts: 408 Member
    Recognizing the problem is a HUGE step. Now you need a plan! If that plan doesn't work, try something else. Something you might want to try is keeping yourself busy in the evenings :) What are you doing while you're snacking? What were you doing before you started snacking?

    Lots to think about, but keep working on it and you'll figure this all out. Committing to making a change!
  • imagymrat
    imagymrat Posts: 862 Member
    My binging is def a mental thing. I seen pictures of myself this evening and I got so bummed I went straight to the kitchen. That is my biggest problem. I don't know how to control it or really what the source of the binging is. Happy or sad, I end up doing it. The heavier breakfast sounds like a good idea. I will def give that a try. I really do appreciate all the advice and support everyone gives here. I know I can't do this alone.

    I am exactly like you. I eat a big breakfast, but it doesn't gotta work with it if you can't change it, and it can be done. I'm most relaxed in the evenings, after putting my 6 kids to bed, I settle down and guess what?...I want to eat, sometimes i'm not even hungry but i'm gonna eat anyway! my snack ideas are, cottage cheese mix with some tuna, a cucumber/red pepper/spinach salad with a squirt of lemon, some almonds, a fat free pudding cup, this one is a good one, I freeze the pudding cup and it takes forever to eat, and the chocolate ones taste like a fudgesicle....don't try to change everything overnight, and there's no hard fast rule stating that all your cals have to be consumed before 6p.m....good luck, and happy healthy snacking!
  • logiesmom
    logiesmom Posts: 142
    Thank you all so much for listening. You have given me some great ideas to use. Today is a new day, so I am starting fresh and hopefully this will go well.
  • suziblues2000
    suziblues2000 Posts: 515 Member
    Please let us know how you're doing. I have the same problem. SO now I try to save calories for when it's night time . I love those caramel rice cakes or maybe some pretzels.
    Good luck to you!
  • suziblues2000
    suziblues2000 Posts: 515 Member
    double post...
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