Finish JMBR by the end of the Year



  • stormywxs
    stormywxs Posts: 254 Member
    Starting Phase Three today. Reviewed workouts 9&10 yesterday and it looks like Jillian has kicked it up a notch again. Also looked at cardio 3 and she says it is one of the most difficult cardio workouts she has put together. Hope my group is up for this. :ohwell: It can't be worse than P90X or Insanity.
  • stormywxs
    stormywxs Posts: 254 Member
    Had my Body Fat measured in a bod pod yesterday. The good news is I've lost 13 pounds since starting JMBR. The bad news is my body fat hasn't changed much. I have another bod pod scheduled for 2 January. I hope to report good news for weight loss and body fat after the new year. I'm hoping for at least 5 more pounds and 2% BF loss. I will do the hard work you can wish me good luck:drinker:
  • momof2_0710
    momof2_0710 Posts: 179 Member
    I fell off after phase 1 due to my family and i getting a virus. I started phase 2 yesterday and workout 5 was pretty ok. I did workout 6 today and omg i feel like jello everywhere. I guess that is a good thing right? Well on to cardio 2 tomorrow. Lets see how that goes. lol
  • I started JMBR in mid Novmber, I did it for a week and then stopped for a week because I really hurt my back. However I am back at it, this makes my 3rd solid week. I am doing phase 1 and 2 until the end of this week and next week will be moving to 3 and 4. I didnt follow any of the diet plan, nor did I do the metabolism thing. I have managed to already lose 12 pounds and 3.5 inches off my body. I lost a whole inch off of my waist and can fit into clothes that I havent been able to wear since I had my daughter almost 7 months ago. I feel great about myself, which is a weird feeling for me. My husband cannot believe the muscle definition in my legs and arms already. PLUS I AM STARTING TO GET A PRETTY BUTT!! WOO!! I am watching my body change on a daily basis. The only thing I did add was right before she does the cool down stretches I pause the dvd and do about 50-100 crunches. I am hoping to improve that amount as the weeks go buy. I dont do the cardio at night but I think I might start tonight. I am super happy with my body thus far and cannot wait to see what I look like when its all over!!!!!
  • szonjakun
    szonjakun Posts: 94 Member
    I fell off after phase 1 due to my family and i getting a virus. I started phase 2 yesterday and workout 5 was pretty ok. I did workout 6 today and omg i feel like jello everywhere. I guess that is a good thing right? Well on to cardio 2 tomorrow. Lets see how that goes. lol

    How was the cardio workout for you? I did it today for the first time and felt like dying. :D
  • stormywxs
    stormywxs Posts: 254 Member
    Finishing up week 2 of phase three today and tomorrow. Can't say I'll miss workouts 9 and 10. I've been working out with a group from our school and Christmas break starts next week. That means we'll have to move to a new location and time to finish the last two weeks of phase three. It will be interesting to see how many of our group of ten pushes through the holiday break. Hopefully I will be one of the:laugh: Anyway, we should be done with JMBR in two weeks. Then I can say I survived JMBR just in time to move on to Chelean Extreme for our New Year challenge.

    So far there is only one JMBR exercise we can't do (rock star roll ups). I'm hoping there aren't any challenges in 11 and 12 we're not up to.
  • stormywxs
    stormywxs Posts: 254 Member
    Finished week 2 of phase three Friday and now we're on to the last two weeks of phase three. There were ten of us that started out as a group and we're now down to 5. Most of us also belong to a Biggest Loser group that had our Finale Friday. Four out of our five have lost weight since we began JMBR back in September. So, I'd say JMBR has been good to us.

    Our next challenge as a group well be a Chelean Extreme hybrid for 90 days. I'm looking for a CE group that is starting up on New Year.