where you happy with your goal weight?

Once you reached the weight you had set for goal. Where you happy with the way you look or did you right away decided you needed to lose more weight. I started at 182 and set a goal of 136, now being only 11 lbs away from my goal I am wondering if I'll be happy with that or if I'll want to lose more.. where do you stop. 136 would be in the middle of my healthy range, I am 5'6"


  • HeidibooJB
    HeidibooJB Posts: 62 Member
    Are we ever completely happy?? It's an ever evolving thing, our self image. I'm 1 lb away from my goal weight of 6 years ago, and will be setting a new one as soon as I hit it. I'd like to see another 12lbs go, and I'm gonna start weight training.
  • acogg
    acogg Posts: 1,870 Member
    I am three pounds away from my second goal. My original goal was 135, now my goal is 130. I am really having a hard time staying motivated. Thank you for this post, it is exactly how I am feeling. I really don't want or need to diet through Christmas, but dieting is habit forming. If I start eating, will I stop? It did take me years and years to get heavy, and now I am more educated about what I did wrong. Can I trust myself?
  • divacat80
    divacat80 Posts: 299 Member
    I'm happy with my goal weight and with my progress. But I'm not happy with the consequences of having been so fat for so long. Where the huge fat rolls were there is now a bit of saggy skin (with some fat included). I guess I'll eat maintenance for a while and I'll keep doing my exercise routine and we'll see how it goes.
    My aim is not to reach a perfect body but to keep myself where I'm at. I don't want to regain all the lost weight and I want to keep eating healthy and fighting my cravings and the sugar monster. So my immediate goal is to learn to eat maintenance and to not to gain weight or fat. If my exercise routine alone helps me sculpt my body and tighten the saggy skin then that will be more than i could have ever asked for.

    But so far I'm quite happy where I'm at. I would have never ever thought I would ever be back at my highschool weight.

    I still can't complain, the saggy skin isn't that bad compared to others who have lost a considerable amount of weight, and it's a cheap price to pay for having my health back.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Not at goal but in the same boat as the OP. My current goal is 157 which is the high end of the BMI range for my height so going a bit lower won't hurt much but I'm thinking 145 at the lowest which is still in the high end. Ultimately it's going to become more about body composition (body fat %) than weight which will mean a closer look at BMR/TDEE, healthier eating and keeping up with the strength training. I'm not too overly concerned about it though - I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.

    And like another poster above, due to being obese for so many years, my body will never be tight and toned as I'd love it to be but I'm ok with that. I want to be fit, healthy and strong and will take the stretch marks and flab in stride.

    OP, I'd say wait and see how you feel when you get there, don't try to anticipate how you feel ahead of time. We all know it can take forever to lose those last pounds but they really can make a huge difference in how you look and feel. If you're not already, start taking measurements and really pay attention to how your clothes are fitting because these may be better indicators than the number on the scale which is susceptible to so much influence from water weight, bloating, etc.

    Good luck!
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    I was at my goal weight the first couple of months this year. I've packed on 35 pounds inside the last 10 months. I remember being very happy at 120 pounds (I'm 5'1) and know that I'll be more comfortable in my body at that weight again.
  • Carolyn_79
    Carolyn_79 Posts: 935 Member
    I'm 3 pounds away from my goal weight of 150. I've decided that 140 would be best so I'm going to reset my goal. There's still extra fat in the tummy area.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,135 Member
    I'm quite far from my goal weight, but I can say I won't be happy when I reach it. Until I can be happy with who I am mentally, how my body looks doesn't mean diddly-squat.
  • 165ordietrying
    165ordietrying Posts: 31 Member
    II thought I would be happy at my goal weight of 169 (I'm 5'9") just because it was within the healthy range of the BMI scale. Also because I couldn't ever remember being this weight. But now that I am here, I think that I would like to lose ten more pounds to be somewhere in the middle of the BMI range and be able to indugle on holidays and vacations without it pushing me into the overweight category.
  • mdcoug
    mdcoug Posts: 397 Member
    A couple of years ago I made it down below my goal weight by 5 pounds. And, while I was thrilled that I could do it, I still wasn't happy with my body. I still had thighs that were still disproportionate and my chest was all bony. There's no winning it seems! But it doesn't matter now, I gained most of it back. Hoping to get to my goal weight again, but maybe some muscle will help even things out.