Vericose/Spider Veins

Do any of you have them? I have a couple vericose and a lot of spider veins. I want to get them removed but wanted to know if any of you have done it and if you are happy with the results. Mine are really not that bad, and other people don't notice them. I've had to point them out to my mom and friends. Its just one of those confidence things that I will feel better about myself once I have them removed. Anny suggestions??????


  • Chenoachem
    Chenoachem Posts: 1,758 Member
    I some removed by an acupuncturist. However, they came back. With more exercise over the last year I have noticed a drastic decrease.
  • sheri3762
    sheri3762 Posts: 159
    I was going to post something on this same topic!! I have them and mine are not good. they have gotten worse in the last couple years but since I wouldn't wear shorts and only wore my swimsuit in front of family, I haven't really thought about it. Now, that I can actually wear shorts and feal more comfortable in a swimsuit I have to deal with these awful veins!! I know someone who had them stripped and said it was very painful and she has awful scars from it. I'm wondering what we can do to diminish their appearance. I've tried cold compresses and massage, but I'm not consistant with it. I also read somewhere that yoga can help them also. I'm anxious to see if anyone has any ideas for us!!
  • sassycassy
    sassycassy Posts: 21 Member
    I personally have not had this procedure done; however, I have had several friends that have had it done. They said it does not hurt ( just some discomfort) and are happy with the results. I have seen the before and afters and I can honestly say it was worth it.
  • Lisar97
    Lisar97 Posts: 8 Member
    I had bad spider veins. I had most removed with sclerotherapy and lasers. It was expensive and took a long time to get them all but I am very happy with it. need to go back for some that I skipped due to $. My regular medical doctor used to do it as a side job as well (not on me) and he said that he had very little success with it and that women would just get brown spots from it. Fortunately, that was not my experience but maybe it was a different type of laser. I think it is more complicated for vericose veins and usually requires surgery.
  • sheri3762
    sheri3762 Posts: 159
    I should have added that I think mine have gotten better since I've been excercising and losing weight, but I'm not sure if I was imagining it or if the changes I've made are really affecting their appearance.
  • natspoiledbrat
    Well I saw a piece on our local news about how far along the technology has come. They talked about the pain being very minimal and being able to resume normal activities within a day. I made an appointment with the doctor that did my Aunt's, but he can't see me for a consultation until late June!!!! And then it will be at least 2 months before the actually procedure can take that's putting me in September! I wanted it done by my 30th Birthday in August. My other friend recommended her dad's business partner who does the same thing. But I will have to call Monday to see how soon he can get me in. I am hoping my insurance will cover it, I think it might for the vericose, but not for the spider veins. So if my insurance doesn't cover it, I'm just hoping it isn't too expensive. I hoping not more than $600..........the lady at the first doctor's office said $300 per session, and I don't think mine are too bad, so hopefully I can get it done in 2 sessions, or even 1!!!!! If any one else has advice or wants to talk about their experience please post!
  • natspoiledbrat
    I'm so excited! I just found out today that my insurance will cover me to get these veins removed! I'm really happy my insurance is going to cover it. It would be about $300 a session and my Dr said I probably need 3 sessions, so I will get it done w/o out having to pay $1000 for it! Thank God! Wish me luck, I go for my 1st session on June 28th!