30 Day Shred Results

I just ordered 30 Day Shred and I need some motivation. :bigsmile:
The best motivation for me is always hearing of other peoples
success with a program.

How much weight did you lose?
How long did it take to see results?

***Please post pics if you have them!!!!*******


  • kissmisskate
    kissmisskate Posts: 92 Member
    It's great! The first few days you will hate it but it quickly becomes fun. I'm currently doing my second round of it (this year); only lost 2lbs the first time but lost 10 inches over all. Here's my day 1/day 14 photo.


    This second time around is going even better; probably because I'm being much more careful with what I eat. Results are visible within the first week, but you will notice a big change going in to level 2. Have lost 4lbs so far, and I start level 2 today!

    You can do it! Give it your all and you will indeed be shredded in no time!
  • IowaPrincess
    IowaPrincess Posts: 274 Member
    Thank you!!!!
  • dreamin2bethin
    dreamin2bethin Posts: 111 Member
    I am almost on day 10 of level 1, going into level 2! Feel free to add me =) We can keep each other accountable!
  • Stac2004
    Stac2004 Posts: 88 Member
    Thanks for this post. I'm starting 30 day shred tomorrow and this is motivating!
  • ann0416
    ann0416 Posts: 65 Member
    Hola . I am on my 12th day !!:) :) Feel free to add me . Lets make it work ... You might get bored of doing the same thing for 10 days. Mute Jillian and play some music which you love to listen while working out !!:) :)


  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    Your inspiration should be the great feeling of having dedicated yourself and completed something that will make you stronger. Hopefully you will lose some inches along with it, but the pride of having done it will be the best gift :)

    kissmisskate - you look fabulous!
  • jenniferillene
    jenniferillene Posts: 34 Member
    Im not exactly sure how much I lost from just the 30 day shred..but the inches came off quickly doing it! I started at size 24 almost 26 and I am now a 14! And I started it shortly after I started my journey to losing weight. I think its a awesome 20 minute workout! Not always easy but definatly effective! Feel free to add me ;)
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    Good luck! Just be mindful of your knees, me and other people's has some problems with that.
  • IowaPrincess
    IowaPrincess Posts: 274 Member
    Thanks for the awesome posts you guys!!!!!!!!!!!
    i can not wait for it to show up in the mail :)
  • IowaPrincess
    IowaPrincess Posts: 274 Member
    I just really wonder if it is true that you can lose 20 LBS in 30 days!!!
  • I still have 2 days left but I've lost about 9 pounds and lots of inches doing it! I started off at 156 and still wearing a size 12 in jeans (they were loose but the size 10 was still way too tight). Within the first week I could fit comfortably in the 10. By the time I hit level 3 I had to buy size 8s. I lost the most weight around my waist (3" off my natural waist, 2" off my lower waist) and hips (2" off those). Plus a little bit off my bust, arms & thighs. I'm at 147 now. My strength, flexibility and endurance improved a ton too. I'm moving on to Ripped in 30 after this and excited to see changes with that! I'll be posting some before & afters when I finish but I'm pleased with the results so far. I'd lost around 14 pounds before starting the Shred but didn't notice a huge difference in my body (stayed in the same size), starting and doing the Shred totally blasted away inches and sizes. It's awesome!
  • cjsacto
    cjsacto Posts: 1,421 Member
    You can also find it on YouTube if you want to get a head start. When you are ready to start, check out the Groups section of MFP. There are several support groups for 30 Day Shred where you can check in every day with others just to say "I did it x days in a row now!" and you can also track weight and measurements with others.

    Don't feel you can't take a rest day, especially when you first get going.

    Be VERY careful of your knees! The exercises are basically old school calisthenics - push-ups, crunches, jumping jacks, squats, lunges, etc. They are very effective but it is up to you to protect your body. I am on Day 5 and I still do the side lunges very slowly and carefully in front of a mirror. Lunges and squats, if not done right, can seriously mess you up. Don't worry about the famous person yelling at you, take care of yourself.

