What to eat/do at parties?

I am pretty disciplined when I have a normal schedule. I worked out everyday and I am always watching what I am eating. However yesterday and many times before, I will eat way more than I should when I am at parties. Yesterday, I went to a Christmas party and ate a lot of calories. Can anyone give me some advice or tricks to do when at social events? I would really appreciate it :)


  • PRprincess
    PRprincess Posts: 200 Member
    Try to eat before you go. When you arrive try to go for the crackers, veggies, or fruits.. Drink LOTS of water!. Happy holidays. :D
  • lisabinco
    lisabinco Posts: 1,016 Member
    I always eat before I go, because there is rarely healthy food at these events. As a vegetarian, I learned that lesson long ago. If there's alcohol, I will have a glass of wine and sip it all evening. If there is a veggie tray, I load my plate with that first (skip the dips) and then sometimes will take a taste of a few things there. Just a bit. I totally stay away from the stuff that triggers my overeating: white sugar and white flour.
    If I eat too much or too badly (or both), I just do better the next day.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I'm of the "enjoy the party" camp.

    Also, I if I know I'm going to have a caloric feast, I might stay 50-100 calories under the rest of the week to give myself more wiggle room.
  • GCLyds
    GCLyds Posts: 206 Member
    I'm of the "enjoy the party" camp.

    Also, I if I know I'm going to have a caloric feast, I might stay 50-100 calories under the rest of the week to give myself more wiggle room.

    Yeah me too. I just eat really light during that day, and then enjoy the food at the party, while trying to have a little portion control. I also make sure to get in a good cardio workout that day as well. As for alcohol, I like to cut loose, so I drink as much as I want to.
  • xilka
    xilka Posts: 308 Member
    I also save up a bit during the week, to compensate for the weekend.
    Or I do an extra workout.

    But I would never eat before going to the party,
    I rather eat raw broccoli all day long so I can eat yummy party food while I'm there.
  • sussexbythesea
    sussexbythesea Posts: 1,335 Member
    Do you actually LIKE the party food? Do you really want to eat it or will it now give you indigestion/nausea? I rarely do so as well as eating before hand as is suggested I then take veg sticks and fresh fruit if there are any and the salad decorations around the high fat stuff if not. Then if there is cheese a small portion of that and plenty of pickles like gherkins as they are low cal. I never drink alcohol and drive so stick to the sparkling water.
  • funkycamper
    funkycamper Posts: 998 Member
    I'm also in the 'join the party' camp. I zigzag my calories throughout the week, eating a bit under M-F so I have more calories allowed for the weekend. The phone app makes this super easy to track. I go for a weekly calorie target, not a daily one.

    I do tend to pick my splurges carefully. If it's not super-duper yummy scrumptious, practically gives me an orgasm, delicious, I don't bother. And it it's something I can get anytime, like potato chips, I don't bother. I go for the yummy stuff that I usually don't have available to me.
  • ebr250
    ebr250 Posts: 199 Member
    I do tend to pick my splurges carefully. If it's not super-duper yummy scrumptious, practically gives me an orgasm, delicious, I don't bother. And it it's something I can get anytime, like potato chips, I don't bother. I go for the yummy stuff that I usually don't have available to me.

    I do the same thing. It really has to be "worth it" for me to eat it and I spend a few moments evaulating the food and what I really want before eating anything. Also if possible I always offer to bring something along to share and I make sure it is on the healthy side.
  • lc52820
    lc52820 Posts: 76 Member
    I do tend to pick my splurges carefully. If it's not super-duper yummy scrumptious, practically gives me an orgasm, delicious, I don't bother. And it it's something I can get anytime, like potato chips, I don't bother. I go for the yummy stuff that I usually don't have available to me.

    I do the same thing. It really has to be "worth it" for me to eat it and I spend a few moments evaulating the food and what I really want before eating anything. Also if possible I always offer to bring something along to share and I make sure it is on the healthy side.

    Agreed...I have a cheat day once a week so if there is something unhealthy that I've been craving or looking forward to, that's the day I get to eat it. If you've been good the rest of the week, one day won't completely ruin things. It makes me feel less deprived & helps me to practice self control. Getting some extra exercise in will help too.

    It is difficult around Christmas time because it seems like there is something going on practically every week plus people at work make cookies or candy and bring it in. I think it's ok to have some Christmas goodies since that's part of the festivities but just keep it within reason :smile:
  • JlenniferL
    JlenniferL Posts: 48 Member
    I'm with the enjoy the party camp. Look and see what is healthy among the foods. Go for small portion sizes, and no 2nds. Drink the water or byobeverage.
  • BeachGingerOnTheRocks
    BeachGingerOnTheRocks Posts: 3,927 Member
    I'm of the "enjoy the party" camp.

    Also, I if I know I'm going to have a caloric feast, I might stay 50-100 calories under the rest of the week to give myself more wiggle room.

    This is what I do as well.
  • MariFitBody
    MariFitBody Posts: 287 Member
    I try to eat well before I get there. Unless theres cake of course :drinker: but No seriously. I do try to eat and definitely exercise that morning so it wont be so bad.
  • NocturnalGirl
    What to eat? Save some calories, control your portions or just enjoy the night for one day!

    What to do? Partayyyy :drinker:
  • MissJanet55
    MissJanet55 Posts: 457 Member
    Eat the shrimp!!

    Seriously, eating before doesn't work for me either. This year, I'm going to make a point of taking along something I'll enjoy eating, and then try and guess at what might be served and if not actually pre-log the calories, then at least have an action plan.

    I do find that if I have a cocktail I'm in trouble, though. Then I get all "what the heck, I'm eating it!!" Not so good.

    That being said, I'm guessing there is going to be one or two rum and eggnogs in my near future. So I'm going to ask myself if it will be worth it, and if the answer is yes I'm going to eat it slowly and enjoy it.
  • wibutterflymagic
    wibutterflymagic Posts: 788 Member
    I don't worry about it and enjoy myself. I have a potluck at work Tues and I'm going to enjoy everything. I'm not going to go overboard and gorge myself but It's only one day and I'm going to enjoy the tasty treats. I know I won't flip out and start eating that kind of stuff everyday there after so I'm not concerned about enjoying one day of it.
  • jmariscal3
    jmariscal3 Posts: 57 Member
    I do an extra workout in the morning if I know I will be at a party. I also drink a full bottle of water before I leave. I try to stick to the veggies and just limit portions of other foods. Portion control is the biggest thing. I stay away from dark sodas and lots of drinks. But it IS only one day- it won't kill you to enjoy yourself just moderate it. The next day hit the gym hard and don't be too hard on yourself. You are human and one day won't blow your year.