Need Your Expert Advice (Insanity P90X People)!

Hi all!

I'm fairly new to MFP and just had my first baby 3.5 months ago. I'm at my Pre-Pregnancy weight, but my stomach definitely needs more definition!!! I'm 5'9 149lbs but want to lose fat and build muscle....after browsing many of the posts on here, I will now describe myself as what ppl mention, "Skinny Fat" haha.

Can't make it to a gym, but have a brand new treadmill, weights and a TV in my basement. Kinda was looking into the Insanity or P90x workouts.....what do you recommend? Where can I buy it? They look expensive on the people pay this price or am I in the dark about what to get?

Any advice is appreciated :o)



  • bradwwood
    bradwwood Posts: 371 Member
    P90X is an intense program and it is expensive. I think Insanity could be described the same way. You can sign up for a free account at and you will get a coach. I think you can buy through your coach at a discount, but I'm not 100% sure. I'm certain you can buy direct from the same URL.

    I think there is a less expensive program out there called Supreme 90. It is supposed to be pretty much the same thing and it is a lot cheaper. Look for it at Amazon.

    I can assure you, that if you stick to any of the three programs, you will come out of the 90 days looking pretty good. Remember, that much of it is in how you eat.... its not a magic pill that lets you pig out at McDonalds all week.

    I have a bad back and have had three surgeries. I tried P90X and hurt myself. I'm currently putting together a hybrid of what I was doing before, and a few things from P90X that I liked and didn't strain my back.
  • emily_bird
    Go here to check out the different programs and t buy it :
    beach body (it won't let me put in the link)

    Here are two beachbody coaches who I think can get you discounts:

    I might be wrong, but check it out.

    I have Insanity Asylum Vol 1 and P90x 1 .

    Insanity is a 60 day program divided into 2 cycles where you don't really need equipment. Asylum is a 30 day program. P90X is a 90 day program divided into 3 cycles. Both programs will fulfill your needs and make you a lot firmer and stronger. P90X needs more equipment (weights and a chin up bar .Check with others if you can modify). Insanity you don't really need much.

    If you take into account how many workouts you are getting and that they come with nutrition plans and calendars, then they seem reasonable priced to me. Check with others based in your country to confirm . Anything more than $300 seems expensive to me. However, you have to take into account what you're getting with each program e.g. how many videos, do you get equipment etc to work out a fair price.

    I chose to do Insanity Asylum because the Insanity videos don't need equipment which I don't have the space for and can't afford. Also, I'm interested in how you can use your own body's resistance for strength training which the Insanity provides. It's also something that you can do while travelling. I also find that because there is so much going on, I don't get bored. The host, Shaun T is inspiring with a good disposition. A lot of the exercises are around 40-45 min long, with some extending to 60 min,

    I haven't done P90X so I can't comment fairly on it. Some people are addicted to it. It might be the right program for you. I was put off by the time constraints of it .Other than the equipment, Tony Horton has the type of personality that I've seen a lot of people say is either a love him or hate him. On the plus side, there are a lot of different things being done in P90X ranging from Yoga to weights to Kenpo etc, so it provides you with a nice working knowledge.

    Good luck !
  • westendlove
    westendlove Posts: 4 Member
    Okay thanks for the info. I think I'll look into Insanity due to the fact it sounds more like personal body resistance and less equipment. Started a better eating plan already and now I need to improve exercise.
  • FluffyDogsRule
    FluffyDogsRule Posts: 366 Member
    not to be nosy, but are you breastfeeding? if so, i don't know if i'd do insanity yet. it is really intense and (from my own experiences with my own 2 kids at least) exercise that intense can screw up your milk supply. just a thought... :)

    if you're NOT nursing, then insanity is awesome!! i love it and have had great results.
  • thoshowski
    thoshowski Posts: 135 Member
    I have never done P90X but my boyfriend owns it. It is a lot of strength resistance training. You do a lot of push ups, pull ups, etc.
    I have done and am doing insanity and I find it more cardio work with some ab work. There is little stretching in Insanity, so some days I use the P90X stretch video just release the stiff muscles.
    As for buying it, you can always try Ebay or amazon. There are a lot of people out there that start and stop immediately after. I got mine for half price on just because someone bought it and never used it.
  • mdcoug
    mdcoug Posts: 397 Member
    I'm working on Chalean Extreme right now and so far, so good, I guess. It's strength training, but you don't need as much equipment as P90X, just some weights and my set came with everything else.

    If you are nursing, just make sure you're getting enough calories. You already need quite a bit for that and Insanity will take a lot too. The level of sweat that pours off you from that one is ridiculous.

    Also, word to the wise: do NOT order it from their Web site. Their upsale process left me so confused that I didn't think I completed my order, went through a friend who was a coach to order instead and then ended up with two sets. :mad: Really not a fan of their sales tactics. But, I do like their programs.
  • Princessmoe333
    Princessmoe333 Posts: 23 Member
    I'm a Beachbody coach. I would love to help you. I will private message you with my information. I can also offer you discount prices on all Beachbody products.
  • kaaaayla
    kaaaayla Posts: 91 Member
    I plan on starting Insanity the Monday after December 12th. It's finals week in college, so I'm waiting until that's over so I can give it a better shot. But I got it from my neighbor instead of paying over $100 for it. I'm really nervous, but excited! Hope I can stick with it. I just want to lose about 10 lbs and tone my muscles a little more. Feel free to add me and we can keep it up together!
  • REvans175
    I have tried P90X it is super intense. I did get some results from the program. I recently started a new program called AthleanX and it works perfect for me and every work out can be performed at home with minimal equipment. The program also includes a meal plan which is amazing. Check it out at Do research and see what program will work the best for you.
  • Greenrun99
    Greenrun99 Posts: 2,065 Member
    If your skinny fat, I would definitely lean towards more P90x then Insanity.. Insanity is way more cardio whereas P90x incorporates resistance moves\weights\bands.. Both require you to eat appropriate amounts of food to fuel your exercises though.. You will probably see better results with p90x