How has your body changed?

SewRue Posts: 74 Member
I may have only lost 6 or 7 pounds since joining, but with working out and watching everything that has gone in my mouth, I can already see a change in my body. Especially in my back, oddly enough, as well as the "upper" part of my stomach. It sounds weird but after a meal it would protrue and look very funny. But now it looks normal. I've always been a pear-shape type so that's probably why the top part of my body is smaller. I feel and see my ribs more. It's so encouraging once you see your body change.

Somone told me that you won't see a lot of results for about 3 months with diet and fitness. That maybe true but I couldn't be happier now. Plus I know the best is yet to come, as trite as that may sound.

So I'm curious, how has everyone elses bodies changed?


  • dcw8636
    dcw8636 Posts: 9
    Well, pretty much .. and i'm being serious, a year ago I looked like I could be pregnant (definitely was not.) now, the top of my stomach is flat, and i'm just trying to get rid of the bottom. My thighs are COMPLETELY smaller. they lost ten inches :)
  • SewRue
    SewRue Posts: 74 Member
    WOW! That is amazing! Good for you.

    I hope in a year I can say that. I would never have thought to measure inches, but sinse joining mfp I've lost almost 3inches in my hips, that's just over a month. Congratulations to you! What a success.
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    I've been strength training for about 6 weeks now. I can tell that a little of me is missing all over. I can see that my posture has improved as my shoulders are back farther and not slouching forward. I can feel the muscles in my legs and butt when I walk. I can tell that my breasts are ever so slightly perkier because of the extra muscles holding them up. I feel that it is so important for us to notice stuff like this, because our success can be measured in so many more ways than just our weight loss.
  • JStarnes
    JStarnes Posts: 5,576 Member
    I have visible hip & collar bones now. :bigsmile:
    My thighs don't rub when I walk :laugh:
    The 'girls' shrank about 2 cup sizes :sad:
    My tummy is finally starting to shrink (it was the last to go :grumble: )
  • susanhiebert
    Hi. My stomach is smaller. My breasts have gotten a tiny bit smaller, and i have a lot less junk in the trunk.
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    I've lost about 30 of the 90 lbs I need to lose- and I've watched as my hands and feet have reappeared, my fore arms and lower legs too! In my thighs (much smaller now) I can see muscle bulging up when I'm on the elliptical machine!

    My breasts, always C cup sized and pretty constant in size regarudless of my weight, have shrunk (thanks aging, for removing breast tissue and replacing it with fat). The looked fine but bled into my underarm area when I was heavier, but now they're like too mostly deflated water baloons. It's a sad sight:cry:

    My face looks a little older, but also thinner, and I think I look a little more intellegent because I look less childish around the eyes?:ohwell:

    I have a WAIST! It's higher than what's in style, but it's a genuine wasit! :noway:

    The sizable roll of fat around my bra strap area has shrunk to a roll that's about an inch - and mostly skin.

    I can tell that I'm right side dominant because my right leg and hip are far more defined than my left side.

    I feel MORE jiggle when I walk because (I think) there's a more significant difference between my fat and my lean muscle:blushing:

    My butt is rounder because you can see better where it ends and my thighs begin!
  • CraigFoster
    My breasts are shrinking too. I'm a guy :ohwell:
  • elissamarie
    I started working out and eating better in December, and started with this website just this month. Since December, I have lost about twenty pounds. And for a girl who is only 5'2 and was about 163, thats pretty exciting. I have noticeably become smaller and more toned. The first thing I noticed was my face started to look thinner-- My arms became smaller and more toned. My chest are a tiny bit smaller, but they look about the same if not a little bigger, just in comparison to the rest of my body. My waist and stomach have gotten smaller, so you can see my curves. My back has become "less round". My legs are alot smaller and more toned, so that, in turn makes my butt look cuter!! I am very excited about all the changes I have been seeing and other people are definitely noticing the changes. It's nice to know that all my hard work is actually paying off.. From week to week, my clothes are fitting different and I feel great. I need to go shopping for new clothes!!
  • imagymrat
    imagymrat Posts: 862 Member
    I've been strength training for about 6 weeks now. I can tell that a little of me is missing all over. I can see that my posture has improved as my shoulders are back farther and not slouching forward. I can feel the muscles in my legs and butt when I walk. I can tell that my breasts are ever so slightly perkier because of the extra muscles holding them up. I feel that it is so important for us to notice stuff like this, because our success can be measured in so many more ways than just our weight loss.

    I couldn't agree with you more! my weight training sculpted my body to the point where I was like..."dang who is that chick, I wanna look like that" then dam, that's me......I can't stress enough how weights totally transform your body, it's amazing! you can be skinny "fat" and then you can be skinny sculpted...HUGE difference..if that makes any sense :laugh: :tongue:
  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    I've been strength training for about 6 weeks now. I can tell that a little of me is missing all over. I can see that my posture has improved as my shoulders are back farther and not slouching forward. I can feel the muscles in my legs and butt when I walk. I can tell that my breasts are ever so slightly perkier because of the extra muscles holding them up. I feel that it is so important for us to notice stuff like this, because our success can be measured in so many more ways than just our weight loss.