    I also added a few minutes of additional stretching before and after because I fnd the warm-up too short.

    That said, go for it! It is amazing how much of a workout it is, and it doesn't take too many days before you are saying, "Really, it is done for the day already? That went fast."
  • You can really only lose 20lbs in 30 days if you are on the heavier side. However, it definitely tones your body. Not only that, but it gives you agility you didn't have before. I was never able to run before but after 10 days, I was able to run for 20 minutes. I was on the treadmill and thought "I'll just run until I'm tired." 20 min later, I was shocked. Definitely worth every 20 minutes of struggle and hard work.
  • Amazing results! Need to get back into shape!
  • It's great! The first few days you will hate it but it quickly becomes fun. I'm currently doing my second round of it (this year); only lost 2lbs the first time but lost 10 inches over all. Here's my day 1/day 14 photo.


    This second time around is going even better; probably because I'm being much more careful with what I eat. Results are visible within the first week, but you will notice a big change going in to level 2. Have lost 4lbs so far, and I start level 2 today!

    You can do it! Give it your all and you will indeed be shredded in no time!

    Wow, amazing job! Im starting the 30DS tomorrow. I dont have too much weight to lose, just around 30-40lbs, 40lbs being the most. Wish me luck! And congrats on the weight loss :smile:
  • acogg
    acogg Posts: 1,870 Member
    I've finished my day 11, level 1 today. I start level 2 Monday. The first day, my legs were like rubber as I was overconfident in my squats, getting as low as Natalie when I should have started with Anita. I'm much better now and can go low with Natalie again.
    After about the first 4-5 days I could feel my abs pulling higher and naturally contracting. My waist is where I think I have seen the most change.

    Definitely find support and friends that are starting out at the same time, the daily updates will keep you motivated.
  • I did 30 Day Shred back when I started this weight loss journey. In fact, it is the first exercise program I did...and I did it religiously for 30 days. I did 9 days of each level, with 1 day off in between each. I measured myself the day I started, and then again the day after I finished the program. My final results were: Weight, -10lbs. Waist, -3.5 in. Hips, -2 in. Chest, -2.5 in. Bicep, no change. Neck, -1/4 in.

    The program really does kick your *kitten*, and you have to do it everyday. I noticed that the firsts 2 days of each level were killer, but on day 3 it was like a miracle happened, and I suddenly felt like nothing could stop me. I still pull out the DVD and do some random workouts to change things up. Jillian really knows her stuff. She may be annoying as all get out...but she knows her stuff.

    A year and a half later, I've hit my goal (6 months ago), and have moved on to different workouts, but I will always say the 30 Day Shred is a fantastic workout for someone who wants to get started with a good program and lose weight.

    Just remember to take your measurements before you start because you may not notice a huge difference on the scale....but the tape measure doesn't lie.

    NOTE: I wish I had taken my thigh measurement from the start but I didnt start tracking that until later.
  • IowaPrincess
    IowaPrincess Posts: 274 Member
    Awesome posts ladies!!!!
    It should be in the mail today!!
    I can not wait to see my results.
    I did my measurements and took before pics so this should be interesting :bigsmile:
  • Carol_123
    Carol_123 Posts: 69 Member
    I second the watching your knees. I had to stop the Shred on day 5 because I threw my knees out. I went to an osteopath and my legs were badly out of alignment and he said to not be going that hard at it (for me). I felt pain doing the exercise but pushed past it because you hear Jillian say she has 400lb women that can do jumping jacks so I thought surely me at 170lbs can do this. Nope. Listen to your body.

    That being said while I didn't lose weight by day 5, I had lost almost 2" on my hips which I thought was really impressive which makes me even sadder that I have to give up the Shred for now because I pushed myself too hard for my current strength level. I will try it again soon though. I love it (hate it while I'm doing it) but love it when I'm done.
  • I ordered it today and will have it by Weds...excited to start after reading so many positive posts about it!