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Frustration!! Help.

In one week I have gained 1.3 pounds - very frustrated by this. My question is - is it possible at the early stages of working out to gain 1.2 pounds of muscle in one 7 day period???

I've started going to the gym more regularly 6 out of the last 10 days. On one of my off days walked over 5 miles at a Christmas village (not hard exercising but still movement)

I have been below calorie goal for most of those 10 days - and have even avoided eating back my exerise calories most of those days as well.

What is going on????

In the last 3 workouts I've burned 600 calories plus each time. Once over 1000 - a personal best for me and a goal.

I'm on the fence again about giving up......

I know I haven't been 'perfect' in these last 10 days but is there something I'm doing seriously wrong to gain and not lose?


  • Often times when you add exercise the muscles tend to hold on to water which can read as a gain. Don't give up. The scale is not always an accurate reflection of what is going on with your body, take measurements to help see your progress. Drink lots of water. Continue to eat at your calorie goal and don't be afraid to eat back some of those exercise calories.
  • ihad
    ihad Posts: 7,463 Member
    This could be water weight, differing circumstances when you weighed, muscle gain, lots of things. If you want this to happen, you need to give up thoughts of giving up, and take along view - be consistent for an extended period, eat at target, exercise regularly, and eat back those exercise calories (maybe partly - mfp can overestimate burn for some things). Focus less on the scale and more how you feel and how your clothes fit. You can do this!
  • What they said!! :)
  • kiminoo
    kiminoo Posts: 12 Member
    Don't weigh yourself everyday. You'll get variations throughout the day even. Try once a week at the same time.
  • ChristyRunStarr
    ChristyRunStarr Posts: 1,600 Member
    I'm on the fence again about giving up......

    Don't give up, it'll be a hard road but it's a road that is well worth it. Like they've said before, don't weigh yourself every day and if you haven't yet, start taking measurements and pictures. There are some weeks when I don't lose weight but I lose 1/2 an inch to an inch from my waist or hips.

    Congrats to you for working out and for the large calorie burns. Are you sure that's right, are you using a HRM or going off what the machines say (those for me, as well as most others you'll hear) will say you're burning more than you truely are, same for MFP. Losing will take time, just like it took time to gain the weight you did.

    Like I started this off, don't give up. Keep going, you have nothing to lose except weight :wink:
  • PayneAS
    PayneAS Posts: 669 Member
    Water weight.

    Do you really think you ate an excess of 4550 calories (650 a day)?
  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member

    When you work out a muscle, what happens is a bunch of tiny little rips and tears are made in it. These need repairing. Instead of pulling it back together, the body just fills in the holes with more muscle. This is why muscle grows when doing strength training and various other exercises.

    In order to do this, the body needs extra water, since water is how everything in us moves around. So, it places a bunch of water in and around the muscle so that it can work on them.

    You've gained some water weight.
  • sara6795
    sara6795 Posts: 29 Member
    I have been working out for about 6 weeks and only lost 10 pounds, which isn't much considering my dramatic lifestyle change. However, when I look at the scale and see that I haven't lost any weight or gained some back, it only motivates me to work out harder and be more diligent about what I am putting into my body. I can see the physical changes and my mentality is improving (growing confidence, having the motivation to get off the couch, etc). Don't give up--this takes time and effort, but it is worth it in the end. I tell myself if I can reach my goal weight, then I can do anything! It is very empowering!
  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member
    I have been working out for about 6 weeks and only lost 10 pounds, which isn't much considering my dramatic lifestyle change. However, when I look at the scale and see that I haven't lost any weight or gained some back, it only motivates me to work out harder and be more diligent about what I am putting into my body. I can see the physical changes and my mentality is improving (growing confidence, having the motivation to get off the couch, etc). Don't give up--this takes time and effort, but it is worth it in the end. I tell myself if I can reach my goal weight, then I can do anything! It is very empowering!

