
I am motivated by others who have reached, or are close to reaching, their goals through hard work. What motivates all of you?


  • TalonaCat
    TalonaCat Posts: 241
    It's the same for me. I'm also motivated by pictures of myself, because I KNOW what I'm capable of. I just need to stick with the plan.
  • ♥seoid♥
    ♥seoid♥ Posts: 476
    same & summer time coming up!
  • Dayspringwriter
    If you fail to plan, plan to fail!!
  • taylorgirl
    Comparing my before and after pictures! Before 230 pds Woman size 16/18... After 165 size 10! Now I'm motivated to get under my ideal goal by losing an additional 5 lbs by May 7th!:blushing:
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    trying on the jeans that I haven't fit to in years and them being loose. I actually think i am going to go and put my jeans in a row by size/how they fit and watch as I go down the line.
  • 8turboturtle8
    8turboturtle8 Posts: 239 Member
    What motivates me as far as exercise... is taking a class...I am not about to be the quiter with all those eyes on me...I also will not be in the back of the class for that to push!

    What motivates me as far as my goals...reading "I did it" stories and before and after pics of people...including myself. I visualize my inner self as my soon to be outer self :bigsmile: ...not sure that makes sense to anyone but me :laugh:
  • FitbitConnor
    FitbitConnor Posts: 143 Member
    I've never been too fat to do something before, except maybe be a model or wear daniel craig style swimwear but recently i was given an 'experience' day at silverstone GP track in an aston martin and they have a weight limit that i am well over. I now have a deadline and the possibility of not driving my dream car to motivate me! It has just sharpened my focus so now im not able to 'get around to it eventually'
  • mromnek
    mromnek Posts: 325
    Its funny, for me there was no motivation until I misread a scale and thought I had passed the 300 mark. Then I went beyond motivated to determined. No, the things I can do as I continue to lose weight and get fit are motivating me. Riding my bike, running a 5k, new clothes.

    Some recent milestones that are motivating me onward...

    The other day, I wore a size 40 pair of pants for the first time in years. That is down from a size 46 in January.
    A MFP friend commented that I have lost a "small dog." Actually, I have lost 2 lbs more than our medium sized dog.
    I was able to run around the yard chasing/playing with our dog. I couldn't run in January.
    I have been able to ride the exercise bike for 80 minutes. In January, I could do 20 minutes.
    I am now riding at level 10. In January, it was level 6.
  • FitbitConnor
    FitbitConnor Posts: 143 Member
    I just wanted to add that in spite of losing half a stone, i dont look much different, my clothes which were getting way too snug are just about now starting to fit better but the real difference is i can now run a couple of miles per day without feeling dead the next day, i can now do 55 push-ups (when i started i could barely manage 5!) and now do 155 sit-ups (was about 30 when i started) I Sleep better, and feel in much better shape than i was at the beginning of the year. Its a simple fact that if i maintain this the weight will continue to drop and i will need to buy smaller clothes eventually. So in short i think that small goals are JUST as important as the big ones for motivation and remember to recognize your achievements, if you only think of the big final goal of getting to your ideal weight then you forget about all the steps in between. It takes over 40,000 steps to run a marathon, take any one of them away and the race is lost so no matter how minor remember your achievements!