To eat or not to eat?..before my morning step class that is.

So I typically do not eat anything before heading to the gym to do my cardio, which is usually a step class. My philosophy is I want to tap into and use the stored energy (fat) and not the banana I just ate for breakfast. I'm I correct in my thinking...what say you fellow MFP peeps?:tongue:


  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    Meal timing is about personal preference - when you eat has nothing to do with how much weight you will lose.

    So, skipping breakfast won't make your body tap into your fat stores. Eating breakfast doesn't mean you won't lose any fat.

    Eat when it works for you.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    It really varies - you'll get a lot of different answers. Personally, I workout at home first thing in the morning and don't eat anything before working out on those days, and I feel fine. When I run after dropping my kid at school, like today, I have a few hours between when I wake up and when I get out the door, so I eat something to tide me over and fuel my run. In summer when I run at the crack of dawn, I go on an empty stomach.

    Some people get dizzy or lightheaded in their workouts if they don't eat, or don't have enough energy to get through it, others feel nauseous during the workout if they've eaten anything. So kinda depends on you and how you feel.
  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    if you're hungry, eat. if you can't perform right, eat.

    I get up at 5:50 AM for a 6:30 class and don't eat before. But I do the 9:30, I DEF eat first.
  • Actually, your body NEEDS food in order to work harder and push harder in the gym. I'd recommend at least having a protein shake 6-8oz with unsweetened Almond Milk 30-60 minutes before you go to the gym and another 30-60 minutes after.
  • BackTatJIM
    BackTatJIM Posts: 1,140 Member
    I don't do much cardio any more but I always eat before the gym, I workout better with some food in me or i will be thinking about food while I lift XD, I know plenty of people who go on a empty stomach with just a scoop of BCAA powder and water in there system and are fine.
  • elizawe
    elizawe Posts: 54 Member
    Personally, I think a little carb/protein will give you more energy for your step class and may help with overall weight loss. Not much, just a little and it will replace the glyocgen stores you are likely very low on first thing in the morning, which is needed to burn fat. If you can exercise at full capacity without eating and then eat but not overeat within 30 minutes afterwards when your insulin level is peaking in your body, then do what you've been doing.
  • now_or_never12
    now_or_never12 Posts: 849 Member
    If you feel fine without eating and don't have issues with putting all effort into the workout than you don't have to eat. Personally I have to eat before anything intense or I get shakey and can't put my all into the workout. I normally have something small.

    Meal timing has nothing to do with weight loss... all that really matters is the you are eating less than you burn.
  • Firefox7275
    Firefox7275 Posts: 2,040 Member
    If you are only burning the calories of a banana in step class you may as well stay in bed! Fat burns most efficiently in the presence of carbohydrates, think about a log fire and kindling wood. Also bear in mind you start the day dehydrated, your first meal/ snack helps your body hold onto any water you drink otherwise you flood the blood and sweat or pee it right back out again - milk particularly so if you like it, so is a great pre-workout drink/ food.
  • I sometimes eat before I workout.....but it has to be about an hour or so before I go, and it can't be much. Sometimes I will do 1/2 of a nutrition shake, or a nutrition cookie.

    Otherwise, if I have anything more or closer to when I start my program....I feel like I'm going to puke it all back up 1/2 way through! :O~

    *edit: and I agree with the above poster! If you workout in the morning, your definitely SHOULD have something in your belly (carbs and protein) to get your metabolism started! The body doesn't function well without fuel.

    And you may even find that you'll have more energy when you exercise after eating a little something!

    The first time I ran 3 miles in 30 min I'd had a nutrition cookie about 1h before I went....and I didn't feel my normal level of fatigue during that session.
  • 11kimberly11
    11kimberly11 Posts: 65 Member
    These are great points! I'm glad I asked. I think I will try to eat a little something next time and see what that does for my energy level during class. Thank you all for your input :smile:
  • kaaaayla
    kaaaayla Posts: 91 Member
    I usually work out, shower, then eat. If I eat before, I'll get nauseous when I work out. I have to either eat like 2 hours before, or wait until after.