Do you need to lose 80 - 90 lbs?



  • Jparadise72
    HELLS YA!!! :glasses:
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    I would like to join too. I have a total of 100 to loose and with 10 down I have 90 left to go.
  • Rhoslynn
    Rhoslynn Posts: 20 Member
    I agree with Sweettart that Friday's might be better suggestion. I still work out and keep up on weekends, but I'm not always home or available to weigh in. Just a thought.
  • SraArroz
    SraArroz Posts: 238
    My weigh-in day is already Mondays, can I still play??? I've never been anything close to a Barbie before. :wink:
  • mdeguzman
    mdeguzman Posts: 35
    I want to join too. I have over 100lbs to lose but I want to be a barbie too.:)
  • cutejelly
    Lets get do this!!! Its always good to have support doing these kind of things!!!
  • joyfulmom4him
    Count me in!!! Let's go Plus-sized Barbies
  • CreativeRedhead
    Yeah I need to lose about that much. And I definitely would love to have some support. I've been depressed the past 2 weeks or so and just not feeling it. Love to join a group. :)
  • NewMe80xoxo
    NewMe80xoxo Posts: 172
    Hey yall...I'm so so glad we are having a turnout liks I thought....I really wanna see all of WIN this battle...

    I only said saturday b/c if you weigh Friday morning the what about all that hard work you did that week???

    How about this...You can have your weigh in days on Fri. Sat. Sun. Mon. As long as you have you weigh in posted Monday morning!!!

    I hope that will work for everyone else!!!!

    Any more suggest or questions please feel free to ask!!!!!
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    Wow this sounds really great!! I can't wait to start, I got a couple of ideas for challage that might help. I will send them to ya. Really psych about this group!!
  • halfpint71
    halfpint71 Posts: 53 Member
    I hope I'm not to late to join. I could really use some motivation and a support system. I still have 80 pounds to lose and its seems like a never ending battle...
  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
    NewMe: I love the idea of chosing your weigh in day!! Well between fri-mon.

    I know mine will be on fri..or never know I might just pick my lowest weight lol
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    hahaha Jenn thats so funny, but i might do the same thing lol:laugh: Ok so far so good today. Logging everything and planning my walk time so I just need to stay focus at dinner ( my worst enemy)
  • ican♥and♥iwill
    ican♥and♥iwill Posts: 176 Member
    Can I join?

    I've already lost a total of 85 lbs, but I still have about 40-50ish that I want to lose...
  • NewMe80xoxo
    NewMe80xoxo Posts: 172
    Can I join?

    I've already lost a total of 85 lbs, but I still have about 40-50ish that I want to lose...

    You are more then welcome to join...Maybe you will be able to give us know where we are coming from!
  • NewMe80xoxo
    NewMe80xoxo Posts: 172
    Anyone can still join that wants to ... the group don't start till Monday!!! I can't wait yall!!! :)
  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
    Just curious are we doing our weigh in tomorrow or next friday?
  • Rhoslynn
    Rhoslynn Posts: 20 Member
    I think the plan is to start posting on Monday morning, whether you way in fri through mon. At least that's the way I understand it :) Yay, excited!
  • NewMe80xoxo
    NewMe80xoxo Posts: 172
    Yes weigh this week so you can post your weigh in on Monday!!!! I may put the thread up sometime saturday or maybe sunday morning...bc there has been a death in the family and I have a viewing to go to sunday afternoon plus i go to work at 6 pm...but no worries it will be up by sunday...promise!
  • learning2bfit
    learning2bfit Posts: 61 Member
    I'd like to join...looking forward to the challenges too!