Anyone have the Nike Fuel Band?

I just finally clicked on the ad for the Nike Fuel Band. Does anyone have it? What do you think? Do you wear it all the time? Looks interesting. I have a Polar ft7 and love it. Wondering if I should move to this when my polar is worn out :happy:

Thanks! Keep moving:wink:


  • Leannek74
    Leannek74 Posts: 374 Member
    Bump.... I was looking at it too. I LOVE the Nike app.
  • oukils
    oukils Posts: 20
    yeah I was wondering what's better...the fuel band? or the jawbone up? or fit bit
  • MorganLeighRN
    MorganLeighRN Posts: 411 Member
    I was looking at the same thing and also wondering about it.
  • Babygi6003
    Babygi6003 Posts: 356 Member
    I was wondering if it was good or not too :)
  • 05saleengirl
    I have a fitbit and regret the purchase. I had syncing issues and for me the cal count was not accurate. I don't count my steps daily and after getting it realized it wasn't important for the steps to be counted, but rather my cals burned and milage on my walks/runs. So, I stick to my polar HRM FT4. I am interested in the Nike I just got an iphone and the app ws already there. But, I also downloaded the map my run app which tracks the milage when I run so I will have to compare before buying another toy lol
  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    I have a fitbit and regret the purchase. I had syncing issues and for me the cal count was not accurate. I don't count my steps daily and after getting it realized it wasn't important for the steps to be counted, but rather my cals burned and milage on my walks/runs. So, I stick to my polar HRM FT4. I am interested in the Nike I just got an iphone and the app ws already there. But, I also downloaded the map my run app which tracks the milage when I run so I will have to compare before buying another toy lol

    I do t think you'll find fuelband more accurate than fitbit- if anything, I think it's LESS accurate. It's also dearer. You'd be better off keeping fitbit for daily activity ( contact customer service and send it back I'd it's faulty)!and ALSO getting Polar CT4 for exercise.
  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    There's also the Bodymedia Fit
  • Zangpakto
    Zangpakto Posts: 336 Member
    I've never been one for requiring motivation so please understand that up front when you hear my view of it.

    I love it, it is awesome, sure, calories burnt, I don't care about, steps is nice to know, but time and fuel option to ME is the two major selling points.

    I have had countless people come up and ask me what I was wearing and how amazing it looked when I was just checking the time, it really is an amazing accessory.

    Fuel to me is perfect, it is the kind of thing to motivate you and stop you from being lazy, in fact if you have a few people can even take leaders etc when you get streaks and see who has the longest streak on making your goals!

    Time is something I always check, and having something smart as let me be honest, I hate watches in general, since I have done martial arts since 7/8 and because of training cannot wear em.. I just never got used to them to be honest, so this to me, is something awesome, I can wear it, it doesn't feel invasive and I can tell the time!

    I love it... best thing I own that I wear to be honest... Best thing I own however is my short board... I love surfing, but next to that would have to be this :)

    After a few months, I cannot imagine myself without it... Like my iPad I guess, I got a few months after initial release, and initially it was weird, however now I use it in place of almost anything... It just... works and is awesome, same with nike+ fuel band... it works and is just awesome for what it is designed for.

    It is NOT a utility for training, but for daily activity. And for tracking and getting you moving throughout the day? I think Nike has done it with this. It is stylish and works like a charm, and the fact you can compare your streaks etc with friends and strangers makes it perfect!

    Again, calories and steps are a non issue to me, I love this device because of the fuel, and time displays. They make it for me.
  • stevans
    I just got one last week and so far so good. Calories burned are not going to be a 100% accurate, but short of wearing a heart rate monitor around all day nothing probably will be that great. That being said, it is fairly close. I chose it over the fitbit because it seemed to do better with activities outside of walking. I enjoy playing basketball, so I felt this would be a better gauge for stuff like that. It does work well as a motivation tool. Just in the past week I have found myself taking the stairs or that extra evening walk to get my goal. Anything that gets you out of the recliner can't be a bad thing. I got my wife a Fitbit for Christmas, so I will provide a comparison on that once I have seen it in action.
  • lilac_meddow
    I've never been one for requiring motivation so please understand that up front when you hear my view of it.

    I love it, it is awesome, sure, calories burnt, I don't care about, steps is nice to know, but time and fuel option to ME is the two major selling points.

    I have had countless people come up and ask me what I was wearing and how amazing it looked when I was just checking the time, it really is an amazing accessory.

    Fuel to me is perfect, it is the kind of thing to motivate you and stop you from being lazy, in fact if you have a few people can even take leaders etc when you get streaks and see who has the longest streak on making your goals!

    Time is something I always check, and having something smart as let me be honest, I hate watches in general, since I have done martial arts since 7/8 and because of training cannot wear em.. I just never got used to them to be honest, so this to me, is something awesome, I can wear it, it doesn't feel invasive and I can tell the time!

    I love it... best thing I own that I wear to be honest... Best thing I own however is my short board... I love surfing, but next to that would have to be this :)

    After a few months, I cannot imagine myself without it... Like my iPad I guess, I got a few months after initial release, and initially it was weird, however now I use it in place of almost anything... It just... works and is awesome, same with nike+ fuel band... it works and is just awesome for what it is designed for.

    It is NOT a utility for training, but for daily activity. And for tracking and getting you moving throughout the day? I think Nike has done it with this. It is stylish and works like a charm, and the fact you can compare your streaks etc with friends and strangers makes it perfect!

    Again, calories and steps are a non issue to me, I love this device because of the fuel, and time displays. They make it for me.

    I'm in the same boat.

    I got one for Christmas and I've been using mine for a week now and it's a great modivator. I have no idea what the fuel represents... but to be honest that proprietary number Nike has made up is the reason why I now do jumping jacks in the back stairwell of the office whenever I get breaks. I even stuffed a jump rope in my locker!

    I know that the calories are in no way acurate and I too don't give two hoots about steps but if all you are looking for is a modivator then this might be the tool. I chose this over a fitbit because it doesn't look like a fitness anything (who wants to advertise they are trying to loose weight... lol) and I can get the time on it too which is nice. I used to have to wear a watch at work and as soon as that job was over I put all my watches in my jewelery box and only wear them if they match an outfit!

    For serious training, a heart rate monitor is what you'll want. But if all you want to do is not be a couch potato this is a pretty stylish way to go

    PS I got the white/clear one
  • jeffhayes6
    I've been a user of the fuelband for a year. I loved it and still kinda like it. I am almost to a 1 year streak. The problem I have is that I am on my second fueldband, and it looks like I will either need a third one, or just call it quits. The first one just stopped working, no reason why, no answer either. Nike replaced it. This one, the button has stopped working. No real way - other than send it in - to get it fixed. I can still sync it up at home to my computer, but i prefer my phone for syncing.

    The idea behind the fuelband is good. I never paid much attention to the calories or steps, I don't think they were very accurate, based on the fact I have other methods of tracking those same things and my fuelband was always WAY over those 2. But I liked the fuel points and the system of competition. Some friends got them and we made it a pretty heated rivalry..... until their bands broke.