    10 pounds in 6 weeks is a lot.
  • sara6795
    sara6795 Posts: 29 Member
    I have been working out for about 6 weeks and only lost 10 pounds, which isn't much considering my dramatic lifestyle change. However, when I look at the scale and see that I haven't lost any weight or gained some back, it only motivates me to work out harder and be more diligent about what I am putting into my body. I can see the physical changes and my mentality is improving (growing confidence, having the motivation to get off the couch, etc). Don't give up--this takes time and effort, but it is worth it in the end. I tell myself if I can reach my goal weight, then I can do anything! It is very empowering!

    10 pounds in 6 weeks is a lot.

    That's what I keep telling myself, but it seems like it was steadily coming off and now it has stopped. Hell, it is more than I have lost in the last 10 years!
  • bamoya23
    bamoya23 Posts: 7 Member
    Its tough because its said that women will gain weight before losing weight. I knew this journey could be tough and so I set a date when I would do my weigh in and go strong till then. I made sure I was accountable to myfitnesspal by putting all the foods I ate and making sure I kept it under my calories by working out. I did a 6 week weigh in and my first weigh in, which was this past Monday, I lost 10lbs. Next weigh in will not be till another 6 weeks and so forth.

    Dont give up. keep at it. It is only the beginning.
  • cedarghost
    cedarghost Posts: 621 Member
    In one week I have gained 1.3 pounds - very frustrated by this. My question is - is it possible at the early stages of working out to gain 1.2 pounds of muscle in one 7 day period???

    I've started going to the gym more regularly 6 out of the last 10 days. On one of my off days walked over 5 miles at a Christmas village (not hard exercising but still movement)

    I have been below calorie goal for most of those 10 days - and have even avoided eating back my exerise calories most of those days as well.

    What is going on????

    In the last 3 workouts I've burned 600 calories plus each time. Once over 1000 - a personal best for me and a goal.

    I'm on the fence again about giving up......

    I know I haven't been 'perfect' in these last 10 days but is there something I'm doing seriously wrong to gain and not lose?
    No it's not possible to gain that much muscle in a week. To gain that much in a month would be good.

    How do you know how much you are burning? You could be over-estimating.

    What have you been doing at the gym? Lifting will cause you to retain water as your muscles repair themselves. The scale can be really wacky when lifting so use some other form of measurement for progress.

    GET OFF THE DAMNED FENCE AND GET MOTIVATED. You are doing the right things. Give it time. Rome wasn't built in a day.
    When this stuff gets tough (and it will), pushing through is what separates the successful from the regretful. Which do YOU want to be?
  • hitstuff
    hitstuff Posts: 40 Member
    Oooooh Jen.....do not give up. Leave all those numbers aside for a moment please- and perhaps even the other specifics of your weightloss. Just know that you are doing the right things- and if it is not an immediate reflection in lesser numbers on a scale, recognize that you are giving your body the gift of health and fitness. The reality is you KNOW there will be no progress with giving up and reverting to old ways....that's an absolute. But who knows where some preserverence and dedication will get you. Are you prepared to find out? Make it so Jen....you are the only one standing in your way- so ya...step aside and let it happen!!
  • This is weak. WEAK!!! Don't mean to be rude, but seriously?!?!? You just started. I bet if you give up you'll gain 1.2 pounds every month and then next year you'll be in a worse position. It's not what the scale says. First off, you just started, you'll get there. Where you'll lose 2 lbs a weeks and feel great, your pants are gonna looser, your belt is gonna be a notch highter. You'll feel like a great accomplishment. And just when you're in the groove of things you'll hit a plateau, you'll work your *kitten* off, eat everythign you're supposed to and you won't loose a thing for weeks. It's frustrating, you'll be angry. But you know what?!?!? You're gonna keep working out and doing the right thing because this is the only body you've got and you owe it to yourself to take care of it damnit!!

    NO MORE WHINNING OVER 1.2 POUNDS..It's nothing. Take the bull by horns and keep doing what you're doing.

    on a side note though, since you are burning a ton of calories...you need to make sure you eat them back and stick within your calorie allowance - starvation mode WILL prevent you from loosing weight.
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    I'm up two pounds this week too, but I am definitely at or under my calories so it CANNOT be fat. It's water. This time of year many people eat a bit differently. For me, my calories are under but my salt is higher than I'm used to.

