girl. 137 lbs. 5"3



  • piggydog
    piggydog Posts: 322
    I'm 5'2'' and currently 129... I was 143 when I started the first part of October and I get really really serious about it and then I kinda fal off the band wagon and dont' loose any weight for a few weeks... I would like to be like 118....
    I have lost 4 inches off my waist though!
  • canelly
    canelly Posts: 731 Member
    5'3 and I'm 131 my goal was 130 ugw was 125..... So hard to lose the last couple if pounds!!
  • Derpina7
    Derpina7 Posts: 552 Member
    5'4" and 131, goal of 115-120. Scale and inches have not moved in a while :'(. Feel free to add me! :)
  • Hi everyone!

    I am 5'4"
    Starting weight: 143
    Current weight: 131
    Goal: 120
    Ultimate goal: 110-115
  • I am 5'4", 139lbs. Goal: 120-125lbs with lots of muscle!!

    Feel free to add :)
  • I am quite a bit taller than the rest of you, so I hope you don't mind, but I'm stuck with these last ten pounds too!! :(

    I'm 5'7" and 135lbs... I want to be between 125-130 with lotssssss of muscle. I've started running a lot (I'm training for Tough Mudder) and I weightlift and do core stuff, workout videos online, bike ride, run stairs, you name it!

    I would love to have some new friends on here that are in the same boat as me and we could encourage each other. xoxo
  • One thing to keep in mind when you strength train is your building muscle. As you build muscle the scale may not be moving up or down, however you will become leaner. Muscle weighs more then fat. Best way to know your losing is to feel your clothing and measure your Thighs, caves, hips, and waist with a cloth measure every few weeks. That is where you'll see results.

    Weight isn't always what makes you look good.
  • nelacr83
    nelacr83 Posts: 2
    Hi! I am Nela!

    I am 138 lb and 5''4.

    I just to be 127lb but I became vegetarian 6 years ago and I gain weight. Now I am 138, I lost 2 lb since last xmast (I was 140lb). My goal is return to the 127lb and hopefully in future go to 120! IT IS SOOOO DIFICULT!!

    Feel free to add!!!