Couch to 5K - Horrible start!

I recently decided to try doing the Couch to 5k program in order to run off some pounds and maybe join a marathon at some point. It's gotten really cold where I live, and because I don't have proper workout gear (due to only having a PT job and loans to pay, etc) for the winter months, I decided to use the treadmill in my family's basement (which is, admittedly, almost as cold as outside).

I am STILL on week 1 after two weeks, and just can't get past the first 3 running sessions! I end up walking the rest of the time. I feel like a complete failure, to be perfectly honest. Has anyone else had this trouble before? What helped you improve? Did you just do certain week runs over and over until you could complete all the running sessions?


  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    How much effort are you using on the running intervals. Usually when people have your issue they're going all out. Slow it down, maybe?
  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    i agree, slow it down, even if your 'run' pace is almost as fast as your walking pace. There is no shame in repeating any part of this program...and I admire you for NOT giving up..stick at it and it will come good for you!
  • SyntonicGarden
    SyntonicGarden Posts: 944 Member
    How much effort are you using on the running intervals. Usually when people have your issue they're going all out. Slow it down, maybe?

    Slowing it down is not a bad way to go. Did C25K with a buddy. We agreed to go for time and then eventually go for distance. We started at a 16 minute mile, which is slower than what I can walk, but the change in my movement (to make it a jog) certainly made it the toughest 16 minutes EVER.

    Since we weren't going at it at marathon speed, we were able to push through it. Made it to week 5, day three and had to do that particular day twice.

    So yeah, take it at a slower pace. Once you get your endurance up, the speed will come. We shaved something like a minute and a half off of our time. Might not seem like much, but for two women who couldn't run at the onset, we were pretty stinkin proud of ourselves. :)
  • lupizzle00
    lupizzle00 Posts: 26 Member
    How much effort are you using on the running intervals. Usually when people have your issue they're going all out. Slow it down, maybe?

    Agreed. If you're running at a pace that's too fast, try slowing it down and start off jogging. I had trouble controlling my breathing at first so instead of trying to outrun the passing cars (I jog around my neighborhood) I just turned up my music and kept a steady pace. Either way just be patient, we are all different. Don't let it discourage you, the fact that you're getting up and doing it every week is a huge step.
  • This is my second time doing it as I had an injury. I love it. I do it on the treadmill and listen to music. I listen to the music and just zone out. It helps having fast music that u enjoy. Hope that helps. It's an exellent program.
  • maab_connor
    maab_connor Posts: 3,927 Member
    i do the week until i can complete it. then i do it once more. THEN i move fwd. i don't care how long it takes me to be able to run 30 mins straight. i'm not racing anyone but the me who was on the couch for years. so i know i'm gonna win.
  • jsj024519
    jsj024519 Posts: 400 Member
    running is mental. always remember that
  • ejohndrow
    ejohndrow Posts: 1,399 Member
    I recently looked into the C25K program for the treadmill and one of the first things I read was, "If you feel like you can go slower then you should." So I agree with the others, slow it down a bit.

    Remember you are running/jogging at your own pace, don't think about what you 'think' others might run/jog at, just run/jog at a pace that is good for you.
  • jamszy
    jamszy Posts: 123 Member
    When I first started, it was tough that first week. Remember there is no shame in repeating weeks or gradually working up your pace until you feel comfortable running for those intervals. Good luck to you!
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    Sounds like you may be jogging too fast. I'm just staring this program as well (I'm in Week3) and my jogging is more like a trot. What do you set your treadmill speed to? I walk at a comfortable (to me) speed of 5-5.5Km/hour (on the treadmill) and jog at 6Km/hr. Not a huge speed difference but, for now, enough to keep me going and to put a bit of "push" into it for me. This program is more about the endurance of being able to jog for the time. The speed will come afterwards when you've completed the program.