    For you, exercise changes your fluid balance.
    It's water.
  • strawmama
    strawmama Posts: 623 Member

    No it's not possible to gain that much muscle in a week. To gain that much in a month would be good.

    How do you know how much you are burning? You could be over-estimating.

    What have you been doing at the gym? Lifting will cause you to retain water as your muscles repair themselves. The scale can be really wacky when lifting so use some other form of measurement for progress.

    GET OFF THE DAMNED FENCE AND GET MOTIVATED. You are doing the right things. Give it time. Rome wasn't built in a day.
    When this stuff gets tough (and it will), pushing through is what separates the successful from the regretful. Which do YOU want to be?

  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    What everyone else said....water weight. Don't weigh yourself everyday, there are too many fluctuations daily, it will only frustrate you. Do a once a week weigh in and take measurements as well. Stick to your calorie goal like glue!! That's all you need to do and the weigh will come off.

    "on the fence about quitting"..........Why? because getting fatter and more out of shape is preferable to a temporary stand still in weight loss and at least maintaining your current weight? Do this for your health and your family...don't obsess about a number on the scale. Make it a lifestyle change :flowerforyou:
  • LauraW1219
    LauraW1219 Posts: 71 Member
    I'm not an expert I can only speak for how my body responds to exercise and calorie intake. I found I lost more on the days I ate the full 1200 calories then under cutting them by 400-500 calories a day. Now that I've changed my eating habits to heavier meals in the morning and more snack like stuff in the afternoon I'm seeing better results. I hope this helped. Don't get frustrated!!! By eating better and working out you are making your body more healthy. The weight loss will come.
  • jilltort this is for you.

    THANK YOU. I did quit. Now I'm back. With the right attitude. I've concentrated on doing what is right - not anything else. I started back on 12/29/12 and am already down 9 pounds. I only weigh 2 times a month. I stopped caring about what the scale says (so much). I'm focusing on different goals - length of time on the treadmill - number of crunches I can do - getting on machines I've never used before......plus new diet things - including my new personal favorite just because my family is eating it doesn't mean I have to.

    After my post everyone was very helpful - giving me plenty of reasons why things would be going the way they were. You were the only one that just basically said shut up and get back to work. I'll admit wen it first read it I was pissed. Of course that was because I knew you were right.

    So far on MFP there have been 2 'friends' that have motivated me to really change my perspective on this whole adventure - thanks for being one.

    Ihad....this is a tip of the hat to you as well.
  • WOW!! I'm touched and SO HAPPY I COULD HELP!! I bet you were pissed off at first, but being easy on yourself isn't going to help yourself. It's the truth that will motiviate. Quitting isn't going to help you. Like all of us on here, we've managed to get to the point in our lives that we find ourselves on this site, so we're all in the struggle. We need to encougage ourselves to keep going!! No sugar coating it, because does get hard! I'm so happy that you decided to give it go again!

    And Confession time...now that i read what i wrote to you over again, I laugh because i was sort of talking to myself too. I have just completed month 6 of diet and exercise. I lost ALL of my 20 lbs in the first 2 months. I haven't lost a thing since. I'm stuck on a plateau that's going into the 4th month now :(... But a few things that keep me going are 1) Health..living a healthy lifestyle is now a priority for me. We've got one body and that's it, we should take care of it. 2) People who continueously exercise 3-4 times a week for years aren't fat, right?!?!? 3) I enjoy it.

    I have work to do still and eventhough I'm stuck at this weight...i'm confident if i keep it up, i'll get there, someday. I've been on exercise "kicks" before and always quite after i lost the weight i wanted - and then always ended back at the gym and i get mad myself and say "If i would have just kept exercising, i would be in this position"

    I'm so happy my slightly harsh, but true message to you helped. Best of luck on your journey and remember, Dieting is not for the Weak!!! Go kick some *kitten*!!