Jillian Michaels videos

I have her kickbox fast fix video and I love it! I am very interested in getting another one of her videos. I'm deciding between the yoga, 30ds or ripped in 30. I was wondering how much harder are those videos? I don't want to buy something I'm not ready for, I think if her kickboxing was an extra 10 min I would die! I'm new to yoga, would it be a good idea to buy hers or should I get a begginers video first?


  • I am on day 3 of the 30 day shred. I find the workout itself isn't too bad but it does leave my legs sore which makes the next day's work out tough. I love it though. We'll see if I still say that in a few days :)
  • IzzyBooNZ1
    IzzyBooNZ1 Posts: 1,289 Member
    perhaps check them out on Youtube first before you buy? I just use YT anyway for 30DS and have done 2 days of yoga meltdown.

    I am on level 2 of 30DS and I am pleased with results so far, I feel a bit more..firm. not so jiggly lol.

    can you describe the kickbox fast fix video? I will check out later when I am home but am interested about hearing about this now
  • mjoslin1990
    mjoslin1990 Posts: 142 Member
    I have the 30ds. I did it for about a week straight and my husband commented on how I had already lost some weight. I only quit because I'm working WAY too much right now. I barely have time to sleep let alone work out right now. First of the year I'm kick starting back up.
  • I just finished day 5. Not nearly as sore and I did "real" push ups today! Could I be improving already? I hope so! Ha ha!