anyone 5"1 and 135 lbs ?

looking for buddys around my height and weight (135 lbs) who are looking to get around 100 -115. hope to make my goal by march on my birthday :) anyone interested please friend.


  • tabbykat6802
    tabbykat6802 Posts: 233 Member
    I'm an inch shorter, but am around 133 right now. 115 is my extended goal. friend request on it's way.
  • i'm down. i'm 5'2 and 141, want to be 90-100lbs.
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    At 5'1", I started at 136 in June. I'm at 105.6 today. Size 10 to a size 2. Moving to maintenance now. I'm eating better and enjoying food. I have tons of energy and feel better in so many ways.
  • Taterpoof
    Taterpoof Posts: 416 Member
    5'2'' 129 =)
  • kmkgurl
    kmkgurl Posts: 321 Member
    5'1 and 137 at the moment! XD
  • I'm 5'1 and was about 135 at my heaviest, about three years back. I lost ~8 pounds gradually, just from leaving home/changing my diet, and now I'm down to 122. Hoping to get to 115 or less!
  • brittuhnay
    brittuhnay Posts: 350 Member
    I'm 5'4 and 135lbs.. going towards the same weight :) add me if you'd like.
  • tookie24
    tookie24 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm 5'1, started out at 141 now down to 118. Trying to get to 110-115 just having troubles getting rid of those last few pounds.
  • Cindym82
    Cindym82 Posts: 1,245 Member
    I'm 5'1 and started at 137, I'm not at 124.4 and goal is 115. I hope to be there by June. Friend me if you would like
  • Amcolecchi
    Amcolecchi Posts: 260 Member
    5'1" and currently 130..I was 136 got down to 122 and then with some fertility issues gained weight...But My ultimate goal weight is 115!! Always looking for friends!! :)
  • I am 5"1 and 122, I hope to get to 115 soon but it's hard since you can't eat that much if you don't workout
  • Me me me i just posted a similar topic asking for sucess stories from petite women.
    I am 5ft 1in and 135lbs wanting to get to 120lbs x Looking for friends for support x
  • getfitnfab
    getfitnfab Posts: 418 Member
    I am 5'2 at 128, looking to get between 115 and 120. More about flat abs than anything else.

    Started at 160 3 years ago.
  • ShaniWulffe
    ShaniWulffe Posts: 458 Member
    I'm 5'2" and 130... Request sent! :)
  • mgoetsch1982
    mgoetsch1982 Posts: 339 Member
    I'm 5'1" and would love to be your weight! My goal is between 110-115. I'm not close to where you are but am down about 25 pounds and still going!
  • well done!
  • MMark2012
    MMark2012 Posts: 143 Member
    Hi, I am a bit taller, at 5'5", but started MFP in September at 138lbs. I am down to 122 with a similar goal weight as you 110-115.
    You can add me if you want!:smile:
  • I'm 5'2 and my weight is ~120.I want to be 105lbs(not less).feel free to add me :)
  • Zandia_1
    Zandia_1 Posts: 183 Member
    I'm 5' 1/2" and weigh 139 lbs. I would like to be between 105 & 115. I'm definitely sending a friend request and I hope you other 5'2" and under ladies won't mind if I send you all a friend request as well.