December/ January Goals?

CW 202 lbs
Goal 185 lbs
I know it is a lot to shoot for but I am going to try. What are your goals for this or next month?

1/26 185 lbs


  • pixied12
    pixied12 Posts: 27 Member
    Hi, I'm new here too! I'm going through Gastric Bypass (Roux-en-Y) Surgery on Jan. 14, 2013 which is perfect because it's between Christmas and my birthday (Jan, 28, early birthday present to myself). My surgeon said to join this site, so here I am. I have one question: How are you dealing with Christmas Parties? My goals are to loose enough weight just to be healthy and to gain support and give suppot to others.
  • ohmissemily
    ohmissemily Posts: 73 Member
    im trying to get down to 249 for my bday or lower...i put a big goal up and intend on making it by january 26. and 200 by august 24. and then just simply go by 10 lbs from then on...
    i just have a bit of more over eating...ima eat anything and whatever i want whenever i want...just only half of it...basiclly watching my cals and making wiser choices too. and drink green/black tea and water like a crazy woman and keeping up with my workouts..something just came over me after getting pneumonia and having my doc get on my *kitten* again about getting my blood sugar for my type 2 just wanting to get the majority of this weight off asap and then maintain and enjoy it for a bit and then start up again cuz after that its all about vanity lol....but yeah just thought it was time to buckle down...1 yr goes by super fast for me and its gonna be december again before i know it and i dont wanna spend another Christmas and birthday fat and unhealthy. times up and its time for me to grow up and take responsibilty for my own health.
  • QueenGreb
    thank you for sharing, you keep it up and reward yourself for what you have already accomplished! and look forward to meeting and exceeding your goals!
  • QueenGreb
    I hope your surgery goes well and you are able to live happy and healthy in your new life =)
  • mgobluetx12
    mgobluetx12 Posts: 1,326 Member
    I'm not going to put a number out there as a goal because we have little control over the number on the scale. My goal for the remainder of December and all of January is to get in 3 weight lifting sessions and 2 cardio classes each week and to eat back half of my exercise calories.
  • assassin_86
    assassin_86 Posts: 9 Member
    CW: 176.5
    GW by Dec 31 is 159lbs.

    Good luck with your goal for this month! I'm hoping to achieve my goal as well. It's hard being injured and not being able to workout like I want to but thank goodness I'm able to still stick to my diet.
  • QueenGreb
    That is a great goal! Keep it up ladies, stay motivated!