Fitbit Advice?



  • azzkikin
    azzkikin Posts: 458 Member
    I got the Ultra used it for about 2 months. then had the opportunity to get the One and have used since. They only difference is the One is a little smaller, syncs to your Bluetooth 4.0 smartphone and is water/splash proof. The Ultra is being discontinued by the One. They both work very well for counting steps taken, floors climbed, and sleep. I like that I can just put it in my pocket and not worry about having it on my arm or fall off my belt. But I have to tell you I use it on my belt the most.

    It sure makes me get more active and make sure I am up and moving around. I am constantly trying to beat my previous day step count. I think on your waist is the best place for it, and that's why I did not go for the Bodymedia or Nike. But to each their own.

    It links to MFP without issue. Any time there was an issue with the linkup, Fitbit and MFP were aware and fixing the issue.

    Any questions let me know. Good luck
  • stebbrock
    stebbrock Posts: 5 Member
    I would recommend the fitbit “One” highly. Singularly the best piece of fitness equipment I have ever purchased! Coupled with MFP it has changed my life in many positive ways.
  • RhonndaJ
    RhonndaJ Posts: 1,615 Member
    I got my fitbit ultra in October and my only complaint is that I didn't wait to get the one which would allow me sync via bluetooth to the iPad.

    Aside from that, I just love it. It's a great tool for tracking what I'm doing and pushing myself to do more. I find that I split my tracking between the fitbit site and here, with food here and exercise over there and it all works out find for me.
  • BrawlerBella
    BrawlerBella Posts: 400 Member
    right at the moment I do not like is not tracking....right....I spent 90 mins. at the gym sweating like a pig :laugh: and it said I only burnt 230 calories.....but when I log what I did in with MFP the numbers was like 570 I 'm not liking fitbit right now till I figure out what is wrong.

    The fitbit does not track your heart rate just your steps so your calories are different when you plug them into MFP. For a better caloric burn number use an HRM.

    I've had mine for a week and totally addicted. I bought the One it can sync via bluetooth with your iphone 4s or 5 and ipad retina(3). I use a a droid razar maxx and Fitbit is in the works to be able to sync via Android on phones with Bluetooth 4.
  • Codefox
    Codefox Posts: 308 Member
    Its a great little motivator if you like seeing numbers go up. I had an ultra and washed it (I wonder how many clean, broken ultras are out there 8) ) and recently replaced it with a One which I like a little better design wise. Its better built. I keep it with me when I run and I've discovered while its not 100% accurate to the distance on my GPS its REALLY close. I keep trying to see if I can break my previous step badge total...up to 30k in a day so far!

    Noone else has mentioned the scale but I also own that and I've found the scale to be great. I love that it uploads my weight to Fitbit which then syncs to MFP. It seems to be a very accurate scale as well. It also evaluates BF% which, this type of technology isn't that accurate with. That said I think its still in the ballpark and gives a good sense of progress. I've gone down 3 or 4% since I got it and that matches up to my weight loss.

    I recommend both!
  • I have it - use it everyday - awesome!!!
  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    Love mine. By far the best fitness purchase I've made.

    This is what I tell people when they ask. I wouldn't want someone to buy one thinking that it was the end all and be all to weight loss and calorie counting.

    The Fitbit is a pedometer. Only. It is a pedometer on steroids. And it is pretty cool. It uses the same technology that is in a Wii remote to count stairs / elevation. But it is a pedometer. If you get most of your activity through walking or running or your day to day activities include a lot of walking, the fitbit is awesome and you will not regret buying it. If the majority of your exercise is at the gym taking classes or working with weights etc, then you may not be happy with the fitbit, if you don't understand that it is a pedometer and not a heart rate monitor.
  • flechero
    flechero Posts: 260 Member
    right at the moment I do not like is not tracking....right....I spent 90 mins. at the gym sweating like a pig :laugh: and it said I only burnt 230 calories.....but when I log what I did in with MFP the numbers was like 570 I 'm not liking fitbit right now till I figure out what is wrong.

    unless you were running laps around the gym, the fitbit is fine. It isn't going to help with a gym/weight workout
  • 120weeks
    120weeks Posts: 242 Member
    I've enjoyed my "One" and I've had it for a week.

    My goal burn for the day on fitbit is 2420. My caloric goal is 1920. With a 500 deficit daily, that should put me at 1 pound lost a week on average. The fitbit helps me make my goals on lazy days AND tells me how much everyday living actually burns. I did a bunch of errands yesterday and burned 2983. I didn't go to the gym, even. It's an excellent tool and motivator. I do need a HRM now though. One gadget leads to another since the fitbit doesn't record my boxing, biking, as well as running, walking, etc.

    Overall, I do love it. It would be a costly thing to replace. A cheap pedometer would be a good starter for achieving 10,000 steps a day and much cheaper to replace but on the other hand......the fitbit helps the overall picture of cals burnt and it's fun.
  • cajungirltx
    cajungirltx Posts: 147 Member
    Just ordered the Fitbit Zip:smile:
  • flechero
    flechero Posts: 260 Member
    I've discovered while its not 100% accurate to the distance on my GPS its REALLY close.

