"Smokers" cough?

scapez Posts: 2,018 Member

I'm 45 and have been smoking since I was 15. Mid-October or so I got a cold - slight flu maybe, felt bad, slight temperature, productive cough. I got better but the cough never went away.

After a month of this, I started wondering why - that had never happened to me before. I historically never had the classic "smokers cough", coughing in the morning, rough voice - any of that.

So November 15th I decided to quit. Lasted 5 days, fell off the wagon for a few. Got back on the wagon on 11/28 and I'm still smoke free - largely, this time, because that coughing/phlegm thing scares me.

I've noticed that since I'm not smoking the cough has gotten better...slowly...and a little at a time. Less productive. I'm wondering if anyone else has experienced this. Will it simply take longer before it goes away completely? Have I done permanent damage?

And before the "ask your Doctor" people chime in, I plan on doing that during my appointment this month.


  • scottb81
    scottb81 Posts: 2,538 Member

    I'm 45 and have been smoking since I was 15. Mid-October or so I got a cold - slight flu maybe, felt bad, slight temperature, productive cough. I got better but the cough never went away.

    After a month of this, I started wondering why - that had never happened to me before. I historically never had the classic "smokers cough", coughing in the morning, rough voice - any of that.

    So November 15th I decided to quit. Lasted 5 days, fell off the wagon for a few. Got back on the wagon on 11/28 and I'm still smoke free - largely, this time, because that coughing/phlegm thing scares me.

    I've noticed that since I'm not smoking the cough has gotten better...slowly...and a little at a time. Less productive. I'm wondering if anyone else has experienced this. Will it simply take longer before it goes away completely? Have I done permanent damage?

    And before the "ask your Doctor" people chime in, I plan on doing that during my appointment this month.
    I quit two years ago. The cough will go away completely but it might take a few months. First, your body has to cough up all the accumulated junk in the lungs.

    This assumes no permanent damage (COPD) in the lungs. If there isn't your lungs will eventually get back to about the normal non smoking state.
  • Runner_5
    Runner_5 Posts: 100 Member
    Totally naturally.

    All the living dead things in your lungs are now dead coming into living - your lungs and throat are cleaned by your little hairy wiggly pipe-cleaner friends, "motile cilia," which also die when they encounter long term exposure to smoke.

    Now your motile cilia are coming back to life and doing their job. You see?

    I am on day, I think, 56 smoke free and I'm still clearing out my throat...

    It'll go away.

  • scapez
    scapez Posts: 2,018 Member
    Yeah, I've heard all of this but it's just strange to me because it started with a cough from being sick...it just didn't start on its own or gradually. Also, I've quit in the past before and never experienced the whole coughing up the accumulated gunk thing.
  • BeanCounter3
    BeanCounter3 Posts: 158 Member
    Cudos to you on quitting!
    Had the same thing happen to me, although I havnt gotten as far as quitting yet, & behold, cough is still there. But it started during an instance that I got sick & never left. So, not so uncommon I would think that it started with the cold.
  • leanveins
    leanveins Posts: 53 Member
    When I quit smoking years ago I had the same problem and every time I would get sick it would turn into bronchitis then it just stopped. My lungs had to get rid of all the junk in them I suppose.
  • JodieP13
    JodieP13 Posts: 94 Member
    I coughed more AFTER I quit smoking! Again, it's your lungs doing some house cleaning. It took me about 3-4 months to clear out.
  • loriannmartin
    loriannmartin Posts: 209 Member
    well mine is still there a lil but i have sinus issues. i have noticed when i get a cold it doesnt get severe and turn into bronchitis . i used to get chronic bronchitis many times a year... knock on wood... have had bronchitis since i quit and just recently had a cold that is effecting my sinuses but i am limited on antibiotics due to many allergies to them. XOXO glad you got back on the wagon.
  • loriannmartin
    loriannmartin Posts: 209 Member
    well mine is still there a lil but i have sinus issues. i have noticed when i get a cold it doesnt get severe and turn into bronchitis . i used to get chronic bronchitis many times a year... knock on wood... have had bronchitis since i quit and just recently had a cold that is effecting my sinuses but i am limited on antibiotics due to many allergies to them. XOXO glad you got back on the wagon.

    have not had*