    I couldn't agree with you more! my weight training sculpted my body to the point where I was like..."dang who is that chick, I wanna look like that" then dam, that's me......I can't stress enough how weights totally transform your body, it's amazing! you can be skinny "fat" and then you can be skinny sculpted...HUGE difference..if that makes any sense :laugh: :tongue:

    Amen to that! When I first went from 160 to 125 I did most of that with a circuit training group class. I took the first class and FELL IN LOVE. Then I started seeing little hints of muscles here and then when I looked in the mirror and I fell in love even more. I slipped up a bit in grad school but I'M BACK! I've started flexing for my boyfriend to show him my definition. I love it. I can't imagine doing only running or only some other cardio. Skinny fat -- no thanks!
  • Amy_B
    Amy_B Posts: 2,323 Member
    EVERYTHING has changed! LOL

    My hands and fingers are much smaller, and you can see the veins on my hands.
    My face has definitely thinned out. When I show my high school students (in my class) my old pictures, they can't even tell it is me.
    Everything else just got smaller, and I can see muscles now.
  • MissMouse85
    MissMouse85 Posts: 38 Member
    The funniest one I've noticed is that my old shoes don't fit! My feet have shrunk about half a size since I've lost 20 pounds, and now I'm falling out of my flats :tongue:

    My favorite change that I've noticed is that my collarbones are visible again! Very excited about that.

    Congrats on all your hard work and the changes you are seeing!
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    My butt got a lot firmer and I think it might even be higher than it was. My upper body is small. I'm totally happy with it. My thighs don't quite look like I wish they would but with a few more pounds and toning I'm hoping they'll fall in line with the rest of my body. My belly still protrudes a little bit but not nearly like it did. I'm getting a hysterectomy in June and I'm hoping that will take care of the small buldge I have left.
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    My breasts are shrinking too. I'm a guy :ohwell:
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    well then, at least for you it's a GOOD thing! :smile:

    I have noticed a slight change in my hips thighs and belly, so that pants that used to be uncomfortably tight and leave marks are now fitting correctly.

    But my biggest changes are invisible...
    1. I quit smoking
    2. I can now walk for more than 5 minutes without almost passing out.
    3. I can now do more than 3 reps of an exercise without giving up.
    4. My son and bf say I am way more pleasant to be around.
    5. And I have saved money not smoking and not eating out every day.

    So although to the average person looking at me, I haven't changed at me I am a whole new person! :bigsmile:
  • ldarter
    ldarter Posts: 131 Member
    Just in my second week of counting calories and exercsing daily but I too am already seeing small changes. My face is actually thinner and less rounded than before I started and my belly, the part where my weight was most noticeable has gotten a bit smaller. I didn't measure inches before starting here but know I am losing there as well because my clothing is already fitting better.

    In the past I have tried a few specialized diets but had never tried counting calories before and I have been amazed at how effective using this site has been. It really makes it simple and easy to stick to a plan plus the support from others here is I think one of the greatest things and it really helps.
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    I started (really started) this journey about 2 years ago. I didn't even realize how bad a shape I was in until I compare how I felt then to how I feel now. I have so much more strength, stamina, happiness, everything. I was miserable and mean about 50 pounds ago. Now I'm much easier to get along with and I like to go out more. It really is amazing what an impact losing weight can have on your whole life! Also, the best part is now I HAVE to workout. Of course there's days when I'd rather not, but unless I'm sick I work out 5-6 days a week. I feel so much better when I do. I would have never thought I'd be one of those people who likes to exercise but I am and I'm thankful for that, among so many other things!

    I can't wait to see what other changes losing the other 40-45 pounds will bring! :bigsmile:
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    My face has thinned out, I've noticed the little chunk by my arm (side boob I think some call it?) has shrunk at least 50%. I've lost inches everywhere but the main things I've noticed is my stomach is flatter. I used to be able to fill out a shirt with an empire waist like I was pregnant. Now you can't see my belly in one! :happy: Also, the girls have shrunk a little bit. My feet have also shrunk a little. My size 9 heels I can easily slip my foot out of when they used to fit perfectly. I used to wear a 9.5 in Nike running shoes. This time I bought a 9. :) My butt is considerably firmer and has lifted from all my running & elliptical usage.

    Also, since working out, I've noticed my joints are a lot looser. I don't have back pain anymore. It's not stiff all the time. I can turn my back and pop it like nobody's business. For awhile, it was so stiff, it would never pop & it hurt all the time. Not so fun. :happy:
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