Kicked up the Exercise Slacked on the Calories - HELP!

I can't complain as I'm steadily losing weight and feeling better. I have come to the point now where feeling better trumps losing weight (Strong is the new Skinny they say) :) After 1.5 years of changing my eating habits it's become second nature for me to eat healthy. I have a constant mindset where if I can't see how X food is going to benefit my energy,mind,body I won't eat it. My issue however is now that I have kicked up my gym routine (typically 1 hour cardio + 30-40 min strength training = 5x a week) I can not for the life of me seem to consume enough calories leaving me feeling like death by the time I leave the gym.

Through out the day I'm not hungry and I don't feel I deprive myself - when my stomach growls I listen!! But I am jumping back on to myfitnesspal because I need to keep better track of my calories making sure I am consuming enough in order to continue to drop pounds and gain muscle.

During the month I travel typically 2 weeks out of the 4 so I need foods I can pack and take with me as I run events for 14 hours a day! During the weeks that I am home I make a 7am commute (for 2.5 hours) to another office site not allowing myself to be home near a kitchen until 8 p.m. I need foods that don't perish and can travel well as I'm on public transportation with a computer & work files.

I would love ideas of quick on the go foods and the different types of protein powders you're using as I've strayed away from these but now realize they may be necessary!!


  • Do you like nut butters? I pack those little individual packages of Justin's Maple Almond Butter when I am on the go, bags of plain oatmeal, and dried fruit (high in calories and delicious), Egg protein powder is delicious.

    I sometimes have this problem too. I eat very intuitively and sometimes come in under my calorie goal, I don't think it's hurt me quite yet, as I feel I more than make up for it a week before "that time of the month"
  • Ooo I never heard of these nut butters but they look good - definitely need to try them! And I plan to look into egg protein powder as well - thank you!!

    And yes I feel you on the "week before". I don't think I've been "hurt" by it (besides how I feel post-gym) but I know I need more balance. Like you said, there will be a week I go above and beyond, days I can be spot on, and then weeks where I'm repeatedly below my goal.
  • Even with "my time of the month" excuse and cheating with a cupcake and a mocha from Starbucks lol I'm still 649 calories short Oy!
    I did go ahead and buy from Whole Foods that Egg White Whey Protein you recommended. To pump it up and jazz up the flavor my trainer recommended powdered peanut butter (easier to mix in with water on the go). *Fingers Crossed* for it to taste good so it can become a staple in my meals!
  • ubermensch13
    ubermensch13 Posts: 824 Member
    I don't think you need an hour of cardio AND 30-40 mins of strength training 5x a week. Cut that cardio in half...
  • Hmmm, I was only doing 30 minutes of cardio the past year, but my sister as a trainer said I won't see changes with anything less than 45 - 60 minutes so I amped it up