    Keep trying. Don't give up. Keep us posted on your progress. You can do this.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I'm training for my first 5K as well and am in my first week (3 workouts completed)'s brutal! As another poster stated, I'm only doing about 16 minute mile, which is indeed slower than I can walk, but I can complete it. Slow your pace down and don't beat yourself up getting fit or getting your fitness back is an uphill battle...once you're there though it's pretty sweet as I recall.

    I also had to register for an actual 5K to help motivate myself to not skip days or cheat...I'm just that is February 3 and coincides nicely with my beginner 5K training. My guess is that I'll be lucky to break the 40 minute mark, but I'll complete the damn thing to be sure!
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    I completed C25K three years ago. The only wrong way to do C25K is to not finish the program. (Personally I would add actually run a 5K race as a "graduation" when you finish, but that's just me.)
  • ahamm002
    ahamm002 Posts: 1,690 Member
    I personally think C25K isn't a great program (unless it's changed since I last tried it several years ago). Focus on doing a combination of walk/jog intervals and steady state endurance runs. You'll get the most benefit out of your interval training. So definitely make pushing yourself on the jog intervals a priority.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    How much effort are you using on the running intervals. Usually when people have your issue they're going all out. Slow it down, maybe?

    I agree! I struggled at first too, but when I slowed down my pace, I never had to repeat a week again! The C25k is a great program. Before I started, I couldn't walk a block without huffing and puffing. Now I can actually run! I even run up stairs. Keep at it. Just focus on endurance and training your legs to be used to moving. Speed will come after you graduate C25k!

  • Poecile
    Poecile Posts: 46 Member
    Thank you, everyone! I usually do push myself to go all out on the runs, so if I'm getting exhausted it's my own darn fault and not the program itself. I'll slow it down, and do week 1 again next week, and tell you all how it went by editing my original post. :)

    And I intend to run a 5k once I'm able to complete this program! :heart:
  • kokoforskinny
    kokoforskinny Posts: 91 Member
    This is the first time of hearing of the C25K challange. I did the research online and found it but now I have a question. When you go from jogging to walking are you able to or suppose to slow your speed down.

    I can walk a little over a mile in a half hour at a 3.5 speed but I don't jog no ever had the energy to jog.

    I don't know if this would be the right thing for me to do.

    Please tell me what you think.

    Thank you:)
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Thank you, everyone! I usually do push myself to go all out on the runs, so if I'm getting exhausted it's my own darn fault and not the program itself. I'll slow it down, and do week 1 again next week, and tell you all how it went by editing my original post. :)

    And I intend to run a 5k once I'm able to complete this program! :heart:

    Definitely update us!
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    On a treadmill figure out what is the fastest speed you can walk at without flying off the back. Use that for your run intervals in the beginning. You can always work on speed later but you have to get the endurance level first.
  • kokoforskinny
    kokoforskinny Posts: 91 Member
    On a treadmill figure out what is the fastest speed you can walk at without flying off the back. Use that for your run intervals in the beginning. You can always work on speed later but you have to get the endurance level first.

    Thank you :)
  • LoosingMyLast15
    LoosingMyLast15 Posts: 1,457 Member
    I recently decided to try doing the Couch to 5k program in order to run off some pounds and maybe join a marathon at some point. It's gotten really cold where I live, and because I don't have proper workout gear (due to only having a PT job and loans to pay, etc) for the winter months, I decided to use the treadmill in my family's basement (which is, admittedly, almost as cold as outside).

    I am STILL on week 1 after two weeks, and just can't get past the first 3 running sessions! I end up walking the rest of the time. I feel like a complete failure, to be perfectly honest. Has anyone else had this trouble before? What helped you improve? Did you just do certain week runs over and over until you could complete all the running sessions?

    i never did c25k but i do remember when i started out i could barely run for 30 seconds. give yourself some credit - you decided to try it and you've completed 3 running sessions. so what if you're not keeping up with the program. congratulations on STARTING IT! little tip: instead of focusing on possibly doing a marathon at some point how about you focus on possibly doing a 5k at some point. good luck, you're doing great.