    Have you recently adjusted your calibration on it? when I dialed it in, I was within 1/100th of a mile most of the time as compared to the gps

    Every month or so, I would warm up and run a mile or so and then hit the button and run an exact mile on a track... divide the number of steps into 5280 and you'll be right on.
  • Stdavis53
    Stdavis53 Posts: 233 Member
    I have the Fitbit Ultra and absolutely love it! To actually see the numbers of your daily activity is really eye opening. Before I set goals to try and beat, I did 2 days of testing just to see what I actually did. A shopping/grocery day and a lazy stay at home day. To be able to see the difference in your physical activity, even if its as simple as walking around the grocery store is incredible. Its probably one of the tools that helped me decide that I could really focus on this weight loss journey and finally do it.

    Cliffnotes version: Love it, HIGHLY recommended.

  • cajungirltx
    cajungirltx Posts: 147 Member
    I have the Fitbit Ultra and absolutely love it! To actually see the numbers of your daily activity is really eye opening. Before I set goals to try and beat, I did 2 days of testing just to see what I actually did. A shopping/grocery day and a lazy stay at home day. To be able to see the difference in your physical activity, even if its as simple as walking around the grocery store is incredible. Its probably one of the tools that helped me decide that I could really focus on this weight loss journey and finally do it.

    Cliffnotes version: Love it, HIGHLY recommended.

    Thanks for sharing! Makes me feel better beings I just ordered the Zip 5 minutes ago.
  • I loved mine until I accidentally forgot to remove it from my gym clothes. Threw it in the washer and my fitbit broke. I was able to revive it once, but the second time I threw it in the wash the fitbit was a goner :(

    I saw the new fitbits are a lot cheaper than the $99 one I purchased three years ago so I may consider buying a new one. If I buy a new fitbit I am putting signs on my laundry basket and washing machine to check my gym clothes for the fitbit!!!

    I too washed mine...and was no reviving it :( BUT I LOVE MINE SOOOOO MUCH that I ran out the next day and bought a new one :happy: To me it was the best money I have ever spent (twice lol) it keeps me accountable of my movement or lack of sometimes. I only take mine off to shower.....I LOVE IT!!!! Would reccomend it 100%
  • trackercasey76
    trackercasey76 Posts: 781 Member
    I love mine, the key is just don't over think it. I log food only and let the FB do the rest. I wear mine all the time, at the gym, in my karate class, everywhere.
  • danielledesj
    danielledesj Posts: 14 Member
    I have had my Fitbit since May 15 and I just love it so much. It really motivates me to take more steps everyday:) It is completely worth it: . It is worth the investment.
    I recommend as a lady, wear it on your bra, cause I heard that people who wear it with the belt clip have lost one and some even lost 2. That can become expensive.:(
  • fitnfancy80
    fitnfancy80 Posts: 251 Member
    I got the Fitbit Zip and I love it. I wear it every single day.
  • bridgelene
    bridgelene Posts: 358 Member
    Exactly this! I will also add that I started out with the Ultra (about 2 months before the One came out). Loved it, except that I had constant ongoing issues syncing it with my Macbook Pro. I was in frequent communication with fitbit support trying to figure it out, and basically in the end I was told that it's an ongoing issue that some (but not all?) mac users have, that they are aware of. And they don't have any resolution for it yet, but are working on it :-X Basically, the only way I could get it to sync (EVERY TIME) was to fully uninstall, restart, reinstall, restart, and then sync. Which is a pretty big inconvenience for the $ spent. I was pretty bummed about that, but a few months later when the One came out, my generous girlfriend (who had gotten me the Ultra) who knew I had been having trouble with the syncing randomly got me a One so I wouldn't have so much trouble. I sync it with my iPhone and all is good in the world again!

    So I would personally suggest the One over the Ultra.
    I really like my fitbit. It keeps me aware of how much moving I do in a day. I aim for 10,000 steps during the week and at least 10 flights of stairs during the week. On the weekends, I am to do 8,000 steps and 8 flights of stairs.
    I like that it can tell how many times you wake up at night and how long it took you to fall asleep.
    The only disadvantage is if you don't do walking as your main exercise, then it doesn't track other things (such as swimming, zumba). My main exercise is walking so, I really like it.
  • bridgelene
    bridgelene Posts: 358 Member
    I did lose one while wearing it on the bra, at the end of last month :( I got another one (It was a ONE I'd lost, it fell out of the clip and the clip stayed on my bra), and now my hand is on it on and off throughout the day.
    I have had my Fitbit since May 15 and I just love it so much. It really motivates me to take more steps everyday:) It is completely worth it: . It is worth the investment.
    I recommend as a lady, wear it on your bra, cause I heard that people who wear it with the belt clip have lost one and some even lost 2. That can become expensive.:(
  • dsimmons107
    dsimmons107 Posts: 387 Member
    I had the Ultra and upgraded to the One when it came out. I have bought and given away four to family and friends. I think they are fantastic. It has really helped me monitor my activity level. It makes me walk a lot more which is a major fat burner. I don't try to use it as a heart rate monitor. I have a Polar FT60 for that purpose. Between my Fitbit, Polar FT60 and MFP I have a very complete picture of my overall fitness. I use all three sites because I download all of my Polar data to their free site and I link my Fitbit to MFP. Using them together I have a very accurate picture of calories in and calories out. I have actually lost more than 70 lbs. I started MFP after I had lost only 20 LBS. I would recommend it to anyone. I put my money where my mouth is. I have bought a total of seven.