Looking for single Mom's of teens

Looking for other single Mom's of teens to support each other in our fitness journeys!

I have a 17yr old son, four big dogs and two fluffy cats, plus I work full time at my job and part time on my FORTUNE :-)))

Sometimes it's hard to find that down time to take care of myself and my health has suffered. The big catalyst that got me back on track this time is that when I went to buy life insurance my premium was $88/month HIGHER because of my weight. My blood work was perfect, but the insurance company says, "Well, you're technically obese, so we're gonna charge you more money just because we can!!" My agent says I can have my policy "re-evaluated" in one year and as long as my weight is in the normal to overweight category then the company will lower my premiums back to the "preferred non-smoker" status that my blood work qualifies for.

I'd love to connect with you and send you encouragement because helping other people makes me feel good, so let's connect!



  • bulldogmom99
    Hey there I'm a Single mom that has a 13 year old and finding time is tough but I do find time to work out please feel free to ad me as a friends and I will do the same
  • lauries3
    lauries3 Posts: 68 Member
    I am or was a single mother of two, my daughter recently moved into her own place but that does not mean she does not come call and continue to be very up close and personal. I also have a 16 year old son who thinks that he runs the show. I am a substitute teacher and I just finished my last academic class for my masters. I two tests and student teaching away from my diploma.
    Please feel free to add me. The stress of being a single mother is OH MY! The stregnth only comes from GOD himself.
  • alvalaurie
    alvalaurie Posts: 369 Member
    I am currently a single Mom of 2...well 1. My daughter just moved out as well, Laurie (irronically my name is Laurie also!) and my son is 17. Trouble is, my bf is about to pop the question so I will no longer be single. Its bitter sweet b/c I have loved being a strong, independant woman who has raised her children completely on my own & we are AWEsome! However it is also very nice to finally have someone to share my life with.

    Soooo....I guess this leaves me out, but you ladies have fun & keep rockin cuz you're AWESOME!! :drinker:
  • lauries3
    lauries3 Posts: 68 Member
    Congratulations Laurie! :smile:
  • dsavage4725
    Hi, I'm Donna and a single mom of teens as well. I have 2 boys, 14 and almost 16. I've been a single mom for 11 years now and I agree, it is hard and leaves little time for ourselves. After working all day (stress snack at work...need help with that), cooking dinner, and cleaning up, I'm beat! Add me and we can all support one another! :)