


  • chunkylover22
    chunkylover22 Posts: 162 Member
    Love me some League of Legends! That and I just got done playing Dark Souls. I tell you what, if you have underlying rage issues that game will surface them QUICK.

    OMG!!! Dark Souls pissed me off so bad!!!
    Is there even a way to freaking beat it!!????
    BULL ****!!

    <--- beat dark souls and demon souls. Award?

    Residant Evil Pisses me off

    I definitely wondered where my trophy was when I finished Dark Souls. Also they haven't made a good Resident Evil game since 3.

    hahah, okay I guess there is a way to beat it, I gave up and traded it in.
  • Livingdeadgirl44
    Livingdeadgirl44 Posts: 264 Member
    PC gamer here, mostly Battlefield 3 atm but also DayZ and when I get on the PS3 I'm playing Final fantasy.
  • Skyrim took my soul and spirited it away into some dark pit of existence. I've been playing it on and off and its been hard for me to start on anything else.
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    I was a fan of old school RPGs on the NES, SNES, and early PS platforms. I noticed that with the advent of CD-based systems, however, the way those games played out shifted in a way I did not like (bigger emphasis on graphics and cinematics, less emphasis on story).

    In 2005, built my first high-end gaming PC from scratch and have been a dedicated PC gamer ever since. It started out with WoW, but that got old in 2007. I sold my account shortly before the Lich King expansion came out and never looked back, because the game just wasn't structured in a way that catered to people who played mainly for PvP and didn't want to participate in endgame PvE. So I then left WoW for EVE, which was the total opposite. The game is all about PvP and there is very little in the way of high-level PvE content to be had. Everything is built around PvP. It was fun for a while but the game encourages you to play that takes it WAAAAAY too seriously, and when most of the people who play those games take it that seriously, the metagaming ruins the fun of it.

    In any case, I have since then stopped MMOs entirely as I have realized you can't really get anywhere in them once you reach endgame content unless you're willing to make serious sacrifices in your life to devote the time to it. And I'm just not, anymore. I can no longer play a game that requires me to schedule my gaming ahead of time and devote blocks of hours at a time to it, so I stick entirely with first person shooters and RTS games, as well as traditional RPGs. My main game right now is BF3 and I'm probably gonna be picking up MoH:WF sometime in the near future. I tried the COD games and cannot stand the playstyle. I think the whole killstreak system is broken and ruins the fun of the game.
  • IronGirlShae
    IronGirlShae Posts: 58 Member
    I like lots of games. The Zelda franchise, Almost anything Sims is an addiction, Old games like Dragon Warrior and FF1, Cute stuff like Kirby's Epic Yarn, and Star Wars The Old Republic. My bf got me to try swtor, he thought it would be cute for the lil lady to play at his computer since I'm more of a console gal. I was shortly hooked and kicking butt with multiple characters. Now we play together as Siths and go on daring adventures together, its kinda romantic, no?
  • nbhobbes
    nbhobbes Posts: 284
    i'm currently addicted to XCOM: Enemy Unknown. But it's making me mad. Why do the aliens always have better aim then my guys?

    How far in are you? Developing better weapons and tossing scopes on them helps.
  • hughtwalker
    hughtwalker Posts: 2,213 Member
    i'm currently addicted to XCOM: Enemy Unknown. But it's making me mad. Why do the aliens always have better aim then my guys?

    How far in are you? Developing better weapons and tossing scopes on them helps.
    I haven't got to grips with this yet - still doing the tutorial. I loved the original but got very upset whenever I lost troops so would reload and try again to keep everyone alive.

    Hated those Ethereals.

    The tutorial forces me to lose all but one of my first team so I don't think I'm going to enjoy this game.
  • FitBeto
    FitBeto Posts: 2,121 Member
    i'm currently addicted to XCOM: Enemy Unknown. But it's making me mad. Why do the aliens always have better aim then my guys?

    How far in are you? Developing better weapons and tossing scopes on them helps.
    I haven't got to grips with this yet - still doing the tutorial. I loved the original but got very upset whenever I lost troops so would reload and try again to keep everyone alive.

    Hated those Ethereals.

    The tutorial forces me to lose all but one of my first team so I don't think I'm going to enjoy this game.

    Turn based aren't my thing. Thanks for the warning on Xcom!
  • Desdemina
    Desdemina Posts: 150 Member
    Still an avid WoW player, love Dragon Age and have many other games, but in my limited time (I'm also in grad school), when I have time, I default to WoW. I also love the dance games for Kinect (Dance Central and Just Dance) and use them for exercise. I can play for hours trying to beat my last score without even realizing the passage of time!
  • Desdemina
    Desdemina Posts: 150 Member
    Go to YouTube and search for Leeroy Jenkins.
  • BiggSarge
    BiggSarge Posts: 13 Member
    My current addiction is on the Xbox360 and it is Battlefield 3. I do own Black Ops2 but I am sort of sick and tired of that style of Multiplayer action. I do love me some Red Dead Redemption, GTA's, Fallout 3. Am looking to start Skyrim and Mass Effect. Going to work, school and being married with kids absolutely kills my game playing time so I work on games very slowly.
  • tedrickp
    tedrickp Posts: 1,229 Member

    In any case, I have since then stopped MMOs entirely as I have realized you can't really get anywhere in them once you reach endgame content unless you're willing to make serious sacrifices in your life to devote the time to it. And I'm just not, anymore. I can no longer play a game that requires me to schedule my gaming ahead of time and devote blocks of hours at a time to it

    Exactly why I quit playing WoW.

    I don't game much at all anymore. Maybe some 2k13 or Madden heads up versus my bro when we are together.
  • hughtwalker
    hughtwalker Posts: 2,213 Member
    i'm currently addicted to XCOM: Enemy Unknown. But it's making me mad. Why do the aliens always have better aim then my guys?

    How far in are you? Developing better weapons and tossing scopes on them helps.
    I haven't got to grips with this yet - still doing the tutorial. I loved the original but got very upset whenever I lost troops so would reload and try again to keep everyone alive.

    Hated those Ethereals.

    The tutorial forces me to lose all but one of my first team so I don't think I'm going to enjoy this game.

    Turn based aren't my thing. Thanks for the warning on Xcom!
    I may be being unfair - when I get into it it may be possible to keep few more with me after each mission.