Working Mom need some support from similar people!

I am a 29 working mother of 2 small children. I don't have a lot of time to work out, but I do manage to zumba 4 times a week. I have lost 10 pounts and would like to lose 20 more. Need some friends that know what I'm going through to support me!


  • angelacasey736
    angelacasey736 Posts: 249 Member
    Hi there and welcome! I am 34 mother of two and also work full time. I have been here since May of 2011 and it is wonderful! Always looking for support and vice versa so feel free to add me :-)
  • beaky1980
    beaky1980 Posts: 85 Member
    Hi! I'm 32, mom to 3 daughters of my own. My boyfriend that I live with has a daughter as well. I work full time 12 hour shifts on the weekends. Just started the Couch to 5K program. I've been logging since August or so.
  • FitCowgirl8
    FitCowgirl8 Posts: 175 Member
    Hey there I am a single mom of a 2 year old little girl. I know how hard it can be to fit everything into your schedule. Feel free to add me if you would like. Im always looking for support from more people in my same situation
  • _cheryl_
    _cheryl_ Posts: 31 Member
    Hi, I'm an older mum, work full time in care [split shifts] and have very little time for me, but do try to shred daily and pole once a week
    Almost finished 30dayshred and have lost 5lb in that time :)

  • katebigue
    katebigue Posts: 48 Member
    Hi I'm a mom of a 6 yr old. I agree with you it's hard for me to get to the gym too. I do zumba at home on my kinnect and I also do the biggest looser ultimate workout . add me as a friend if you like.
  • AndyStanford
    AndyStanford Posts: 154 Member
    Working dad of a 3 year old and 10 month old here.

    I agree that it can be difficult to find time to excercise when you've got the kids to chase after all the time, but recently my wife and I have started going to Salsa classes. :)
  • meyerstwilight6
    meyerstwilight6 Posts: 72 Member
    Add me Lady! I am 27 and a mother of a 10 month old who also works full time. I manage to do the best I can with working out. Even if it is at 9PM at night, if I have time...I'm doing something! I know exactly how you feel. It is a struggle but it is all worth it:-) Your kids will thank you down the road when they realize with all your healthy changes you will be around longer for them!
  • tera420
    tera420 Posts: 2 Member
    I am 27 and just had my little girl 4 month ago. I am a working mom who car pools and workouts out as she is waiting on everyone. Stopped losing weight about 2 months ago and i am trying to stay positive.
  • BCSMama
    BCSMama Posts: 348
    Feel free to add me too (OP or anyone else). I work full time and have a 7 and 8 year old. I can totally relate to having to squeeze in time to exercise anywhere you can. I've even started taking walks during my lunch break when the weather permits.
  • JolieJemmaMomma
    JolieJemmaMomma Posts: 54 Member
    Hello! I am a full time worker and full time mother of 2 beatiful girls! would love to have friends that have the same struggles with time, energy and all the good stuff too!
  • jaysmom23
    jaysmom23 Posts: 26 Member
    Mom of 1 checking in! you can add me too!
  • 41 yo working married working mom with 3 kids... But 2 are grown and gone. YAY ME! 7 yo still at home... He is wonderful and is very supportive of momma. He knows that once I go in my room... He stays away until I am done.

    I L•O•V•E these girls on Youtube for my Zumba. I have the 1st set of Zumba DVDs and watch them on youtube. Youtube is a little difficult b/c of streaming/buffering. I have made my own playlists of them for workouts. They are just now making their first DVD. I have preordered it and can't wait!

    I like to plan/log my food first thing so I know where I am at and I do not stray from it.
  • navydentalchic
    navydentalchic Posts: 234 Member
    Full time working mom of a six year old! I feel you!!
  • I have 3 young kids & work full time. I get up and hit the gym before work. I am only able to do this because my husband & I work seperate shifts. I've been learning that it's all about planning ahead of time. Feel free to add me!!
  • bgelliott
    bgelliott Posts: 610 Member
    I'm 38 with 2 kids (9 and 10) and I work full time outside the home with about an hour commute each way. I'm gone from the house from 6:15 in the morning till 5:30 at night. I get my workouts in when I can, usually once the kids are settled after dinner and showers. I never thought there was enough time in the day to do this and reach my goals but it turns out, I truly can function on a little less sleep and get that workout in daily. I'm not sure how small your kids are and if you are in single mom or not but it will get a little easier as the kids get older and less needy. Good luck my friend!
  • I am 30 year old mom of 3 kids and I work full time as well!! Feel free to add me or anyone can add me as well too!!!!! I love helping and encouraging as much as I can!! I look forward to sharing our journeys!!

  • Ilikeyoursleeves
    Ilikeyoursleeves Posts: 37 Member
    Full time mom, 4 kids. I hear ya. Add me!
  • Hey! It's great that you manage to get Zumba in four times a week! I just had my first child (2 months ago) and started back to work full time this week. I started working out for the first time last week and it is tough to manage it all, especially when you're exhausted when you do have a spare 30 minutes to get a workout in. Just keep with it and I definitely support you and all working/working out mommies!
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    Hi, I'm a part time teacher and mummy of a 3.5 year old and an 18 month old. My husband does shift work. Obviously I get a lot of holidays, but during term time I manage to work out around 5 times a week. I do a combination of gym, zumba, spinning, aerobics and personal training. I fit it round my husband's shifts or go to the gym straight from work before collecting the kids from nursery, although I appreciate that not everyone can finish work at 3!
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    Hey! It's great that you manage to get Zumba in four times a week! I just had my first child (2 months ago) and started back to work full time this week. I started working out for the first time last week and it is tough to manage it all, especially when you're exhausted when you do have a spare 30 minutes to get a workout in. Just keep with it and I definitely support you and all working/working out mommies!

    P.S I am still shocked every time I read about the poor maternity leave you get in the US! I live in England and had 9 months off with my first child and a year off with my 2nd!