Will I EVER overcome this plateau?

I have been stuck at 143lbs and will go between 143-145lbs. If I eat over 1200 calories I go up to 148 and when I drop my calories back down I get back to143 and get stuck again. I run but since I have had some knee pain after my runs I took a break from running and started JM 30 Day Shred to tone instead of just doing cardio. HELP!!!!


  • Have you tried varying your calories? For example, eat 1700 today and 1300 tomorrow which still averages to 1500 per day?
  • how long have you been dieting?
  • Run4UrHealth
    Run4UrHealth Posts: 348 Member
    I am scared to up my calories because every time I do my weight goes up! It just hasn't worked for me to eat more to lose more...I have tried several times and the scale moves up every single time.
  • Run4UrHealth
    Run4UrHealth Posts: 348 Member
    how long have you been dieting?

    I started Jan. 2, 2012.
  • cedarghost
    cedarghost Posts: 621 Member
    For what length of time did you try eating more?
  • same protien, carbs, fats and cals all the time?
  • ibach08
    ibach08 Posts: 61 Member
    bump... I would love to get some advice on this as well...
  • jonesin_am
    jonesin_am Posts: 404 Member
    I am scared to up my calories because every time I do my weight goes up! It just hasn't worked for me to eat more to lose more...I have tried several times and the scale moves up every single time.

    How many weeks did you give it when trying to eat more to lose more? Everything I read says that you may have an initial gain which is your body adjusting to the new calorie intake level. Have you tried staying at the higher calorie level for 4-6 weeks? I know that seems like a long time but my thoughts are you have nothing to lose. I was in a plateau for months...so if I put on a few pounds oh well but if I took off pounds (which I have) that's great!
  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member
    You are probably not eating enough.

    The extra weight you see when you eat more is most likely extra water weight. After eating too little for too long, energy stores in the muscles get depleted. Water is used to store that energy. Since the energy is mostly gone, the water goes away. Eating more will allow the body to restore this energy, and thus needs more water and thus increases weight via water. NOT fat.

    At your size, set MFP to losing 1/2 a pound a week, and simply do not worry about the water weight that returns with the extra calories.

    This is a long term thing, so immediate results are not what you need.
  • Cranktastic
    Cranktastic Posts: 1,517 Member
    I wish I could see you food and exercise diary.

    Also the scale hasnt moved in months for me...well a tiny up...and my waist looks smaller

    Are you taking measurements?

    I know for me i have been lifting..squats, bench, deadlifts, OHP, rows, etc
    It changes your body big time.
  • cmcollins001
    cmcollins001 Posts: 3,472 Member
    According to your ticker, you've only got a little over 10 lbs before your goal weight. It's likely going to be the hardest to get rid of.

    As stated, without seeing your food and exercise diary, it's really a lot of shooting in the dark as to what may or may not help.
  • As strange and odd as it sounds, I think it's right. Eat more calories. Our bodies are masters at making things difficult. When you first start dieting you eat less; workout more....now that we've been doing it for a while our bodies are like "great, i'm used to this, I'm holding on to any energy I can now" So, they way to respond is to eat more for a few weeks and then go back. I'm in the same spot. Told I didn't eat enough. If you really think abou this, it makes sense even though at first thought it seems crazy. I'm at my last 10 lbs and in a 7 week plateau of suckiness. But this is the thought that keeps me going....gym rats look great and don't need to loose weight...some of us just take a little longer than others. In other words, if we keep exercising, we'll get there and stay there.
  • Run4UrHealth
    Run4UrHealth Posts: 348 Member
    my food diary is now open!
  • Amlong1977
    Amlong1977 Posts: 125 Member
    I was a 1200 calorie /day person too & hit a 2 month plateau after losing around 100 lbs. I worked out 6-7 days a week & nothing was happening. I was advised to do a reset meaning eat at maintenance for a week, u should probably go for 2 weeks & no exercise. After that time I took my lbs/week from 2 to 1 1/2. I was scared to death to try it, but I really didn't have much a lot of other options & figured I'd try anything to get the scale moving again. Well low & behold, IT WORKED!!! I did that the week leading up to Thanksgiving & I'm down 106 lbs now. I went from eating 1200 to eating 1590 & not adding my exercise calories back because I changed my activity level from sedentary to active so I have the same number of calories everyday. I still log my exercise, but I change the calories burned to 1 because it makes you put something. With only 10 lbs to lose you should probably have it se to lose 1/2 to no more than 1 lb per week. I'm not sure what you have it set at now. I hope this helps & if you have any questions, message me. Oh & I also made sure I was drinking a ton of water, at least 12 cups per day. Good luck! You've come so far & will hit your goal!
  • pwnderosa
    pwnderosa Posts: 280 Member
    In my totally amateur opinion...if you've only got 10lbs left to lose, it is about time to slowly start upping your calories toward a good maintenance level for your goal weight, something you would be comfortable with long term. I wouldn't worry too much about gaining a couple of pounds during the transition, a lot of people have said it takes awhile for a diet change like that to show up on the scale. Congrats on what you've lost so far & getting so close to your goal weight! Great job!!
  • Cranktastic
    Cranktastic Posts: 1,517 Member
    my food diary is now open!

    Thank you!!!!

    I do think you are eating too little, and i get that it worries you to increase.

    I suggest you change your macros in the goal area to 40c/30p/30f percentage wise...or something close

    MFP sets its protein notoriously low, and IMO you need at least double what you are getting.

    Also are you weight training? I think your profile pic looks great


    and measure measure measure...your BODY and your food lol
  • ggsmamma
    ggsmamma Posts: 117 Member
    Bump. I look forward to learning more about what people have to say
  • I am scared to up my calories because every time I do my weight goes up! It just hasn't worked for me to eat more to lose more...I have tried several times and the scale moves up every single time.

    how long do you give it?
  • I was at a plateau for months. I was brave and I upped my calories by 400 a day, took me a month to lose but now im losing every week
  • I am going to make a recommendation or 2:

    1. Simple Carbs are too high, Protein and fat too low. At this point in your diet your body is burning carbs not fat. Your metabolism has stopped burning fat for fuel because you have lots of readily available carbs.

    2. 1300 - 1500 calories a day is fine but you are getting your carbs from crappy food. Basically your food choices are not very good.