Help from ladies w/ Implanon (or Nexplanon)

chrlslove7 Posts: 136 Member
Curious....did any of you lose weight while on, or starting out on, Implanon? I had it inserted on August 17th and along w/ healthy eating and working out, I've lost 10lbs since then. I wasn't sure if Implanon should take the credit or if it was really all my hard work...

BTW, I know 10lbs in a month doesn't sound healthy, but I'm not under-eating, nor am I an exercise-aholic. It just happened... :embarassed:


  • miadvh
    miadvh Posts: 290 Member
    I certainly didn't lose weight on it..(mostly due to my lazy ways)..and I'm willing to bet the loss is from your hard work. Great job!
  • coliema
    coliema Posts: 7,646 Member
    The loss could be fom your hard work! I'm not on it, but I know people that are and they haven't really lost weight.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    I used to have Implanon and didn't lose any weight - if anything I put some on.
    So, I'd say it's due to your hard work. Keep it up!
  • jordanlell
    jordanlell Posts: 340 Member
    I started counting calories the same month that I got mine in and lost 35lbs over the following 6 months or so.. So yes, I did lose weight, but the implanon didn't just make fall off, I worked for it, just like you did :drinker:

    Give yourself some credit!
  • crbunter912
    Reading this makes me feel a little better about getting the Nexplanon - my PCM recommended it for me but all I have heard about is people gaining ridiculous amounts of weight. I have to call today and make an appointment to talk to him about having it inserted. After I have it inserted, I'm going to start a better gym routine (right now I don't really have one, I've just changed some of my eating habits) to keep from being lazy.
  • crbunter912
    Also I hear that if you have had Mirena and didn't have a problem, then Implanon/Nexplanon won't be a problem either because they are made of the same hormone. I don't remember gaining any weight on Mirena but know I did shed pounds once I had it removed but retained again once I got put on Nuvaring (shedding pounds once off of Mirena could also be contributed to the fact that my blood sugar was high and I always shed weight if my blood sugar is ridiculous - I was put on insulin shortly after because my sugar had been high. I notice that I retain a little more weight if I am on insulin but have been able to lose weight recently since I changed my diet because I shocked my metabolism by bingeing on fast food for almost 3 months after my husband got home from Afghanistan).
  • Pookylou
    Pookylou Posts: 988 Member
    It hasn't made any difference to my weight loss/gain (that I noticed - eating like a hibernating bear did that!) I think it is you being awesome that has done it :drinker:
  • skypies
    Hi I just had mine put in 2 weeks ago and so far LOVING it! I have noticed that since I have had it I have dropped 2.5lbs in a week with NO effort what so ever (I developed a ovarian cyst 2 weeks before the implant was put in and it hurt everytime I exercised). Don't know if its the cyst or the implant but something has been helping me take it off and I'm totally ok with it! I'll update if things keep going or turn the other direction.
  • mimegan18
    Hi girls,

    I have had implanon in for 8 months now, had 10 days bleed at time of insertion and then nothing for 8 months.
    In the last 8 weeks i have lost 8kgs in weight which im so happy over.
    PROBLEM- I have just started in the last couple days, spotting quiet heavy, dark brown n clotty (bit gross, sorry)
    Is this because of the weightloss????
    I'm going to my doctor on Tuesday so hopefully i can get sum answers.
  • KrayKira
    KrayKira Posts: 230
    I got it and have lost weight since then... But I did start eating healthier and walking around the same time as that
  • fiftyfiveto1
    I would say the 10 lbs lost is from you eating healthy and working out. I just had my Nexplanon removed due to constant migraines and heavy, long bleeding, but weight gain is a common side effect of it, although everyone is different so I'm not saying NOBODY has lost weight with it. As for me, I did put on weight while I had it, but I wouldn't particularly blame the implant since I just love eating and have to fight for every pound I lose. Congratulations on the weight loss!! :)
  • EJOY1988
    EJOY1988 Posts: 254 Member
    I had Implanon a few years ago and exact same thing. I gained 20 pounds on it, had it removed, and dropped 15 pounds in a month. My guess is it's from all of your hard work. :smile:
    I would say the 10 lbs lost is from you eating healthy and working out. I just had my Nexplanon removed due to constant migraines and heavy, long bleeding, but weight gain is a common side effect of it, although everyone is different so I'm not saying NOBODY has lost weight with it. As for me, I did put on weight while I had it, but I wouldn't particularly blame the implant since I just love eating and have to fight for every pound I lose. Congratulations on the weight loss!! :)