Up coming Holiday Parties

Ok, I'm just starting out and I don't want to backslide already. my job is having its first of many holiday parties starting this week. I was asked to bring a dish. After listening to all of the other dishes that were being brought in and so many of them are items, I'm trying to avoid at the moment. I said I would bring in a Veggie lasagna. At least I know there will be one thing there that I will be able to eat and still feel that I am part of the festivities. I'm trying to mentally figure out what I will sample, so that I'm mingling, but not over doing it. I know an employee is bringing smoke salmon, so that's something I can have. Of course the veggies and I will sip on lime flavored water to help me stay full and not over do it.....
How are others planning to handle the holiday parties?


  • calajane
    I have only one festive dinner to "look forward to" and unfortunately here, there's a tradition of tasting every dish served, so I will have to have at least one bite of all 12 dishes... Thankfully 4 of those will be soups that are relatively low fat, so I'll just have to eat little of everything and probably add more exercise at the end of the day.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Plan the rest of your day to allow for a little more wiggle room for the party.

    The only way a party will make you backslide is if you let your mind play tricks on you and you listen to that little voice that says, "Oh, you ate cookies. You already blew it. Might as well quit."

    It's not the calories that make people fail. It's that they listen to that stupid little voice. Tell it to STFU.
  • mmkinch1
    Just follow your diet the rest of the week, and don't beat yourself up if you go a little over at the party. Hinch the word little, not overboard. I always tell myself before going into any party that I am going to stay away from the higher calorie food and stick to the vegetable trays and healthier selections. Once I actually get to the party all that winds up going out the window. So eat a small portion of your lasanga, some of the smoked salmon, and the vegetable tray. Log whatever else you eat even if you go over your calories. You could also make sure the rest of your meals for the day aren't high in calories so it gives you more room for the party. Filling up with a large low calorie salad before you get there may help as well. Good Luck!!!
  • jiggy_gibby
    First, Bravo on your 26 pound loss! Remember the following:

    - You are planning ahead and planning for success- eat the lasagna and salmon and veggies - and log it.

    -You don't need to eat anything to be polite for anyone else.

    -Bring a smaller paper plate and use that.

    -Keep your water in your hand at all times.

    -How about adopting a "been there, ate that before" mentality? You've had some of those dishes before, they taste the same. If you ever crave them, you can make or buy it yourself. I think to myself "This is not the only time I will see sugar cookies or potato salad or whatever it is I am about to put on my plate." Sure, you can eat all the things there but you would never eat them all on the same day in normal life. Just log what you do eat and keep moving. (For me, it's the mental battle more than anything else).

    We all have a lot of parties to get through. Take it one small, reasonable plate at a time. :)
  • IronPlayground
    IronPlayground Posts: 1,594 Member
    Keep your daily deficits for the other days in the week, plan your day so that you will have extra calories for the party, and don't freak out if you go over slightly. Remember, you're eating at a deficit. If you happen to go over by a little you are still, most likely, under maintenance.

    Plan your diet around your life, not your life around your diet.
  • Cranktastic
    Cranktastic Posts: 1,517 Member
    6! 6 Holiday Party Topics! AH HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Seriously though, just track your food, and leave a little room for treats...IMO it is a good idea to maintain over the holidays anyway...Enjoy life.
  • mominwi419
    My first stop at any party is the veggie tray. I grab a little plate and fill my plate half full with veggies. Next stop is the leanest protein I can find. The last birthday party I was at it was chicken wings. Not totally lean, but I pulled off the skin. Then, I use whatever room I have left (usually very little) for the things I really want to try. At the same party, it was the stuffed mushrooms.
  • Nikkismission
    Nikkismission Posts: 54 Member
    Thank you all for the great advice. I'm still so new at this, that I just feel that I haven't enough restraint to pass things by. I love bad foods lol... fried foods, salty foods, pasta and this is why I've been having such a heard time succeeding. I get bored with salads easily and really need to find more healthful easy recipes to cook for myself. Being that the party is in the office and will be an ongoing thing all day, I hope to keep myself very busy. I think i'm going to start out eating oatmeal this Tuesday morning, so that I'm not tempted to overeat all day with nibbling. I'm also going to bring me some carrots and celery sticks to snack on.
  • MrWThompson
    MrWThompson Posts: 19 Member
    I am with you. Being a teacher, we are some of the worse offenders this time of year. Our holiday party is this Thursday and I know all of the old offenders will be there.

    I just figure, I will write Thursday off! My thoughts are, if I behave all week and just take our staff holiday party off, I should be able to make the week a wash. Or with some effort at the gym and watching the diet carefully the other six days, maybe still have a small lose.

    Best of luck to us all during the holiday season!

  • Sunbeam0904
    Sunbeam0904 Posts: 53 Member
    Plan the rest of your day to allow for a little more wiggle room for the party.

    The only way a party will make you backslide is if you let your mind play tricks on you and you listen to that little voice that says, "Oh, you ate cookies. You already blew it. Might as well quit."

    It's not the calories that make people fail. It's that they listen to that stupid little voice. Tell it to STFU.

    This is brilliant. I know this is an old post but I was looking for advice for all these upcoming holiday parties. I just ate all my day's calories at the last two holiday luncheons and I see this becoming a pattern! But I lovvvve this advice, because it's true, the other day when I ate too much at the luncheon I was like, watever, I'll start again tomorrow. But today I'm counting every bite and staying true to this lifestyle of becoming and being healthy. I'm going to tell that stupid little voice to take a hike! Thank you!