

I started MFP yesterday after reading some success stories about people who are using it. At the highest point in my life (about 2 years ago) I was 340ish, I went through a divorce and dropped down to 260, went through some more things went back up to 320 (in may of this year) I'm back down to 290 and I'm just now really starting to focus on the weight loss.

I originally downloaded MFP just for the app on my phone and then I realized what an amazing community it has attached to it. My family gave me such grief over gaining weight again (all the females in my family are around 120 lbs.. they dont get it) that I am scared to tell any of them that I am trying again. I live with my boyfriend who is supportive.. but as he has always been in the army since he was 18 weight has never been an issue for him because of the constant training anyway, so even though we live together.. my weight is a sore subject for me and we just don't talk about it. He supports me and has told me that even if I never lost the weight he would still love me, but when we start thinking about having kids, I want to be healthy for that.

So I have started my journey..and just reading everyones stories on here has already helped me and motivated me. Knowing that I am not the only person out there going through this is a tremendous help. And any tips anyone has would be helpful. Right now I am just trying to follow the calorie count, my problem is that I don't generally eat that much in a day so I am trying to work up to that amount of calories, but I want to do it with the right foods.. and I don't know how to do that..

Wow.. I wrote a book.. sorry, long story short HI! I'm new here and still have a long way to go...


  • lessofLisain13
    lessofLisain13 Posts: 15 Member
    Hey there!!
    Congrats on taking the first step, it's a big one. Feel free to add me, as i have a heck of a long way to go on this journey too, and like you all the females in my family are small..... gggrrrrr!!
    I am an ex military wife, so i know how tough it can be.

    Good luck and take care..
  • DeniseMCronin
    DeniseMCronin Posts: 27 Member
    Welcome. You came to the right place.
  • vectormama
    Hi! I can feel your pain! I'm 5'9" and my body seems to like 245-250lbs. I always seem to get back up there after losing weight. Most of the women in my family are large, though, don't know if it's inherited or we all had bad habits. Several years ago I went on Weight Watchers and lost 85lbs and kept it off for about a year. Then stress set back in (job, adoption) and I gained it all back. I didn't think I would gain weight giving "birth" to a 14yr old, but I did.

    Feel free to add me as a friend (anyone on this thread) because I do so much better when there's someone to check up on me every once in a while.
