Lost my drive. need advice, encouragement and help. PLEASE.

A couple of months ago i lost 11kgs and was feeling fantastic but still had 20kgs more to go until my goal weight.(lots has been happening, my daughters 1st bday, family flying down to come stay, death in the family and so much end of year activities) Iv'e put 3 kgs back on and i'm passionate to get back on again but i can't seems to find the same drive. My fit muscle is returning to lazy fat and my clothes are becoming snug once again. I'm a stay at home farmers wife/mum with a 1yo. We don't have spare cash for me to join a gym or drive into town to go running and i can't go running on our road as we live on a busy highway. I feel stuck. Any advice or encouragement? PLEASE i need to get my A into G! I'm restarting my goals and going to give it a go as of right now.


  • blf20
    blf20 Posts: 97 Member
    Congratulations on the weight you have lost already! All is not lost. Try not to let this minor gain get out of proportion. Just put one foot in front of the the other.

    With MFP, you really can just let the math do its job and the weight will come off. The other great thing about MFP is the Community - take a few minutes to read the success stories - chances are you will find someone similar to you who has gone through a rough patch and put it behind them to get to their goal. Very motivating.

    Great! You're on a farm! That's very hard work. True story: my aunt, who was also on a farm (and also could not leave it) lost weight over one year by just walking down the farm driveway several times a day-back and forth to the mailbox from the house.

    Rather than say good luck, I'll say good work.
  • floridapanthergirl
    So many things you can do without going to the gym. Dance is an easy cheap one, just need a radio. Tracking is a big help. Just don't give up! You don't need to have lots of drive, you just need to want to drop the pounds, more than you want to eat.
  • sugarlips1980
    sugarlips1980 Posts: 361 Member
    Don't lose heart, you've gained a little but all is not lost! Why not try a DVD at home? I've got into Jillan Michaels and love them as they're tough but only 20 mins a day. Lots of people have had great results. 30 Day Shred is on YouTube for free. Set yourself the challenge of taking a before pic and an after pic 30 days later. I'm trying her Ripped in 30 DVD too which is good.
  • Ronngie
    Ronngie Posts: 295 Member
    There are lots of good videos on youtube! Good luck, just keep swimming :)
  • Ivyzmama
    Ivyzmama Posts: 108 Member
    My mom has also always lost weight just by walking. Do you have a jogging stroller? (can you get a cheap used one?) Jogging strollers have big inflated wheels and can handle the bumpiness and ruts of a farm driveway or even a field, because I figure you need to take your little one out with you to keep an eye on her. Jogging strollers are just easier to use than regular strollers, anyway, especially pulling them up stairs backwards to bring her right into the house in her stroller if she falls asleep on the walk. Make sure you have good shoes for yourself, so that you don't get foot problems. Good shoes cost money, but can last 10 years or more (in the city, where pavements are cleaner; not sure how long they'd last on a farm. Maybe get hiking sneakers? those have big lugs for gripping gravel and extra stability control so that you don't turn your ankle while walking.) I just bought Addidas hiking sneakers from the clearance rack of a local shoe store for $25. They're a hideous shade of florid purple, but they have really good arch support inside and feel really good! And I can wear them just as comfortably on pavement as I can on the dirt road that my town has for a recreational path. I sympathize with you about how hard it is to find the time and energy to exercise when you have a little one; I had a hard time, too. Another idea is to get the cheapest exercise bicycle you can; people are always selling their used ones. It will give you a way to exercise on cold and rainy days. If you have to hold your crying daughter while you ride, then your arms get a workout, too. I have a totally cheap crappy exercise bicycle that still burns calories!
  • lockcharmb
    Wow that's all sounding fantastic! Thanks for taking time to help me (a stranger) out :) I love hearing about sites i can go to, it was a friend of mine who put me onto this site. She's lots a heap load of weight but we now live in differ countries and have differ style lives but she also is such a help. I thought about dvd's. I not long brought a cheep Wii that came with a fitness board and i love it! i just got off it and i laughed when it said, It's been 81 days since your last weigh in. Sad. I have free fitness apps on my iphone wich worked last time but as anyone does you get board so same routines and your body becomes accoustemed to the workouts. I will take all advice onboard and keep my chin up. Thanks all so very much.