looking to lose 30 + pounds before June

My 21st birthday is June 9th,
I'd like to be healthier
and happier with my body by then..
Anyone else have similar goals?
Looking for friendship, support, motivation, help, anything. :)
How'd you do it?
How do you plan on doing it?


  • kaypee65
    kaypee65 Posts: 120 Member
    I have about the same goal, but I'm 47. I've always been incredibly fit and healthy, but I had a couple of rough years and have gotten out of control.

    For activity, I do my kinect or run outside 3 days a week; and I play kinect games for another two days. That gives me a solid 5 hours of moderate to strenuous activity. And it really is pretty fun too.

    Food wise I'm making a point to reduce processed foods as much as possible and to consumer a minimum of 20 grams of fiber per day.

    I think that will give me a way I can be successful.

    You can achieve your goals, and you can be happy with yourself now, even as you're working to improve. In fact, you deserve to be happy with yourself :-)
  • I was hoping to be 40 pounds down by the beginning of June so, heck yeah! I will do this with you.

    Add me and we can chat.
  • cediyam
    cediyam Posts: 181 Member
    same boat. You can add me.
  • mcva929
    mcva929 Posts: 73 Member
    Hey there! I'd also like to lose between 30-40 pounds. I'm 22, in college, and just trying to eat right and exercise. My diary reflects pretty poorly on me right now, but I took a nutrition course this semester and I plan on implementing a lot of what I learned. You can find quite a few good posts on here about eating right and how to make good choices. Eat within your calorie budget, and make sure you're choosing healthy, real foods. It's also important to add in exercise, even if it's only walking 20 minutes a day. Right now (since it's finals week), I'm only managing to walk about 30 minutes each night, but some movement is better than none. Start small, log EVERYTHING, and good luck!
  • Looking to lose 30 pounds by... you guessed it.. June 1st. well actually by then i hope to have lost 30 and bulked 10 of it back...

    ETA: insanity/p90x hybrid for the losing. possible gym membership but definitely heavy weights for the bulking.. anyone here can add me if you'd like
  • jvcxoxo
    jvcxoxo Posts: 3 Member
    HEY! Add me guys, I will lose 40 pounds by the summer also! :)
  • nicolamurphy_x
    nicolamurphy_x Posts: 4 Member
    Add me! We can all help each other :) Heres to us all losing atleast 30lbs by summer!
  • Yaya1976
    Yaya1976 Posts: 357 Member
    Hi there,

    I'm 36 and my goal is to lose 25 lbs by May 2013. I've already lost 7, YAY for me :)
    My fitness plan is to eat right, stay below my 1210 cal intake per day and work out anywhere from 4 to 6 days a week.

    Good luck to you

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • My boyfriend's birthday is in early June. We're planning a trip to the Bahamas! Now I just need to drop 30 to 40 pounds before then...count me in!
  • Celticthunderfan
    Celticthunderfan Posts: 29 Member
    I have a similar goal. I am currently an honest size 18, but I would like to be a size 16 by graduation in May. Feel free to add me.
  • Feel free to add me! My 31st birthday is in July and I would like to be 30 to 40 lbs lighter by then! :)
  • My birthday is in may and I'd like to lose 44 :)
    Feel free to add me;)
  • Feel free to add me, i'm looking to drop 30 by june. I started kickboxing a couple of weeks ago, and joined MFP. My kickboxing instructor said that exercising is one thing, but watching what you eat is just as important. I go about 3-5 times a week depending.
  • Zarfex
    Zarfex Posts: 13 Member
    I'm looking for something similar, but my 21st is on April 1st. So i need to loose 20-30 lbs by then XD
    ps. any1 who wants to do this together add me :)